Syndicate Items
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List of Items | NPC Items | Buildable Items | Credit Items | Vidiian Items | Syndicate Items | Easter Items | Halloween Items | Avatars |
Upon destruction, Orion Syndicate ships can sometimes leave items in their debris fields. The most common item dropped in the debris fields is the Talaxian Freight Container. This container stores a single random NPC good, such as Earl Grey or Blood Wine. However, the wreckage can also contain a wide variety of other items, approximately 250 in total. Most of these items have no or minimal effect, but around 20% of them can be installed on ships to provide various benefits. Below, you can find a list of all* the items obtainable from Syndicate wrecks.
List of Syndicate Items
ID | Item Name | Description | Effect | |
268 | Instant Probe | Every starship captain knows what it's like to see a signature on the long-range scanner and still have no idea what danger could be hiding behind it. Fortunately, now there is the "Instant Probe", a full-fledged probe the size of a handbag, to master such problems! | Unpacks into a normal Probe | |
1400 | Polypluid Emotionchip | The chip appears to be a component of an android. Any other use is still unclear. | No Effect | |
1401 | Datachip | Small device for storing and transporting information. It holds data with which is the equivalent to five Isolinear Chips worth of memory. | +5 Isolinear Chips | |
1402 | Used Disruptor Battery | A pre-loved, standard class, disruptor battery. Due to its old design, this will only work in tandem with other similar units and has limited utility. | + 1 Disruptor | |
1403 | Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition | A trapeze shaped book. The Captain of the ships is convinced of the advantages of a greedy life, and has transform Crew quarters in freight room, allowing more cargo space. | -5 Maximum Crew +200 Cargo Space | |
1404 | Vidiian duct tape | Duct tape which was found in a Vidiian wreck. The composition of the tape is unknown, but it sticks even in a vacuum. You can easily fix some Hull Panels with it. One roll is enough for 5 repairs. | 5 Hull repaired, 5 charges | |
1405 | Charred EPS Conduit | The charred remains of an EPS conduit. | No Effect | |
1406 | Used up hypospray | A medical injector used for injecting medicinal fluids into the skin. It seems to be used up. | No Effect | |
1407 | Box of Disruptor Rifles | A box of fully functional disruptor rifles, as it would commonly be found aboard badly or unarmed freighters to allow the crew to repel boarding attempts. If one were to link these together and mount them on the external hull of a vessel, they would make a fine additional disruptor battery. However, cutting a hole into the hull to create a mounting point does weaken the ship's integrity and this can only be done in addition to existing disruptor-type weapons. | +1 Disruptor, -4% Hull | |
1408 | Cat | A pet from earth with whiskers, seven lives and never-ending appetite for fish. This cat is a lucky charm. Unfortunately, it is also very demanding. It requires its own quarters and constant attention from a crew member. | +1 Base Crew, -40 Cargo (and possibly +4% Evasion (max. 74%)) | |
1409 | Damaged Assassin Droid | A no longer functioning HK-50 Class Assassin Droid. The reactor is out of order and the central CPU is badly damaged. Repair is impossible. It is better if you don't play with it. | -2 Crew Members | |
1410 | Phaser Type 1 | This phaser is said to have belonged to Captain Jonathan Archer himself. Whoever carries it should always remember that this weapon was used to defend peace in the galaxy. This antique piece is actually far too good to be used. But it still works. Only the energy regulator has suffered somewhat over the years. The gun therefore has to be loaded from the EPS before each shot, and there is no room for more than one stun shot. | -1 Energy | |
1411 | Damaged Energy Droid | A broken energy-droid. It not only seems useless, it really is. But there is still some energy left in it. | +100 Energy | |
1412 | Relic | Relic of a bygone civilisation. | No Effect | |
1413 | Original A4 sheet of paper | An original A4 sheet of paper from ancient times. It has extremely sharp edges and is dangerous to handle. | Per tick 0.1% chance for losing 1 crewmen by bad handling. | |
1414 | Tongocard | A tongo card is part of the Ferengi game Tongo, which has similarities to the terran game Poker. | No Effect | |
1415 | Yellowed Documents | Old, yellowed documents. They are no longer legible and written in a completely unknown language. | No Effect | |
1416 | Rusty Soda Can | An old can which was found in the wreckage of a ship. The ideal warp plasma reservoir. Due to its small size, its effect is only minimal. | +1 Flight Range | |
1417 | Energy-whip | The energy whip is a Ferengi hand weapon. The energy whip is not used as a melee weapon, but as a firearm. During the typical whip movement, the energy whip fires an energy charge that has a similar effect to a phaser shot. This whip is actually used to motivate involuntary labour, but with a little skill you can also channel the energy into the EPS of a ship. However, this can only be done in single pulses. The clutch must cool down for 10 minutes in between. | +10 Energy, 10 charges | |
1418 | Small Shuttle Wreckage | An old wreck of a shuttle. The type is no longer discernible. If you fix it up a bit and place it in the cargo hold, it makes nice little quarters for two. | +2 Crew max, -20 Storage | |
1419 | Inactive field-regulator | The field regulator is an important component of a Borg transwarp coil. Usually, the regulator self-destructs even before a Borg ship is destroyed. We don't have a Borg transwarp coil, but you can also use it to regulate other fields. For example, the containment fields of warp cores. If you do it right, the warp core can hold more fuel. | +1000 Warp Core Capacity (max. 10,000) | |
1420 | Storage device 10K-TB | A functioning storage module provides more memory capacity on board the ship. Which data this memory is then used for is up to you. | +10 Isolinear Chips | |
1421 | Coloring Crystal - Blue | A colour-giving crystal. Ideal for home lighting or for installation in weapon systems. Have you ever fired a blue phaser or disruptor? Blue phasers are significantly more powerful than orange ones, but also overheat more quickly. | +2 Phaser Strength (max 12) | |
1422 | Coloring crystal - Olive Green | A coloring crystal. Ideal for differently colored holograms or for installation in weapon systems. Have you ever fired an olive green phaser or disruptor? Olive green phasers and disruptors are better than normal ones, but also heat up more quickly. | +1 Phaser Strength (max 12), +2 Disruptor Strength (max 28) | |
1423 | Coloring Crystal - Violet | A coloring crystal. Ideal for floor lighting or for installation in weapon systems. Ever shot a violet phaser or disruptor? Violet Disruptors are stronger than green ones, but also heat up faster. | +4 Disruptor Strength (max. 28) | |
1424 | Dom-Jot Cue | It is an approximately 35cm long stick that is used for the billiard-like game Dom-Jot. The game is played on a kidney-shaped table and combines billiards with pinball elements. | No Effect | |
1425 | Coloring crystal - Gold | A colour-emitting crystal. Ideal for screen lighting or for installation in weapon systems. Have you ever fired a golden phaser or disruptor? Golden Disruptor beams are only for Show Offs. | Changes Disruptor colour to gold | |
1426 | Damaged magnetic field generator | Magnetic field generators can be used to attract free molecules in space. This technology is often used in Bussard collectors. You can get it to work again, but not for longer than 12 hours. | +1 Bussard Collector efficiency for 12 hours | |
1427 | Self-sealing stem bolts | A self-sealing stem bolt is a small device that is used in numerous areas. However, many people do not realise the true use of the bolts. Self-sealing stem bolts are used to seal access points to airlocks. This quantity of bolts is just enough to build an airlock. | +1 Docking Port | |
1428 | Vadwaur EMP Generator | An intact EMP generator from a destroyed Vadwaur probe. How the generator is used is unknown, but it looks somewhat unstable... | Currently under repair (since 2010), older description states -80 cargo space, +80 EMP | |
1429 | Skin-Transplant | A very valuable piece of genetic engineering among Vidiians. As long as there is no cure for the phage, genetically engineered products will always be needed. | No Effect | |
1430 | Bat'leth | The Klingon Sword of Honour is a popular Klingon weapon used in both rituals and close combat. | No Effect | |
1431 | Logbook Buoy | The logbook of a Vadwaur probe contains a great deal of information on how space has changed over the millennia and is therefore very sought after by researchers of all races. | +10 Isolinear Chips | |
1432 | Screw from an ancient machine | You can hardly believe this thing is a screw. It looks ancient and is made from a material unknown to you. | No Effect | |
1433 | Energy storage device of an ancient machine | This... thing... can hardly be recognized, though it appears to be made of alien material and looks somewhat like an ancient energy storage device. | No Effect | |
1434 | Cogwheel of an ancient machine | This... thing... can hardly be recognized, though it appears to be made of alien material and looks somewhat like an ancient cogwheel. | No Effect | |
1435 | Chassis of an ancient machine | You can barely see that this is supposed to be a chassis. It looks ancient and is out of an completely unknown material. | No Effect | |
1436 | Propulsion module of an ancient machine | You can barely see that this is a propulsion module. It looks ancient and is made of mysterious material. | No Effect | |
1437 | Ferengi emergency rations | Tasteless but nourishing mash supposed to apply to most customers. Spices can be added at your own discretion and are sold by any Ferengi. | 5 Food | |
1438 | Flamejewel | A Flamejewel is a sparkling little stone of unknown origin. Its value is questionable. Once a barkeeper said that not even the worst klingon could like it. Maybe that was just a lie to reduce the price. | No Effect | |
1439 | Cardassian MK-12 scanner | A Cardassian MK-12-Scanner is a retinal scanner which grants access to secure, sensitive areas. It can identify the owner by their retina. Additionally a personal authorisation code is necessary to gain access. | No Effect | |
1440 | Piece of an asteroid | A piece of a big asteroid containing several interesting materials. Maybe some merchants are interested in it. | +10 Iridium Ore, +5 Nitrium, +1 Sorium | |
1441 | Mad cleaning robot | A small robot that scurries around on the floor of a spaceship and hoovers up all the rubbish and dirt. Very annoying, as it persistently tries to suck up dirty shoes and drives around between the legs of all the crew members. Everything becomes sparkling clean when this robot is in use. You save the cleaner. However, you have to lock him up somewhere between missions. | -1 Base Crew (Min. 3), -2 Max Crew | |
1442 | Burnt Out Dilithium Crystal | Burnt out, empty, useless. It has approximately the value of a piece of coal... But what might it have seen while it was full of energy? Which warpcore did it serve? What heroic captain carried it to the edge of the universe? Looking at this crystal will provide plenty of answers... Can be used as a paperweight or book stand. Looks incredibly impressive on a desk! | No Effect | |
1443 | Terran Teddy | It's a stuffed teddy! Cute, cuddly and all in all adorable, with small patches here and there. | No Effect | |
1444 | Duotron Chip | Duotronics was a form of 23rd century computer technology designed by the Federation Doctor Richard Daystrom in 2243. The technology was used aboard Constitution-class starships in the mid-23rd century. Daystrom's achievements with this system ultimately earned him the Nobel and Zee-Magnees Prizes. However, Duotronic Chips have been replaced by the more modern isolinear chips. The chip contains blueprints to easily and quickly construct a probe. | Construction Ships can build probes | |
1445 | Knife of Kirom | The Knife of Kirom is a sacred Klingon artefact that is said to have carried the blood of Kahless the Unforgettable for over 1500 years. It was found by Sarpek the Fearless when he was searching for his lost Targ. Show this knife to your warriors before the battle and they will literally fight to the death and get everything out of their ship. Unfortunately, this trick only works once. | +3 Phaser Strength (Max. 15), +6 Disruptor Strength (Max. 30), +1 Armour, +5% Evasion (Max 74%) for 1 hour | |
1446 | Stellar Firewater | Stellar firewater is a honey-coloured liquid that is used to polish flamejewels. It is said to increase the lustre of the stones many times over. | No Effect | |
1447 | L647X7 | L647X7 is a standard Starfleet container of the Federation. According to the protocols the container L647X7 - in contrast to L647Y7 - is capable of carrying biomemetic gel. | No Effect | |
1448 | Space Scrap | The kind of scrap that is often found in space due to increasing ship activity. It can be recycled. | +2 Plasteel, +1 Duranium | |
1449 | Handkerchief | Rumpled white square handkerchief made of cotton with embroidered initials of its owner. | No Effect | |
1450 | Broken shredder | A special kind of spaceship waste shredder. Back in the old days, these machines were often as big as a house, this one is now only the size of a briefcase with 10 times the power and performance of its predecessor. Unfortunately, it is now broken and cannot be used for anything. It can only be broken down into its components. | +2 Plasteel | |
1451 | Saurian Brandy | Saurian brandy is an alcoholic beverage, which is beloved all over the federation. Very popular as a gift. The team is totally drunk for 5 hours. The bottle is sufficient for 5 times use. | No Effect | |
1452 | Plasma Torch | A plasma torch is a pistol-shaped tool that is used to penetrate even the hardest tritanium. With a Plasma Torch one can extract duranium from a ships hull. This only takes only 10 minutes. | -100 Hull, +250 Duranium | |
1453 | Blackberry | A delicious fruit from the earth. | +10 Food | |
1454 | Black Key | The exact origins of this artefact are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have belonged to a lost civilisation. Rumour has it that this key has the power to activate a secret superweapon. However, this has never been confirmed. Due to its rarity and the numerous rumours surrounding its origin and function, this object often fetches top prices on the relevant black markets. | No Effect | |
1455 | Sample of a Dark Matter Asteroid | The existence of dark matter is still just hypothetical.There are a great many species in search of a sample, however small, in order to research its characteristics. | No Effect | |
1456 | CD-ROM album | Some sort of data storage device used in ancient times. | No Effect | |
1457 | One Euro Coin | This coin is a euro, a currency that was used in 21st century Europe. Even though the material value is very low, this is a coveted collector's item. If you don't look closely, you could mistake the euro for a credit. | +1 Credit | |
1458 | The Teachings of Surak | This is a small Vulcan pocket book. It contains all the doctrines of the Vulcan Surak, who taught his people logic and emotional control over 2000 years ago. Logic dictates that the well-being of the crew is more important than that of the cargo. | +5 Crew, -200 Storage | |
1459 | Encyclopedia of Species | This encyclopaedia contains information about various alien species, from renegade Klingons and Syachas to nearly unknown tribes of cats and men. | +2 Isolinear Chips | |
1460 | Kal-toh | Kal-toh is a vulcan logic game that is commonly played via a holographic projector. The aim is to create the most spherical body possible by moving small rods. This game promotes concentration and logical thinking. Helmsmen trained in this way are better able to avoid enemy fire. However 2 crew members will always be occupied | +2% Evasion, +2 Basic Crew | |
1461 | Horga'hn | A Horga'hn is a statuette that is a symbol of fertility on Risa. People who carry one of these statuettes with them indicate that they are looking for Jamaharon, a Risan sexual rite. This makes it easier to make contact with like-minded people. The crew will be busy for a day with something other than running a spaceship. | Ship is completely Incapacitated for 24 hours | |
1462 | Dermal regenerator | The dermal regenerator, sometimes referred to as a tissue regenerator, is a small medical device that can be used to treat minor skin injuries such as irritations, burns and small cuts. The regeneration beam is directed at a right angle onto the area to be treated and slowly moved over it until the cut or burn is healed. | No Effect | |
1463 | Optolic Data Stick | An optolytic data stick is the Cardassian equivalent of the isolinear chip used on Starfleet ships in the 24th century. This data stick contains the Obsidian Order's secret plans for the construction of a stationary surveillance unit. | Construction Ships can build LRS Buoys | |
1464 | Transparent Aluminium | A transparent and solid material that is even more lightweight and robust than acrylic glass. With this you can replace a few broken windows. | 15 Instant Hull Repair | |
1465 | Hyperspanner | The Hyperspanner is a tool that is used for repairs. Among other things, hyperspanners are used to repair warp drives. A Hyperspanner is a great ion conductor. You can fix it between the shields and EPS system and slowly let the energy flow from the shields into the EPS. However, it gets quite hot in the process and after a few uses will be destroyed. | 10 times, -25 shields, +23 Energy | |
1466 | Old reaction chamber | Many deuterium-antideuterium reactions used to take place in this reaction chamber. Obviously, this was the reaction chamber of a warp core. | No Effect | |
1467 | Odd piece of hardware | Old piece of hardware that doesn't look like it's operable anymore. A close examination shows that it is a type of energy absorber. The construction is so advanced that it cannot be replicated. But the knowledge gained from studying the absorber allows the construction of a scaled-down EMP mine. This can be built with any construction ship. | Construction ship can build EMP mines. | |
1468 | Fusion cutter | The fusion cutter is a versatile tool that is widely used throughout the galaxy. Using a plasma beam generated by nuclear fusion, this device can be used to cut almost any material. It's great fun to use it to cut the hull of a spaceship into small pieces. | -1 Hull | |
1469 | Antimatter Injector | A device that allows deuterium and antideuterium to be fed into a reaction chamber without the two substances touching. | No Effect | |
1470 | Dusty Photo Album | Many photos are almost beyond recognition. One image shows an old T'Pau-class ship. It is still in good enough condition to create a convincing-looking hologram and hide your own ship in it. | Disguises your ship as a T'Pau Class | |
1471 | Plasma Cutter | The plasma cutter is a tool that's used to cut through solid structures such as a section of hull. This can be used to painstakingly dismantle wrecks by hand. However, you have to create space in the cargo hold. | +Wreck Extraction, -100 Cargo Space | |
1472 | Small magnetic field generator | A simple magnetic field generator, still like new. This supports the energy generation on board of a ship | +1 Reactor Power, -10 Cargo | |
1473 | System Bypass Device | This device is used to open locks or bypass complex systems. This device can be used to bridge shield and energy systems. This diverts the ionization of the shields into the EPS. Unfortunately, neither the device nor the reactor can withstand this. | Shield Ion Level = 0, 0 reactor for 18 hours | |
1474 | Emergency launching device | With the help of this device it is possible to separate smaller areas of the ship from the mother ship. It is often used for warp cores to eject them in the event of an emergency. Naturally, the main power supply fails. The ship then only runs on emergency power. Flying is impossible and the weapons only have half power. After a short time, the ship's hull has cooled down so much that it could easily be mistaken for a comet | Flight range 0, Weapons half strength, Image of a comet, Deactivateable | |
1475 | 35" Wrench | An oversized wrench which was found adrift in space. This is a so-called wrench out-of-bag. Once activated, it immediately starts to repair the ship and is unstoppable. | Repairs the hull by 22 points over the next 3 hours. | |
1476 | Tongo board | The Tongo board is an important part of the Ferengi game of Tongo, which is similar to earthly poker. This game trains the player in probabilities and mathematical skills. Pilots who have mastered the game are better at dodging torpedoes and other projectiles. Unfortunately, they are also often occupied. | +2% Evasion (Max. 69%), +3 base crew | |
1477 | Dom-jot table | The kidney-shaped table has several corner holes and pinball-like bumpers in the middle. It is played with a short cue. The crew train their skills here and will be able to steer the ship better. | Torpedo Evasion +2% (Max. 69), +2 base crew | |
1478 | Virian Crystal | A dull blue shining crystal. The crystal has a high value and enjoys a great popularity, especially among collectors. It's crystalline structure is the similar to Dilithium but more efficient | + 10 Reactor Output | |
1479 | Ancient Star Map | A hand drawn star map. It looks quite old, as some of the regions are different. Contains information for 2 Isolinear chips. | +2 Isolinear Chips | |
1480 | Dabotable | Dabo is one of the most popular games of the Ferengi. It is similar to earthly Roulette. | No Effect | |
1481 | Januex | A rare and silvery shimmering gemstone that was often used in old-fashioned weapon systems. Due to new technologies, this gemstone is now mainly seen as jewellery. | No Effect | |
1482 | Empty Escape Pod | An empty escape pod, as is usually found. | +1 Escape Pod | |
1483 | Enappes sapphire | A blood-green gemstone. Its purpose is unknown. Very few scientists have been able to get their hands on one. This jewel has a 4-dimensional crystal structure that extends into subspace. Exposing it to high-frequency warp plasma emits a white noise into subspace, blinding long-range sensors. The crystal can only endure this procedure once. | Ship is hidden in the LRS for 12 hours | |
1484 | Defective combustion engine | Pre-warp engines, which are usually found abandoned at various planets, were not able to survive because of the low speed. | No Effect | |
1485 | Lek Coin | The Lek is the official currency of the Cardassian Union. | No Effect | |
1486 | Slot Machine | A one-armed bandit, as was often seen in the old days. Nowadays, however, it has become relatively rare. Slot machines become addictive and will hold the people from the work. | +2 Base Crew | |
1487 | Synit Coin | Synite is the currency used for trading at slave auctions in the Orion Syndicate. | No Effect | |
1488 | Vidiian Type A - Model | A miniaturized version of the Vidiian Type A ship. The model serves as a template for holoprojectors. You can use it to make your ship look like one of the Vidiian type A ships. | Makes the Ship look like a Vidiian Type A | |
1489 | Projectile Weapon | An old projectile weapon that was used in the 17th century. Nowadays they are quite useless as they cannot keep up with the newer weapons. Be careful! You could hit someone. There are 6 cartridges in the magazine. | One crewman is killed | |
1490 | Bloodwine Keg | A typical Klingon keg for their most popular drink, blood wine. | No Effect | |
1491 | Vidiian Type B - Model | A miniaturized version of the Vidiian Type B ship. The model serves as a template for holoprojectors. You can use it to make your ship look like one of the Vidiian type B ships. | Makes your ship look like a Vidiian Type B | |
1492 | Vidiian Type C - Model | A miniaturized version of the Vidiian Type C ship. The model serves as a template for holoprojectors. You can use it to make your ship look like one of the Vidiian type C ships. | Makes the Ship look like a Vidiian Type C | |
1493 | D'k tahg | The d'k tahg is a traditional knife that every Klingon warrior usually carries. | No Effect | |
1494 | Old Bible | An old Bible from the 2nd century. Not many people know what is written inside. | No Effect | |
1495 | Cleaning Droid | A cleaning droid ensures shiny cleanliness on the ship. The crew has more time to pursue the important tasks. | -1 Standard Crew (not below 1) | |
1496 | Armed Torpedo | A torpedo that did not explode on impact. Found ammunition! The head of security suggests not touching them. | +1 Photon Torpedo | |
1497 | Scorched plasma coil | A defective plasma coil that was previously part of a ship's warp drive. Why would you still use this? | Unknown Effect | |
1498 | 5x Compressed Hydrogen | An incorrect conversion of plasma. It is not really useful. Yes, you can still drive the impulse reactor with it. | Unknown Effect | |
1499 | Plasma Injector | The Plasma Injector is an important component of the Electro Plasma System (EPS), which in turn is necessary for a functioning warp drive. | No Effect | |
1500 | Purified ore | Is only used for rock collectors and does not have much value. | +100 Iridium Ore | |
1501 | Antimatter injector | The antimatter injector is a component of the warp core. It controls the supply of the antimatter required for the matter-antimatter reaction into the warp core. A powerful computer monitors the magnetic distributors, which take over the active supply. | No Effect | |
1502 | Sorium Crystal | A crystal that is formed from Sorium. It is quite valuable to collectors because it is very rare. | +2 Sorium | |
1503 | Matter injector | The matter injector is part of the warp core. It regulates the supply of the material required for the matter-antimatter reaction to the warp core. | No Effect | |
1504 | Rocket from the 20th century | It is questionable, how such old technology can still exist today. These can be mounted on the side of the ship and fired up to reduce the flight cost. | -1 Flight cost for 10 minutes (not under one) | |
1505 | Weapons experts | This team cannot live without weapons. With a few modifications, they bring every phaser to maximum efficiency. | Phaser Strength +2, max. 15, +3 base crew | |
1506 | Romulan Photo | The image of a famous Romulan singer. Not many people find it particularly appealing. | No Effect | |
1507 | Plasma Conduit | Plasma conduits (or "EPS conduits") are conduits that transport plasma through a spaceship. The warp nacelles are supplied by particularly large warp plasma conduits. | No Effect | |
1508 | Defective EPS Conduit | A broken conduit from the EPS network. It is cheaper to buy a new one than to repair it. | No Effect | |
1509 | Round thing | A round object that was found on a Vidiian ship. It has several symbols engraved on it, but its purpose is unknown. | No Effect | |
1510 | Plasma Regulator | A plasma regulator is an important component of the warp drive. | No Effect | |
1511 | Damaged Sleeping-Chamber | On some ships, sleeping chambers are used to put the crew into an artificial sleep in order to bridge the time until they reach their destination and save energy. Some crew members can be accommodated here to save space. | +5 Maximum crew, -30 Storage | |
1512 | Glass Cube | A glass cube that changes color in different light. It seems to be quite valuable. The crystal ball of the 24th Century. Perhaps it says something interesting. | No Effect | |
1513 | Ico Berries | The Ico berry is a small dark fruit that is used for certain juices and the particularly popular Ico berry tart. | +10 Food | |
1514 | Unusable Torpedoes | Defective torpedoes of unknown type. Repairing them would be too difficult and dangerous. An investigation reveals that they are quantum torpedoes. However, with the help of the results of the investigation, two torpedo launchers can be installed in the ship, which can fire quantum torpedoes. | Ship can fire quantum torpedoes | |
1515 | Triple sealed letter | A letter addressed to an important person. it seemed somehow to have been lost. | +200 External Reputation | |
1516 | Andorian Tuber Root | The Andorian tuber is a plant from Andoria. This tuber has a lot of calories. | +5 Food | |
1517 | Wreck Scraps | Several cubic meters of various materials from a wreck. It stinks horribly like molten metal and is, unsurprisingly, useless. If you attach the wreckage parts to the outer hull, your own ship appears to be a wreck, at least for a superficial scan. Of course, the ship cannot fly in this state, but you can put the parts back into the cargo hold, where they only take up a little space. | Makes the Ship look like a debris field, -40 storage, 0 Flight Range, Deactivatable | |
1518 | Federation uniform | A typical set of uniforms like those used at various Federation schools. This ship becomes a training ship. As a precautionary measure, the weapon strengths are halved. In return, it is given civilian status. | -50% Weapons Strength, Sets Hangar Slots to 0, Ship Type Becomes Civilian | |
1519 | Chameleon Rose | The rose had golden leaves and a golden stem. The flower changes color with the mood of those nearest to it. The rose has a calming effect on the crew. You can save yourself a security team. | -2 Standard Crew, not less than 3 | |
1520 | Defective Borg Drone | An inoperative Borg drone. It is very dangerous to have such a drone on board. | Assimilation the ship (transfers it to the borg account) | |
1521 | 3.5" hard drive | An old 3.5" hard drive which was found in a Vadwaur probe. | No Effect | |
1522 | Tulaberry | A Tulaberry is a blue fruit that grows in the Gamma Quadrant and is the main ingredient of Tulaberry wine. | +10 Food | |
1523 | Leather Seatcovers | No Effect | ||
1524 | Vidiian Video | No effect | ||
1525 | Vulcan mint | +1 Food | ||
1526 | Brittle Antimatter Tank | No Effect | ||
1527 | Tactical Cube Ornament | Image of a Borg Tactical Cube, 0 Flight Range | ||
1528 | Jumja-Stick | 2 Food | ||
1529 | Probe Fragments | +1 LRS | ||
1530 | Gramilian sand peas | 5 Food | ||
1531 | Crate full of Spacesuits | Radiation immunity for 3 hours, after 7 days can not be used | ||
1532 | Planetary Catalog | No Effect | ||
1533 | Yamok sauce | 2 food | ||
1534 | Admiral Uniform | +3 Phaser Power (Max. 12), +6 Disruptor Power (Max. 28), +1 Armour, +5% torpedo evasion (Max. 69%). After 12 minutes -3 Phaser Power, -6 Disruptor Power, -1 Armour, -5% torpedo evasion for the rest of the day. | ||
1535 | Coconut drink | +2 Food | ||
1536 | Old Starfleet Uniform | No Effect | ||
1537 | Empty EPS-Tank | +10 EPS | ||
1538 | Janeway's mirror | No Effect | ||
1539 | New Starfleet Uniform | + 5 Crew Max, -200 Cargo Hold | ||
1540 | Solar Sails | Reduces the flycosts by 10% (Not under 1), -100 Storage space | ||
1541 | System Failure | Better off left drifting in space | ||
1542 | 3d Chess | +2% Evasion +2 Base Crew | ||
1543 | Scrap | +10 Duranium | ||
1544 | Pillows | -1 Crew for 2 hours | ||
1545 | Dom-Jot-Spheres | No Effect | ||
1546 | Fake Credits | No Effect | ||
1547 | Water Bucket | No Effect | ||
1548 | Duotron Componants | +1% Torp Evasion (Max. 74%) | ||
1549 | Fake Larne | +Larne | ||
1550 | Foldable Stargate | No Effect | ||
1551 | Touchscreen-Pinboard | +1 LRS Range | ||
1552 | Cube-shaped stone | No Effect | ||
1553 | Silver federation symbol | +3 Maximum Crew, - 120 cargo | ||
1554 | Old Transport Rocket | No Effect | ||
1555 | Biscuit Package | 10 Food | ||
1556 | Earl Grey tea set | No Effect | ||
1557 | Central Computer | 0 Base Crew, deactivateable | ||
1558 | Warp Plasma Tank | No Effect | ||
1559 | Repulse Motor | No Effect | ||
1560 | Battlemech TX Alpha | No Effect | ||
1561 | Battlemech TX Gamma | No Effect | ||
1562 | Damaged laser drilling System | Number of Phasers = 1, Phaser power = 5, for an hour | ||
1563 | Old satellite dish | No Effect | ||
1564 | Klingon Warrior Statue | No Effect | ||
1565 | Tube grubs stainless cutlery | No Effect | ||
1566 | Empty Ketracel-White Case | No Effect | ||
1567 | Kheh residues | No Effect | ||
1568 | Empty Blood Wine bottles | No Effect | ||
1569 | Defective 3D Chess Game | No Effect | ||
1570 | Defective Construction Drone | +Wreck Extraction, -20 Cargo Space | ||
1571 | Quadrant Map | +2 Isolinear Chips | ||
1572 | Ju'day Cockpit | +2 Plasteel, +3 Duranium | ||
1573 | Tool Box | 100 times, 2 hull repair for 4 energy | ||
1574 | Voice Modulate | No Effect | ||
1575 | Old Andorian Computerpad | No Effect | ||
1576 | Vadwaur model | Disguises your ship as a Vadwaur probe, 0 flight range | ||
1577 | Broken polaron modulator | +150 Maximum shield power (No more than 20%) for an hour | ||
1578 | Defective Graviton-Wave-Generator | 0 Flight Cost for 1 minute | ||
1579 | Transparent Steel | 5 Hull Repair | ||
1580 | Radio Wave Reactor | No Effect | ||
1581 | Corusca Stone | No Effect | ||
1582 | Thermal Detonator | No Effect | ||
1583 | Medical help droid | -1 Base crew, not less than 3 | ||
1584 | Old tripod telescope | No Effect | ||
1585 | Damaged impulse injector | +10 reactor power for 14 hours | ||
1586 | Damaged Plasma Injector | +10% Flight Range for 2 Hours | ||
1587 | Empty Plasma Tank | No Effect | ||
1588 | Defective drive coils | Current value = new flight range value - maximum flight range | ||
1589 | Incubation Chamber | +1 Crew after a day | ||
1590 | Cortical stimulators | No Effect | ||
1591 | VISOR | +2% Evasion (Max. 69%) | ||
1592 | Delta-wave-generator | No Effect | ||
1593 | Defective Phase Regulator | No Effect | ||
1594 | Broken hunting probe | No Effect | ||
1595 | Pony | No Effect | ||
1596 | Bottle of Rum | +5 Transport capacity, max. 50 | ||
1597 | Flash Paste | No Effect | ||
1598 | Grout remover | No Effect | ||
1599 | Ancient Chrono | No Effect | ||
1600 | Test | Not Usable (Only to test the Syndicat Functions) | ||
1601 | Frozen Kwi | +3 Food, +1 Energy | ||
1602 | Phial with lysosomal enzymes | No Effect | ||
1603 | Terellian Diamond | No Effect | ||
1605 | Tricesium | +100 Energy | ||
1606 | Element 247 | +2 Reactor | ||
1607 | Liquidator-pass | No Effect | ||
1608 | Ushaan Tor | No Effect | ||
1609 | Defective Thoron Shock Emitter | No Effect | ||
1610 | Old Anti-coagulant | No Effect | ||
1611 | Chaffee Shuttle | +10 Plasteel, +8 Duranium | ||
1612 | Bioneural Gelpacks | Torpedo Evasion +1%, max. 69% | ||
1613 | Containment Field Generator | -20 Hull Heating, 5 Uses | ||
1614 | Modified quantum torpedo | Unknown | ||
1615 | High quality coil key | No Effect | ||
1616 | Ablative armor plating | +10 Tritanium | ||
1617 | Defective Long-Range Weapon | No Effect | ||
1618 | Regenerative shield generator | Holds the ion level of the shields to 0 for exactly 10 minutes, 1 Use | ||
1619 | Damaged interphase cloaking device | No Effect | ||
1620 | Hightech sensor-system | No Effect | ||
1621 | Old ZPM | No Effect | ||
1622 | Sublight engine | +20% Flight Range, Incompatible with tankers and warp capable ships | ||
1623 | Energy weapon of an unknown race | Disruptor Guns=1, Disruptor Strength=10 | ||
1624 | Deuterium Tank | No Effect | ||
1625 | Antimatter Tank | No Effect | ||
1626 | Ablative Generator | +2 Hull Armor, 8 Maximum, for 30 Minutes | ||
1627 | Cuddly Squirrel | No Effect | ||
1628 | Beauty Kit | Makes not only the ship is beautiful, but also more space in the storage room. | ||
1629 | The syndicat look | No Effect | ||
1630 | Pattern for Tribble hair sweaters | -10 Tribbles, +1 Tribble sweater, 1 min time knitting, 50 Uses | ||
1631 | Tribble hair sweater | +1 Phaser heating for 10 min, Can be produced from a Pattern for Tribble hair sweaters and 10 Tribbles | ||
1632 | Birthday Cake | No Effect | ||
1633 | Jack-biscuit | No Effect | ||
1634 | Syndicate Hologram | Produces a hologram of an Orion Syndicate LX710b | ||
1636 | Virus | Unknown effect | ||
1637 | Recognition Medal | No Effect | ||
1638 | Transcendence Wanted Poster | No Effect | ||
1639 | Empty Caligonian nanite cluster torpedo | Also known as "nanovirus cluster torpedoes", torpedoes of this type played a decisive role in the victory against the Borg in the battle for Unimatrix 001. The Caligonian nanites, developed from Borg nanoviruses, are capable of hollowing out most forms of matter they encounter. This includes ship hulls and organic matter, so perhaps it's not a bad thing that this torpedo hull is empty. | No Effect | |
1640 | Improved TMP control unit | A control unit based on Telepathic Matrix Plasma of the Caligonian Collective that allows the crew to control the ship via telepathy, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the controls. The users of the control unit don't even have to be telepathic themselves, because the telepathy is done by the Plasma itself. It is unknown how this control unit was acquired by yourself, as the Caligonian Colletive does not trade this technology and no other manufacturers of it are known. | No Effect | |
1641 | Defective quantum vacuum boosted warp core | A defective warp core with an equally defective quantum vacuum boost upgrade. This technology, developed in the Caligonian Collective, is capable of temporarily increasing the energy output of a conventional warp core by injecting sorium using the same processes that occur in a quantum torpedo. At least if the core is not broken. | No Effect | |
1642 | Quantum vacuum boosted warp core | A warp core that has been upgraded with a quantum vacuum booster. This technology was developed in the Caligonian Collective and can increase the output of a conventional warp core for a short time through injection of sorium, using the same processes as are weaponized in the quantum torpedo | Unknown | |
1643 | Aldebaran Whiskey | A greenish drink with a high alcohol content. Aldebaran whiskey was one of the few spirits on board the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D that contained minimal synthehol. | No Effect | |
1644 | Medical tricorder | It is made of a Duritanium alloy, has an alphanumeric display and measures 7.6 x 9.8 x 3.2 cm | No Effect | |
1645 | Vvulgario artifact | A last remnant of an extinct people. | No Effect | |
1646 | Weapon of mass destruction | With this completely outdated technology, you can at least still feel very powerful. | No Effect | |
1647 | Federation Charter | This is a data pad containing the complete charter of the United Federation of Planets. | No Effect | |
1648 | Menu of the restaurant Peer III | This is a menu from the restaurant Peer III on the SUP New Pioneer. It's somewhat dated, so many items are probably not available anymore. | No Effect | |
1649 | Fake Latinum | This is counterfeit Latinum. It's worth nothing, but you might be able to cheat one or two people with it. | No Effect | |
1650 | Circuit diagram of a Borg ship from the 23rd century | A complete schematic of a Borg ship from the 23rd century. It is not known where it came from or who was so bold as to carry out the relevant research. However, the technology looks outdated, so it no longer has any tactical relevance. | No Effect | |
1651 | Suicide Booth | Thank you for choosing to end and go. The most popular suicide booth in Futurama. | -5 Crew | |
1653 | Unicorn | The last unicorn? | +5 Sorium | |
1654 | STNE Lexicon | Someone has torn out the pages, so the contents of this book are not known. Rumor has it that a complete version of this compendium can be found somewhere. | No Effect | |
1655 | Small torpedo store | A small storage module for torpedoes | +50 Torpedo Capacity, -125 Storage Room | |
1656 | Probe launching device | A small launcher for the hull. Attention, increases the flight costs! | +1 Special docking space, +0.1 Flight cost | |
1657 | Type X quantum singularity | Usage time 15 minutes / 5 ticks cooldown, can be uninstalled | When Used: +50% Flight Range -50% Shield Charge, Shields are deactivated, 0 LRS Range | |
1661 | Old admission ticket | This is an old ticket to a cultural event on Earth. It is unknown how it ended up in this part of the galaxy. | No Effect | |
1662 | Dairy products | A dairy product with a limited shelf life. | +5 Food | |
1665 | Strange alarm clock | This alarm clock emits strange cries which seem to overcome the emptiness of space and the crew of surrounding ships. | Focus modifier +1 (maximum 10) | |
15013 | Torpedo Replicator | This mobile factory seems to produce photon torpedoes. What this is supposed to be used for, however, remains to be seen... | +2 Photon torpedoes, -2 Deuterium,-2 Duranium,-2 Antimatter, 3 hours cooling time | |
39987 | Lifelike Plastic Dinosaur | This lifelike plastic figure of a dinosaur is guaranteed to make anyone, anywhere very happy. | No Effect | |
50025 | Talaxian Freight Container | The Freight Container of the Talaxians is widely used for transporting high-quality and extremely rare goods. They are trying to protect whatever the former owner had in this container, it must be very valuable. | Container for NPC Goods |