List of Items

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index
List of Items | NPC Items | Buildable Items | Credit Items | Vidiian Items | Syndicate Items | Easter Items | Halloween Items | Avatars
ID Item Name Effect Availability
1 Goods.gif EPS Accumulator +10 EPS Capacity, -20 Storage Unknown
2 Goods.gif Greatly Improved Reactor +4 Reactor Power Unknown
3 Goods.gif Additional Disruptor Circuit +2 Disruptor strength Unknown
4 Goods.gif Improved Shields +20 Shields, -10 Hull Unknown
5 Goods.gif Improved Reactor +2 Reactor Power Unknown
6 Goods.gif Storage Hangar +100 Storage, -20 Hull Unknown
7 Goods.gif Sensor Array +1 LRS-Sensors, -1 Reactor Unknown
8 Goods.gif Torpedo Defense System +5% Torpedo evasion, -5 Hull, -50 Cargo bay Unknown
9 Goods.gif Diborit Crystal Emitter +3 Phaser Strength Unknown
10 Goods.gif Triborid Crystal Emitter +4 Phaser strength, -15% EPS capacity Unknown
11 Goods.gif Superior Bussard Collectors +1 Bussard collectors efficency, -20% Warpcore Unknown
12 Goods.gif Small Torpedo Storage +10 Torpedo Storage Unknown
13 Goods.gif Large Torpedo Storage +20 Torpedo storage, -150 Cargo Space Unknown
14 Goods.gif Warp Plasma Storage +200 Warp Core Capacity, -50 Cargo Space Unknown
15 Goods.gif Additional Maneuvering Thrusters +10 Torpedo Evasion, -15% Hull Unknown
16 Goods.gif Shield Emitter for Warp Nacelles +35 Shields, -15% Flight range Unknown
17 Goods.gif Warp Nacelle +50% Flight range, -20% EPS capacity Unknown
18 Goods.gif Tractor Beam Blocker +Tractor Beam Blocking Sold with Christmas Auction Ships in 2009. Withdrawn in 2011. Players were refunded 1000 Credits per module.
19 Goods.gif Light Hull Armour +20 Hull Unknown
20 Goods.gif Medium Hull Armour -35 Hull, -10% Flight Range, +1 Hull armor Unknown
21 Goods.gif Heavy Hull Armor -50 Hull, -15% Flight range, +2 Armor Unknown
22 Goods.gif Cargo Transporter +15 Beam capacity, -60 Storage capacity Sold with Christmas Auction Ships in 2009. Withdrawn in 2011. Players were refunded 1000 Credits per module.
23 Goods.gif Replicator +Replicator Sold with Christmas Auction Ships in 2009. Withdrawn in 2011. Players were refunded 1000 Credits per module.
24 Goods.gif Solar Collectors +Solar Panels, -10% hull Unknown
25 Goods.gif Deuterium Tank +100 special storage for deuterium Unknown
26 Goods.gif Ore Container +100 special storage for iridium ore Unknown
27 Goods.gif Fusion Reactors +4 reactor output Unknown
28 Goods.gif Aluminium Hull -50% Flight costs (Max. -5), +10 Flight range, -5% Hull(Min. -5 / Max -100) Unknown
29 Goods.gif Dispersion-Armor +3 Armor Unknown
30 waren.gif Ablative hull armor +1 Armour Unknown
31 waren.gif ADMIN AzaBasic [ADMIN]-Item: Never give it into player's hands! ADMIN Only
32 waren.gif ADMIN AzaPlus [ADMIN]-Item: Never give it into player's hands! ADMIN Only
33 waren.gif ADMIN Proximo [ADMIN]-Item: In no case can this enter players hands! ADMIN Only
34 waren.gif ADMIN Aza Station [ADMIN]-Item: In no case can this enter players hands! ADMIN Only
35 waren.gif ADMIN Solar Cells + Replicator [ADMIN]-Item: In no case can this enter players hands! ADMIN Only
36 waren.gif INVALIDED OUT Timeshield Prevents the complete destruction of the ship ADMIN Only
37 waren.gif ADMIN Weighted companion cube Use only if the item is within the next few minutes later destroyed and does not go to players! ADMIN Only
38 waren.gif ADMIN Flight inability 0 Flight Range ADMIN Only
39 waren.gif ADMIN Tick-Trigger This item triggers a Tick of the whole server! ADMIN Only
40 waren.gif ADMIN Ultimate Cheat - Creating and removing goods (Modify Ressources)

- Create modules (build modules)
- Counts existing modules of one type (Count Module)
- Destroy existing modules of one type (Destroy Module)
- Modified the energy of the target (Modify Energy)
- Allows docking and undocking of a target vessel (Dock Undock)
- Allows the alert level of a target vessel change (alert)

41 waren.gif Sensor Array +1 LRS-Range, +1 LRS-Range (on the HUD of the ship) Unknown
42 waren.gif Safe EPS-Feedback Fills EPS, -50 Storage, -50% Flight Range for 1 tick Unknown
43 waren.gif Prototype: EPS-Feedback Fills the EPS between 100 and 250 units and reduces the flight range for this ship by 50% until the next tick. 30 units storage needed at any time. Unknown
44 waren.gif Charger Gold-Edition 100 Units of Energy are Transferred from the EPS to the Emergency Battery Unknown
45 waren.gif Charger Silver-Edition 30 Units of Energy are Transferred from the EPS to the Emergency Battery Unknown
46 waren.gif Emergency Repair Team Alpha Repairs the hull of a ship about 50 to 80 points and empties for this the EPS of the ship completely Could be purchased for 65 Credits. Module was withdrawn in 2011 and players were credited 75 Credits per module
47 waren.gif Emergency Repair Team Beta Repairs the hull of a ship during 3 rounds up to 150 points. The repair will consume 15 energy and 1 emergency robot (Crew) per round and reduce the reactor capacity by 2. Could be purchased for 60 Credits. Module was withdrawn in 2011 and players were credited 70 Credits per module
48 waren.gif Bussard Tuning Kit +1 Bussard Collector Efficiency, -1 Reactor, -10 Flight Range Could be purchased for 60 Credits. Module was withdrawn in 2011 and players were credited 70 Credits per module
49 waren.gif Ore For All! The Phaser heating raises by 2, besides, the shield emitter empties completely and puts the ion level of the shields on maximum, so that a renewed loading is possible only after 3 rounds again. Could be purchased for 60 Credits. Module was withdrawn in 2011 and players were credited 70 Credits per module
50 waren.gif Temporary Storage Hangar The ship hull lose 60 points immediately, in exchange it has for the coming 10 rounds about 300 additional storage bay. Unknown
51 waren.gif Energy Shield Coupling The ship energy is filled up by 40 for which the shields are unloaded by 40 points. A renewed loading of the shields is possible only after 3 rounds. Unknown
52 waren.gif Nano-coating +15 Max. torpedo heating Unknown
53 waren.gif Freight Vehicle + 10 Beam Capacity, - 50 Storage Unknown
54 waren.gif Emergency Android Program +3 Crew Unknown
55 waren.gif Small Warpcore Pack Warpcore is filled with 100 units Included on all credit ship purchases.
56 waren.gif Large Warpcore Pack Warpcore is filled with 350 units Unknown
57 waren.gif Shield Normalizer Sets the Ion Level of the Shields to 0 Unknown
58 waren.gif Ship Computer Upgrade -50% Base Crew, -2 Reactor (3 Hour Cooldown) Unknown
59 waren.gif Liquid Helium 3 +10 Flight Range, 6 Hour Cooldown with -10 Flight Range Unknown
60 waren.gif Stabilised Helium 3 +15 Flight Range, 9 Hour Cooldown with -15 Flight Range Unknown
61 waren.gif Evacuation Plan Transfers the ship to Nobody (NPC), Reduces storage room to 0, After 500 ticks the ship will be destroyed Unknown
62 waren.gif Hiding Place of the Day Instantly hides the ship, this process empties energy and heats up the engines, reducing flight range by 200 Unknown
90 waren.gif Hull Ionizer Radiation Immunity, -100% Shields, -10% EPS Can be purchased for 100 Credits
93 waren.gif Repair Team Psi +25 Hull, -40% Crew, -20 EPS Can be purchased for Credits
94 waren.gif Repair Team Phi Requires 60% Crew and 40 EPS, repairs to the ship hull by 25 points Can be built in a Orbital Shipyard
95 waren.gif Ionizer prototype Radiation Immunity for 30 minutes, -100% Shields, -20% Energy Can be built in a Orbital Shipyard
96 waren.gif Mobile Replicator +Replicator +1.5 Slots Can be built in a Orbital Shipyard
97 waren.gif Advanced Replicator +0.75 Slots +Replictor Can be purchased for Credits
98 waren.gif S.K.I.E.D. Player of the Dockplan Add "DockplanAdd", Check wheather the players on the Dockplan "DockplanContains", Remove player from Dockplan "DockplanRemove" Unknown
99 waren.gif W.B.L.R.S. +10 LRS Range, -10 Energy, 1 hour cool off Unknown
110 waren.gif AzaZeroCrew Unknown ADMIN Only
111 waren.gif Arakis MAIN Always: Protects against Beam actions of non-admins, Protects against the destruction of the ship
When Activated:Fills the EPS on when it falls below 10 energy, Resets flight range above 20 when it falls to 0, Negates all attacks against the ship, Activates a ships DesignMode
215 waren.gif Bat'leth No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Klingon ships.
216 waren.gif Funny Game NPC
218 waren.gif Klingon Disruptor +3 Disruptor Power Can be found in the debris field of Klingon ships.
240 waren.gif Portal Generator Can under certain conditions send ships to other connected locations Automatically created and installed when a subspace portal is built
263 waren.gif Cloaking Device Cloaks Ship in the LRS NPC Only
268 waren.gif Instant Probe Unpacks into a nomal Probe Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
273 waren.gif Wormhole Entry Transports a station to any point on the map, usable once, object is bound Comes on all stations sold during the Christmas Ship Auctions
275 waren.gif Portal Deflector Coupling Extends the deflector capacity of Portals Can be created by a Large Subspace Gate
277 waren.gif Superior Technology Improves Values of all NPC Ships Automatically Installed on all NPC Ships. NPC Only.
284 waren.gif Stable Omega Particle Reactor Power: +30%, Phaser Strength: +2, Disruptor strength: +2, shields: +25%, hull armor: +1, flight cost: -40%, LRS: +1, max. flight range: -10, Beam Capacity: +10, deflector charge: +60%, Deflector: +40%, EPS +40%, slots: +1 NPC Only
285 waren.gif Portal Transponder Connects two subspace portals Can be created by a Subspace Portal for 20 Isolinear Chips
350 waren.gif Warpcore Disassembly +10% Weapon Strength, +10% Flight Range, +10% Shield Strength, +20% Cargo Bay, -60% Flight Cost, Warpcore is removed, Only works on vessels smaller than 3 slots Can be purchased for Credits
943 0.gif Avatar Provides a wide option of different abilities. Can also just be used for RP purposes. Can be purchased for 75 Credits
944 0.gif TestAvatar Test Avatar - Not a Player Item ADMIN Only
945 0.gif AvatarController Avatar Controller - Not a Player Item ADMIN Only
1000 1474.gif Holo Emitter - Imperial Flagship Changes the ship image to that of a Terran Empire Sovereign Class Flagship Unknown
1001 1474.gif Holo Emitter - Imperial Battleship Changes the ship image to that of a Terran Empire Galaxy Class Battleship Unknown
1002 1474.gif Holo Emitter - Imperial Prometheus Changes the ship image to that of a Terran Empire Prometheus Class Unknown
1003 1474.gif Holo Emitter - Imperial Station Changes the ship image to that of a Terran Empire Supply Station Unknown
1004 1474.gif Holo Emitter - Imperial Defiant Changes the ship image to that of a Terran Empire Defiant Class Unknown
1005 1474.gif Holo Emitter - Imperial Akira Changes the ship image to that of a Terran Empire Akira Class Unknown
waren.gif Proximo Colonies 117-189 Each module displays the text of a chapter of the Proximo Colonies, 1117 displays chapter 117, 1118 displays chapter 118 etc. Unknown
1400 Item-1400.gif Polypluid Emotionchip No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1401 Item-1401.gif Datachip +5 ISOs Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1402 1402.gif Empty Disruptor Battery + 2 Plasteel, + 3 Duranium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1403 1403.gif Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition -5 maximum Crew +200 Cargo Space Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1404 Item-1404.gif Vidiian duct tape 5 hull repair, 5 charges Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1405 Item-1405.gif Charred EPS-Conduction No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1406 Item-1406.gif Used up hypospray No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1407 Item-1407.gif Disruptor-Rifle box +1 Disruptor -4% Hull Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1408 Item-1408.gif Cat Torpedo Evasion +4% (max. 74%), +1 Base Crew, -40 Cargo Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1409 Item-1409.gif Damaged Assassin Droid -2 Crew Members Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1410 Item-1410.gif Phaser Type 1 +1 Energy Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1411 Item-1411.gif Damaged energy-droid +100 Energy Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1412 Item-1412.gif Relic No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1413 Item-1413.gif Original A4 sheet of paper 0.1% chance for losing 1 crewmen per tick Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1414 Item-1414.gif Tongocard No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1415 1415.gif Yellowed Documents No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1416 1416.gif Rusty Soda Can +1 Flight Range Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1417 1417.gif Energy-whip +1 EPS for 10 ticks Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1418 1418.gif Small Shuttle Wreckage +2 Crew max, -20 Storage Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1419 1419.gif Inactive field-regulator +1000 Warpcore, max. 10,000 Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1420 1420.gif Storage device 10K-TB 10 Isochips Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1421 1421.gif Coloring Crystal - Blue +2 Phaser strength (max 15) Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1422 1422.gif Coloring crystal - Olive Green +1 Phaser Power, +2 Disruptor Power Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1423 1423.gif Coloring Crystal - Violet +4 disruptor power (max. 30) Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1424 1424.gif Dom-Jot Cue No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1425 1425.gif Coloring crystal - Gold Changes Disruptor color to gold Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1426 1426.gif Damaged magnetic field generator +1 Bussard Collector for 12 hours Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1427 1427.gif Self-sealing stem bolts +1 Docking Port Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1428 1428.gif Vadwaur EMP Generator No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1429 1429.gif Skin-Transplant No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1430 1430.gif Bat'leth No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1431 1431.gif Logbook-Buoy +10 Isolinear Chips Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1432 1432.gif Screw from an ancient machine No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1433 1433.gif Energy storage device of an ancient machine No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1434 1434.gif Cogwheel of an ancient machine No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1435 1435.gif Casing of an ancient machine No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1436 1436.gif Propulsion module of an ancient machine No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1437 1437.gif Ferengi emergency rations 5 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1438 1438.gif Flamejewel No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1439 1439.gif Cardassian MK-12 scanner No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1440 1440.gif Piece of an asteroid 10 Ore, 5 Nitrium, 1 Sorium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1441 1441.gif Mad cleaning robot -1 Base Crew (Min. 3), -2 Max Crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1442 1442.gif Burnt Out Dilithium Crystal No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1443 1443.gif Terran Teddy No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1444 1444.gif Duotron Chip Construction Ships can build probes Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1445 1445.gif Knife of Kirom +3 Phaser Power (Max. 15), +6 Disruptor Power (Max. 30), +1 Armour, +5% torpedo evasion (Max 74%) for 10 minutes, afterwards item is functionless for 30 minutes. Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1446 1446.gif Stellar Firewater No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1447 1447.gif L647X7 No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1448 1448.gif Space Scrap +2 Plasteel, +1 Duranium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1449 1449.gif Handkerchief No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1450 1450.gif Broken shredder +2 Plasteel Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1451 1451.gif Saurian Brandy No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1452 1452.gif Plasma Torch -100 Hull, +250 Duranium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1453 1453.gif Blackberry +10 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1454 1454.gif Black Key No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1455 1455.gif Sample of a Dark-Matter-Asteroid No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1456 1456.gif CD-ROM album No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1457 1457.gif One Euro Coin +1 Credit Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1458 1458.gif The Teachings of Surak +5 Crew, -200 Storage Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1459 1459.gif Encyclopedia of Species 2 Isolinear Chips Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1460 1460.gif Kal-toh +2% Torpedo evasion, +2 Basic Crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1461 1461.gif Horga'hn Ship is completely Incapacitated for 24 hours Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1462 1462.gif Dermal regenerator No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1463 1463.gif Optolic Data Stick Construction Ships can build LRS Buoys Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1464 1464.gif Transparent Aluminium 15 Hull reparation Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1465 1465.gif Hyperspanner 10 times, -25 shields, +23 Energy Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1466 1466.gif Old reaction chamber No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1467 1467.gif Odd piece of hardware Construction ship can build EMP mines. Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1468 1468.gif Fusion cutter -1 Hull Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1469 1469.gif Antimatter Injector No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1470 1470.gif Dusty Photo Album Disguises your ship as a T'Pau Class Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1471 1471.gif Plasma Cutter Wreckage extraction, -100 Cargo Space Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1472 1472.gif Small magnetic field generator +1 Reactor Power, -10 Cargo Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1473 1473.gif System Bypass Device Shield Ion Level = 0, 0 reactor for 18 hours Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1474 1474.gif Emergency launching device Flight range 0, Weapons half strength, Image of a comet, Deactivateable Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1475 1475.gif 35" Wrench It Will Repair the ship by about 100 points over the next 3 hours. Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1476 1476.gif Tongo board Torpedo Evasion +2% (Max. 74%), +3 base crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1477 1477.gif Dom-jot table Torpedo Evasion +2% (Max. 74), +2 base crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1478 1478.gif Virian Crystal + 10% Reactor Output Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1479 1479.gif Ancient Star Map +2 Isolinear Chips Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1480 1480.gif Dabotable No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1481 1481.gif Januex No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1482 1482.gif Empty Escape Pod No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1483 1483.gif Enappes sapphire Ship is hidden in the LRS for 12 hours Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1484 1484.gif Defective combustion engine No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1485 1485.gif Lek Coin No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1486 1486.gif Slot Machine +2 Base Crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1487 1487.gif Synit Coin No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1488 1488.gif Vidiian Type A - Model Makes the Ship look like a Vidiian Type A Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1489 1489.gif Projectile Weapon One crewman is killed Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1490 1490.gif Bloodwine Keg No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1491 1491.gif Vidiian Type B - Model Makes your ship look like a Vidiian Type B Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1492 1492.gif Vidiian Type C - Model Makes the Ship look like a Vidiian Type C Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1493 1493.gif D'k tahg No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1494 1494.gif Old Bible No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1495 1495.gif Cleaning Droid -1 Standard Crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1496 1496.gif Armed Torpedo +1 Photon torpedo Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1497 1497.gif Scorched plasma coil No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1498 1498.gif 5x Compressed Hydrogen No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1499 1499.gif Plasma Injector No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1500 1500.gif Purified ore +100 Iridium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1501 1501.gif Antimatter injector No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1502 1502.gif Sorium Crystal +2 Soruim Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1503 1503.gif Matter injector No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1504 1504.gif Rocket from the 20th century -1 Flight costs not under one, burning time: 10 minutes Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1505 1505.gif Weapons experts Phaser Strength +2, max. 15, +3 base crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1506 1506.gif Romulan Photo No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1507 1507.gif Plasma line No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1508 1508.gif Defective EPS-Line No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1509 1509.gif Round thing No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1510 1510.gif Plasma Control No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1511 1511.gif Damaged Sleeping-Chamber +5 Maximum crew, -30 warehouse Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1512 1512.gif Glass Cube No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1513 1513.gif Ico Berries +10 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1514 1514.gif Unusable Torpedoes Ship can fire (exclusively) quantum torpedoes Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1515 1515.gif Triple sealed letter +200 External Reputation Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1516 1516.gif Andorian Tuber Root +5 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1517 1517.gif Wreck Scraps Makes the Ship look like a debris field, -40 storage, 0 Flight Range Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1518 1518.gif Federation uniform -50% Weapons Strength, Sets Hangar Slots to 0, Ship Type Becomes Civilian Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1519 1519.gif Chameleon Rose -2 Crew base, not less than 3 Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1520 1520.gif Defective Borg Drone Assimilation the ship (transfers it to the borg account) Can be found in the Debris Field of a Borg Ship
1521 1521.gif 3.5" hard drive No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1522 1522.gif Tulaberry +10 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1523 1523.gif Leather Seatcovers No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1524 1524.gif Vidiian Video No effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1525 1525.gif Vulcan mint +1 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1526 1526.gif Brittle Antimatter Tank No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1527 1527.gif Tactical Cube Ornament Image of a Borg Tactical Cube, 0 Flight Range Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1528 1528.gif Jumja-Stick 2 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1529 1529.gif Probe Fragments +1 LRS Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1530 1530.gif Gramilian sand peas 5 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1531 1531.gif Crate full of Spacesuits Radiation immunity for 3 hours, after 7 days can not be used Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1532 1532.gif Planetary Catalog No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1533 1533.gif Yamok sauce 2 food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1534 1534.gif Admiral Uniform +3 Phaser Power (Max. 12), +6 Disruptor Power (Max. 28), +1 Armour, +5% torpedo evasion (Max. 69%). After 12 minutes -3 Phaser Power, -6 Disruptor Power, -1 Armour, -5% torpedo evasion for the rest of the day. Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1535 1535.gif Coconut drink +2 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1536 1536.gif Old Starfleet Uniform No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1537 1537.gif Empty EPS-Tank +10 EPS Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1538 1538.gif Janeway's mirror No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1539 1539.gif New Starfleet Uniform + 5 Crew Max, -200 Cargo Hold Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1540 1540.gif Solar Sails Reduces the flycosts by 10% (Not under 1), -100 Storage space Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1541 1541.gif System Failure Better off left drifting in space Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1542 1542.gif 3d Chess +2% Evasion +2 Base Crew Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1543 1543.gif Scrap +10 Duranium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1544 1544.gif Pillows -1 Crew for 2 hours Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1545 1545.gif Dom-Jot-Spheres No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1546 1546.gif Fake Credits No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1547 1547.gif Water Bucket No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1548 1548.gif Duotron Componants +1% Torp Evasion (Max. 74%) Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1549 1549.gif Fake Larne +Larne Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1550 1550.gif Foldable Stargate No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1551 1551.gif Touchscreen-Pinboard +1 LRS Range Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1552 1552.gif Cube-shaped stone No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1553 1553.gif Silver federation symbol +3 Maximum Crew, - 120 cargo Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1554 1554.gif Old Transport Rocket No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1555 1555.gif Biscuit Package 10 Food Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1556 1556.gif Earl Grey tea set No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1557 1557.gif Central Computer 0 Base Crew, deactivateable Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1558 1558.gif Warp Plasma Tank No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1559 1559.gif Repulse Motor No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1560 1560.gif Battlemech TX Alpha No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1561 1561.gif Battlemech TX Gamma No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1562 1562.gif Damaged laser drilling System Number of Phasers = 1, Phaser power = 5, for an hour Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1563 1563.gif Old satellite dish No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1564 1564.gif Klingon Warrior Statue No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1565 1565.gif Tube grubs stainless cutlery No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1566 1566.gif Empty Ketracel-White Case No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1567 1567.gif Kheh residues No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1568 1568.gif Empty Blood Wine bottles No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1569 1569.gif Defective 3D Chess Game No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1570 1570.gif Defective Construction Drone +Wreck Extraction, -20 Cargo Space Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1571 1571.gif Quadrant Map +2 Isolinear Chips Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1572 1572.gif Ju'day Cockpit +2 Plasteel, +3 Duranium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1573 1573.gif Tool Box 100 times, 2 hull repair for 4 energy Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1574 1574.gif Voice Modulate No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1575 1575.gif Old Andorian Computerpad No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1576 1576.gif Vadwaur model Disguses your ship as a Vadwaur probe, 0 flight range Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1577 1577.gif Broken polaron modulator +150 Maximum shield power (No more than 20%) for an hour Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1578 1578.gif Defective Graviton-Wave-Generator 0 Flight Cost for 1 minute Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1579 1579.gif Transparent Steel 5 Hull Repair Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1580 1580.gif Radio Wave Reactor No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1581 1581.gif Corusca Stone No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1582 1582.gif Thermal Detonator No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1583 1583.gif Medical help droid -1 Base crew, not less than 3 Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1584 1584.gif Old tripod telescope No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1585 1585.gif Damaged impulse injector +10 reactor power for 14 hours Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1586 1586.gif Damaged Plasma Injector +10% Flight Range for 2 Hours Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1587 1587.gif Empty Plasma Tank No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1588 1588.gif Defective drive coils Current value = new flight range value - maximum flight range Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1589 1589.gif Incubation Chamber +1 Crew after a day Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1590 1590.gif Cortical stimulators No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1591 1591.gif VISOR +2% Evasion (Max. 69%) Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1592 1592.gif Delta-wave-generator No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1593 waren.gif Defective Phase Regulator No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1594 waren.gif Broken hunting probe No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1595 waren.gif Pony No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1596 waren.gif Bottle of Rum +5 Transport capacity, max. 50 Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1597 waren.gif Flash Paste No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1598 waren.gif Grout remover No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1599 waren.gif Ancient Chrono No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1600 waren.gif Test Not Usable (Only to test the Syndicat Functions) Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1601 waren.gif Frozen Kwi +3 Food, +1 Energy Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1602 waren.gif Phial with lysosomal enzymes No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1603 waren.gif Terellian Diamond No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1605 waren.gif Tricesium +100 Energy Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1606 waren.gif Element 247 +2 Reactor Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1607 waren.gif Liquidator-pass No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1608 waren.gif Ushaan Tor No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1609 waren.gif Defective Thoron Shock Emitter No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1610 waren.gif Old Anti-coagulant No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1611 waren.gif Chaffee Shuttle +10 Plasteel, +8 Duranium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1612 waren.gif Bioneural Gelpacks Torpedo Evasion +1%, max. 69% Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1613 waren.gif Containment Field Generator -20 Hull Heating, 5 Uses Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1614 waren.gif Modified quantum torpedo Unknown Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1615 waren.gif High quality coil key No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1616 waren.gif Ablative armor plating +10 Tritanium Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1617 waren.gif Defective Long-Range Weapon No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1618 waren.gif Regenerative shield generator Holds the ion level of the shields to 0 for exactly 10 minutes, 1 Use Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1619 waren.gif Damaged interphase cloaking device No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1620 waren.gif Hightech sensor-system No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1621 waren.gif Old ZPM No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1622 waren.gif Sublight engine +20% Flight Range, Incompatible with tankers and warp capable ships Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1623 waren.gif Energy weapon of an unknown race Disruptor Guns=1, Disruptor Strength=10 Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1624 waren.gif Deuterium Tank No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1625 waren.gif Antimatter Tank No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1626 waren.gif Ablative Generator +2 Hull Armor, 8 Maximum, for 30 Minutes Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1627 waren.gif Cuddly Squirrel No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1628 waren.gif Beauty Kit Makes not only the ship is beautiful, but also more space in the storage room. Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1629 waren.gif The syndicat look No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1630 waren.gif Pattern for Tribble hair sweaters -10 Tribbles, +1 Tribble sweater, 1 min time knitting, 50 Uses Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1631 waren.gif Tribble hair sweater +1 Phaser heating for 10 min Can be produced from a Pattern for Tribble hair sweaters and 10 Tribbles
1632 waren.gif Birthday Cake No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1633 waren.gif Jack-biscuit No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1634 waren.gif Syndicate Hologram Produces a hologram of an Orion Syndicate LX710b Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1636 waren.gif Virus Unknown effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
1637 waren.gif Recognition Medal No Effect Awarded for fighting the Suliban
1638 waren.gif Transcendence Wanted Poster No Effect Can be found in the Debris Field of an Orion Syndicate Ship
2463 waren.gif Disposable Energy Plasma Cell This supply's a drone with energy then destroys them as soon as the energy is depleted Automatically installed on all Scientia drones
4050 waren.gif Experimental interference field generator Unknown Unknown
4051 waren.gif Prototype beam protection generator Unknown Unknown
4052 Goods.gif Semi-stable Omega Reactor Power: +15%, Phaser Strength: +2, Disruptor strength: +2, shields: +15%, hull armor: +1, flight cost: -25%, LRS: +1, max. flight range: -10, Beam Capacity: +10, deflector charge: +20%, Deflector: +10%, EPS +20%, slots: +1. Lasts for approximately one week. Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4053 Goods.gif Dilithium Crystal - Blue Phaser Strength +4 (Max. 15), Lasts for approximately 3 weeks Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4054 Goods.gif Dilithium Crystal - Green Phaser Strength +3 (Max. 15), Disruptor Strength +4 (Max. 28) Lasts for approximately 3 weeks Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4055 Goods.gif Dilithium Crystal - Red Can damage the ship when used, + 20% shields, + 5 Disruptor strength (Max. 35). Lasts for approximately 2 weeks Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4056 Goods.gif Dilithium Crystal - Gold +2 Phaser Banks, -2 Phaser Strength Lasts for approximately 1 month Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4057 Goods.gif Dilithium Crystal - Turquoise +2 Disruptor Banks, -2 Disruptor Strength Lasts for approximately 1 month Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4058 Goods.gif Hull Ionizer MK0.5 1 hour radiation immunity. 10 hours cooldown. Lasts for approximately 3 weeks Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4059 Goods.gif Central Computer V2.0 -90% Base crew (maximum 35). Lasts for a few days Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
4060 Goods.gif Sensor array V1.5 + 2 LRS Range Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
9901 Goods.gif Tactical Bunny +4% Evasion, +1 Base Crew, -40% Cargo Space Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 1 Easter Token
9905 Goods.gif Custom Text Item Pure RP Item which can have its name and description changed Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 1 Easter Token
9906 Goods.gif Shield Tuning Set Mk VI +150 Maximum Shield Capacity, -70 Maximum Hull Strength Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 10 Easter Tokens
9907 1403.gif Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition -5 maximum Crew +200 Cargo Space Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 5 Easter Tokens
9908 1529.gif Probe Fragments +1 LRS Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 14 Easter Tokens
9909 1591.gif VISOR +2% Evasion (Max. 69%) Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 2 Easter Tokens
9910 1540.gif Solar Sails -10% Flight Cost (Not Under 1), -100 Storage room Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 15 Easter Tokens
9911 Goods.gif EPS Buffer Type II +30 EPS, -20 Energy Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 2 Easter Tokens
9912 1531.gif Crate full of Spacesuits Radiation Immunity for 3 Hours, 7 day cooldown Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 5 Easter Tokens
9913 Goods.gif Instant Probe Unpacks itself into a normal Probe Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 10 Easter Tokens
9914 Goods.gif Tritanium Helmet Effects last 9 Hours, +10 Hull, +1 Armour, 9 Hour Cooldown, Single Use Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 5 Easter Tokens
9915 1416.gif Rusty Soda Can +1 Flight Range Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 1 Easter Token
9916 1489.gif Old Incubator +1 Crew after 1 Day Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 2 Easter Tokens
9917 1583.gif Medical Help Droid -1 Base Crew, Not Under 3 Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 2 Easter Tokens
9918 Goods.gif Bottle of Rum +5 Beam Capacity (Max 50) Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 2 Easter Tokens
9919 Goods.gif Verteron Phalanx Adds a Verteron Phalanx: 2x 26|24 -70% Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 40 Easter Tokens
9920 Goods.gif Verteron Phase Cannon Adds a Verteron Phase Cannon: 76|72 15% Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 40 Easter Tokens
9921 Goods.gif Passive Scanner +2 LRS, 0 Armour Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 40 Easter Tokens
9922 Goods.gif Specialist Squad Exagon Adds Wreck Extractor Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 40 Easter Tokens
9923 Goods.gif Romulan Mine Provides 3 minutes of immunity to energy loss from EMP weapons Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 20 Easter Tokens
9924 1423.gif Coloring Crystal - Violet +4 Disruptor Strength (Applies to weapons with energy costs and hit rates between -30% and 30%) Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 30 Easter Tokens
9925 1421.gif Coloring Crystal - Blue +2 Phaser Strength (Applies to weapons with energy costs and hit rates less than -60%) Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 20 Easter Tokens
9926 Goods.gif Transporter Mk VI +400 Storage Room Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 60 Easter Tokens
9927 50106.gif Damaged Regenerative Hull Plating +1 Armour, -30% Shields Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 20 Easter Tokens
9928 Goods.gif Verteron Torpedo Adds a Verteron Torpedo: 220|180 70% Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 100 Easter Tokens
9929 1422.gif Coloring crystal - Olive Green +1 Phaser Strength, +2 Disruptor Strength Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 100 Easter Tokens
9930 1456.gif Sensor array V1.5 + 2 LRS Range Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 125 Easter Tokens
9931 Goods.gif Extended Pattern Buffer +500 Storage, -10 Beam Capacity Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 125 Easter Tokens
9932 50111.gif Black Market Tuning Set +10% Flight Range, -10% Hull Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 150 Easter Tokens
9934 Goods.gif Barion Ooze Layer -1 Slot -2% Hull Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 150 Easter Tokens
9941 50105.gif Defective Cloaking Generator Changes the ship image to that of a cloaked ship Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 2 Easter Tokens
9942 1517.gif Wreck Scraps Changes the ship image to that of a Debris Field Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 2 Easter Tokens
9943 Goods.gif Cellship Hologram Changes the ship image to that of a Suliban Cellship Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 1 Easter Token
9945 Goods.gif Holo Emitter - Imperial Prometheus Changes the ship image to that of a Imperial Prometheus Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 80 Easter Tokens
9946 Goods.gif Holo Emitter - Romulan Starbase Changes the ship image to that of a Romulan Starbase Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 80 Easter Tokens
9947 Goods.gif Holo Emitter - Klingon Starbase Changes the ship image to that of a Klingon Starbase Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 80 Easter Tokens
9948 Goods.gif Holo Emitter - Drago Changes the ship image to that of a Drago Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 80 Easter Tokens
9949 Goods.gif Holo Emitter - Vidiian Type E Changes the ship image to that of a Vidiian Type E Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for 80 Easter Tokens
9998 Goods.gif Easter Token Can be traded in the Easter Shop for a variety of items Can be found in the Debris Field of an Easter Egg
Can be purchased in the Easter Shop for Credits
10412 waren.gif Defiant Slot Adaption +21 Slots NPC Only
11001 waren.gif Tritanium Kit Christmas Ship Bonus Installed on all ships built during the Christmas Period
12001 waren.gif Commander Data No Effect Unknown
12002 waren.gif Jean-Luc Picard No Effect Unknown
12003 waren.gif Admiral Kira Nerys No Effect Unknown
12004 waren.gif Janeway No Effect Unknown
12005 waren.gif Ambassador Worf No Effect Unknown
12006 waren.gif Ambassador Somalek No Effect Unknown
12007 waren.gif Transwarp Coil +10 Flight Range, +0.25 Slots Unknown
12008 waren.gif Y'Sek of the Hazari No Effect Unknown
12009 waren.gif Foreen Dhal of the Renalu Hes a logistics expert and is able to store goods more efficiently then everyone else. He also knows how to use the transporters more effectively. Unknown
12217 waren.gif Holographic Projector This Holographic projector can produce an illusion of any ship NPC
12232 waren.gif Extractor 2000 +Bussard Collectors, +Ore Collectors, +Wreck Extractors NPC
12250 1520.gif Borg Drone Instantly assimilates the ship Can be found on Borg ships
12341 waren.gif Sensorarray V2 +1 LRS Range for 24 hours, 5 uses Credit
12342 waren.gif Large Propulsion => Reactor Coupler +50 Reactor, -40 Flight Range for 24 hours, -40 Cargo Space Can be purchased for Credits
Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
12361 waren.gif Large Pack of Repair Drones +600 Repair Drones, Repairs 1 hull point per drone, -150 Cargo Space Can be purchased for Credits
Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
12362 waren.gif Pack of Repair Drones +200 Repair Drones, Repairs 1 hull point per drone, -50 Cargo Space Can be purchased for Credits
Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
12372 waren.gif Small Shield => EPS coupler +50 Reactor, -40 Flight Range for 24 hours, -40 Cargo Space Can be purchased for Credits
Can be found in Vidiian Boxes and Containers
15015 waren.gif Grinch Makes your ship look like a Grinch Special
17845 waren.gif Chrysallidem Sensor Phalanx +2 LRS Range Award for participating in 2023 Estixa RP
17846 waren.gif Papilio Deflector Emitter +10% Deflector, -10% Flight Cost, -10% EPS, -10% Main Energy, Radiation Immunity Award for participating in 2023 Estixa RP
17847 waren.gif Mysterious Estixa Hull Plating +10% Hull, +3 Armour, -10% Shields Award for participating in 2023 Estixa RP
17848 waren.gif Experimental Torsion Shield +8% Evasion (Max 50%), -8% Shields Award for participating in 2023 Estixa RP
21801 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for a DY-500 DY-500 class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Federation Badge
21827 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for a Bandari Bandari class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 3 Federation Badges
21828 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for a Cloverfield Cloverfield class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 4 Federation Badges
21829 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for a Kazon Fighter Kazon Fighter class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Federation Badge
21830 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for an Anachrom Anachrom class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Federation Badges
21831 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for a Darinaya Darinaya class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Federation Badge
21832 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for an Adrec Adrec class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Federation Badges
21833 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for an Amaterasu Amaterasu class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Federation Badges
21834 95002.gif Federation Paint Coating for an Aither Aither class Federation Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 8 Federation Badges
21901 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for a DY-500 DY-500 class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Ferengi Badge
21927 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for a Bandari Bandari class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 3 Ferengi Badges
21928 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for a Cloverfield Cloverfield class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 4 Ferengi Badges
21929 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for a Kazon Fighter Kazon Fighter class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Ferengi Badge
21930 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for an Anachrom Anachrom class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Ferengi Badges
21931 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for a Darinaya Darinaya class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Ferengi Badge
21932 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for an Adrec Adrec class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Ferengi Badges
21933 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for an Amaterasu Amaterasu class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Ferengi Badges
21934 95002.gif Ferengi Paint Coating for an Aither Aither class Ferengi Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 8 Ferengi Badges
22201 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for a DY-500 DY-500 class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Borg - Cortical Node
22227 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for a Bandari Bandari class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 3 Borg - Cortical Nodes
22228 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for a Cloverfield Cloverfield class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 4 Borg - Cortical Nodes
22229 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for a Kazon Fighter Kazon Fighter class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Borg - Cortical Node
22230 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for an Anachrom Anachrom class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Borg - Cortical Nodes
22231 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for a Darinaya Darinaya class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Borg - Cortical Node
22232 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for an Adrec Adrec class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Borg - Cortical Nodes
22233 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for an Amaterasu Amaterasu class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Borg - Cortical Nodes
22234 95002.gif Borg Paint Coating for an Aither Aither class Borg Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 8 Borg - Cortical Nodes
22301 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for a DY-500 DY-500 class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Medal of Khaless
22327 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for a Bandari Bandari class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 3 Medals of Khaless
22328 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for a Cloverfield Cloverfield class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 4 Medals of Khaless
22329 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for a Kazon Fighter Kazon Fighter class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Medal of Khaless
22330 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for an Anachrom Anachrom class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Medals of Khaless
22331 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for a Darinaya Darinaya class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Medal of Khaless
22332 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for an Adrec Adrec class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Medals of Khaless
22333 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for an Amaterasu Amaterasu class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Medals of Khaless
22334 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for an Aither Aither class Klingon Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 8 Medals of Khaless
22335 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for an Elstar Elstar class Klingon Reskin May be made available in the Talaxian Shop
22336 95002.gif Klingon Paint Coating for an Iowa Iowa class Klingon Reskin May be made available in the Talaxian Shop
22501 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for a DY-500 DY-500 class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Rhulan Badge
22502 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for an Antares Antares class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Rhulan Badge
22527 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for a Bandari Bandari class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 3 Rhulan Badges
22528 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for a Cloverfield Cloverfield class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 4 Rhulan Badges
22529 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for a Kazon Fighter Kazon Fighter class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Rhulan Badge
22530 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for an Anachrom Anachrom class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Rhulan Badges
22531 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for a Darinaya Darinaya class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 1 Rhulan Badge
22532 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for an Adrec Adrec class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 2 Rhulan Badges
22533 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for an Amaterasu Amaterasu class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Rhulan Badges
22534 95002.gif Rhulan Paint Coating for an Aither Aither class Rhulan Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 8 Rhulan Badges
22627 95002.gif Dominion Paint Coating for a Bandari Bandari class Dominion Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 3 Badges of the Founder's Legion of Honor
22628 95002.gif Dominion Paint Coating for a Cloverfield Cloverfield class Dominion Reskin Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 4 Badges of the Founder's Legion of Honor
50000 50000.gif Federation Badge Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Federation Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Earl Grey
50001 50001.gif Ferengi Badge Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Ferengi Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Tube Grubs
50002 50002.gif Praetorian Badge Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Romulan Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Romulan Ale
50003 50003.gif Medal of Khaless Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Klingon Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Blood Wine
50004 50004.gif Borg - Cortical Node Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Borg Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Vinculum
50005 50005.gif Cardassian Honorable Badge Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Cardassian Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Taspar Eggs
50006 50006.gif Rhulan Badge Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Rhulan Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Contraband
50007 50007.gif Badge of the Founder's Legion of Honor Can be spent in the Talaxian Shop on Dominion Reskins Can be purchased in the Talaxian Shop for 10 Ketracel White
50008 50008.gif Federation Freight Container Container for Earl Grey Can be found in the Debris Field of a Federation ship
50009 50009.gif Safety container of the Federation Container for Earl Grey Can be found in the Debris Field of a Federation ship
50010 50010.gif Ferengi Freight Container Container for Tube Grubs Can be found in the Debris Field of a Ferengi ship
50011 50011.gif Latinum plated Ferengi freight container Container for Tube Grubs Can be found in the Debris Field of a Ferengi ship
50012 50012.gif Romulan Freight Container Container for Romulan Ale Can be found in the Debris Field of a Romulan ship
50013 50013.gif Sealed freight container of the Tal`Shiar Container for Romulan Ale Can be found in the Debris Field of a Romulan ship
50014 50014.gif Klingon Freight Container Container for Blood Wine Can be found in the Debris Field of a Klingon ship
50015 50015.gif Sealed freight container of the Order of Kahless Container for Blood Wine Can be found in the Debris Field of a Klingon ship
50016 50016.gif Borg Cargo Container Container for Vinculum Can be found in the Debris Field of a Borg ship
50017 50017.gif Energy-sealed Borg freight container Container for Vinculum Can be found in the Debris Field of a Borg ship
50018 50018.gif Cardassian Freight Container Container for Taspar Eggs Can be found in the Debris Field of a Cardassian ship
50019 50019.gif Specially secured freight container of the Obsidian order Container for Taspar Eggs Can be found in the Debris Field of a Cardassian ship
50020 50020.gif Freight container of a Rhulan syndicate Container for Contraband Can be found in the Debris Field of a Rhulan ship
50021 50021.gif Freight container of the Rhulan Empire Container for Contraband Can be found in the Debris Field of a Rhulan ship
50023 50023.gif Dominion Freight Container Container for Ketracel White Can be found in the Debris Field of a Dominion ship
50024 50024.gif High security container of Dominion Container for Ketracel White Can be found in the Debris Field of a Dominion ship
50025 50025.gif Talaxian Freight Container Container for NPC Goods Can be found in the Debris Field of a Vidiian or Orion Syndicate ship
50100 50100.gif Phaser Rifle No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Federation ships.
50101 50101.gif Bioneural Shield Grid +10% Shields -5% Hull Can be found in the debris field of Federation ships.
50102 50102.gif Miniature Version of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Ferengi ships.
50103 50103.gif Ferengi Remodelling Plan +5% Cargo Space -10% Shields Can be found in the debris field of Ferengi ships.
50104 50104.gif Romulan Plasma Disruptor No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Romulan ships.
50105 50105.gif Defective Cloaking Field Generator Changes the ships image to that of a cloaked vessel and obscures the vessels class. Can be found in the debris field of Romulan ships.
50106 50106.gif Regenerative Hull Plating +1 Armor -30% Shields Can be found in the debris field of Borg ships.
50107 50107.gif Ocular Implant No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Borg ships.
50108 50108.gif Cardassian Vole No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Cardassian ships.
50109 50109.gif Dilithium Bulkhead +20 Hull Can be found in the debris field of Cardassian ships.
50110 50110.gif Corrupted Black Market Tech Disk No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Rhulaner ships.
50111 50111.gif Black Market Tuning Set +10 Flight Range -10% Hull Can be found in the debris field of Rhulaner ships.
50112 50112.gif Amulet of the Founders No Effect Can be found in the debris field of Dominion ships.
50113 50113.gif Armor of a Jem'Hadar fighter Unknown Can be found in the debris field of Dominion ships.
51000 waren.gif Disruptor Gatling Gun + 2 Disruptor guns, - 30% Disruptor Strength Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
51010 waren.gif Nadion Phalanx - 50% Phaser Strength, + 60 Ore collector capacity Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
51020 waren.gif Plasma Fusion Generator + 25 Reactor, - 30% Energy Weapon Strength, - 30% Shields Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
51030 waren.gif Polarity Adjuster + 130 hull, - 50% hull Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
51040 waren.gif Passive Scanner +2 LRS Range, 0 Armor Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
51050 waren.gif Harmonic modulator + 120 shields, - 40% Shields Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
52000 waren.gif Ablative Armor MK VI +150 maximum shield capacity, -70 maximum hull integrity Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
52010 waren.gif Barion Ooze Layer -1 Slot -2% Hull Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
52020 waren.gif Dual Phaserbank +2 Phaserbanks -10% Phaser strike Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
52030 waren.gif Transporter MK VI +400 Cargo Capacity Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
52040 waren.gif Extended Pattern Buffer +500 Cargo Space, -10 Beam Capacity Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
53000 waren.gif Specialist Squad Exagon + Wreck extraction Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
53020 waren.gif High-Temperature Plasma Manager +20 Disruptor Heating, +3 Base Crew Sold on NPC ships in the Christmas Ship Auctions
55000 waren.gif Gravitator + Ore Collectors, +350 Ore Collector Capacity NPC
55010 waren.gif Triton Sail + Bussard Collectors (+1), +1300 Bussard Collector Capacity NPC
60000 waren.gif Experimental Interference Field Generator Makes a Weapon overcharge on the enemies weapon system NPC
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