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Items can be treated similar to [[:Category:Goods|goods]] and can be transported on to ships and colonies. Some items have certain effects on ships and buildings, or can be used once to full fill a function like recharging shields. Also there are items that are used for pure role playing purpose without any effects.  
Items can be treated similar to [[:Category:Goods|goods]] and can be transported on to ships and colonies. Some items have certain effects on ships and buildings, or can be used once to full fill a function like recharging shields. Also there are items that are used for pure role playing purpose without any effects.  
Depending on the item it can be installed onto a ship, manually activated/deactivated, or show its effects without any further interactions. Items once installed can not be removed after installation, the only way to do so is actually destroying the module itself.  
Depending on the item it can be installed onto a ship, manually activated/deactivated, or show its effects without any further interactions. Items once installed can not be removed after installation, the only way to do so is actually destroying the module itself.  
A distinction is made between the following items:
Ships can only have a certain amount of items installed, depending on the size of the ship. Ships below 1 slot cannot mount any items. One additional item can be installed at the shipsize of 1; 2; 7,5; 15; 25 slots. So a ship with 15 slots can install 4 items.
Some items do not count towards this item limit. Currently (01.01.2018) known to not count are the (Improved) Titanium-Kit and the [[:Category:Reskins|NPC Settler Skins]] from the [[Talaxian Shop]].
  - Items for Ships
    - Ship modules which can manipulate ship abilities
    - Items that modify ship values once
  - Items for buildings
  - RPG items, which can be created by settlers.
Some items are buildable with [[Modular Technologies]] [[Research]] in a shipyard. These modules are located under build ships in the shipyard. They will be built in a container (0.5 slots). The item must then be beamed from the container to the ship.
A distinction is made between the following items:
== Buildable ship modules ==
<Ul><li>Items for Ships</li>
<Ul><li>Ship modules which can manipulate ship abilities</li>
<li>Items that modify ship values once</li></Ul>
<li>Items for buildings</li>
<li>RPG items, which can be created by settlers.</li></Ul>
'''[[Advanced replicator]]''': replicator + | +0.75 slots
'''[[Mobile replicator]]''': +Replikator | +0,5 Slots
Some items are buildable with [[Modular Technologies]] [[Research]] in a shipyard. These modules are located under build ships in the shipyard. They will be built in a container (0.5 slots). The item must then be beamed from the container to the ship.
'''[[Repair team Psi]]''': +25 Hull | -40% Crew  | -20 EPS
'''[[Repair Team Phi]]''': +25 Hull | -60% Crew  | -40 EPS
'''[[Hull Ioniser]]''': Radiation Immunity | -100% Shields  | -10% EPS
'''[[Ioniser Prototype]]''': Radiation Immunity | -100% Schilde (5 Ticks)  | -20% EPS |
== Ship Modules ==
'''[[EPS-Akkumulator]]''': +10% EPS | -20 Lager
'''[[Evakuierungsplan]]''': Das Schiff wird komplett aufgegeben und dem Niemand(NPC) übergeben
'''[[Supraleitender Bussardkollektor]]''': +1 Bussard Effizienz | -20% Gondeln
'''[[Lagerhangar]]''': ohne Angabe
'''[[Warpgondel]]''': +50 Gondeln | -20% EPS
'''[[Solarkollektoren]]''': +Solarkollektoren | -10% Hülle
'''[[Stark verbesserter Reaktor]]''': +4 Reaktor
'''[[Verbesserter Reaktor]]''': +2 Reaktor
'''[[Warpplasmaspeicher]]''': +200 Warpkern | -50 Lager
'''[[Kleines Torpedolager]]''': +10 Torpedos lagern
'''[[Notreparaturteam Alpha]]''': Hüllenreparatur um 50 bis 80 Punkte | leert das EPS des Schiffes
'''[[Schiffs-Replikator|Replikator]]''': +Replikator
'''[[Stabiles Omega]]''': Reaktorleistung: +30%, Phaserstärke: +2, Disruptorstärke: +2, Schildkapazität: +25%, Hüllenpanzerung: +1, Flugkosten: -40%, LRS: +1, max. Gondelerhitzung: -10, Transporterkapazität: +10, Deflektor-Ladung: +60%, Deflektor: +40%, EPS: +40%, Slots: +1
'''[[Schildemitter für Warpgondeln]]''': +50 Schilde | -10% Gondeln
'''[[Manövrierdüsen]]''': +10% Torpedoausweichen | -5 Hülle
'''[[Sensorarray]]''': +1 LRS-Reichweite | -1 Reaktor
'''[[Diborit-Emitter-Kristall]]''': +3 Phaserstärke
'''[[Triborid-Emitter-Kristall]]''': +2 Phaser Stärke | -25% EPS
'''[[Transwarp-Spule ]]''': +0,25 Slots | +10 Gondeln
'''[[Disruptor Zusatzschaltung]]''': +2 Disruptorstärke
'''[[Torpedoabwehrsystem]]''': +20 Torpedoausweichen | -5 Hülle | -40 Lager
'''[[Leichter Hüllenpanzer]]''': +20% Hülle
'''[[Mittlerer Hüllenpanzer]]''': +35 Hülle | -10% Gondelerhitzung | +1 Hüllenpanzerung
'''[[Schwerer Hüllenpanzer]]''': +50% Hülle | -10% Gondeln | -20% Lager
== Syndicate Items (With Effect) ==
''' [[3D-Schachbrett]]''': +2% Torpedoausweichen, max. 74%, +2 Basiscrew
''' [[Admiraluniform]]''': 12 Minuten Höchstleistung, Ein Tag Depression - Details siehe Artikel
''' [[Andorianische Knollenwurzel]]''': 5 Nahrung
''' [[Beschädigter Impulsinjektor]]''': +10 Reaktorstärke für 14 Stunden
''' [[Beschädigter Laserbohrer]]''': Phaseranzahl = 1, Phaserstärke = 5, Phasererhitzung = 10, für eine Stunde
''' [[Beschädigte Schlafkammer]]''': +5 Crew maximal | -30 Lager
''' [[Blauer Farbkristall]]''': +2 Phaserstärke (maximal 15)| -20% Phasererhitzung
''' [[Chamäleonrose]]''': -2 Basiscrew, nicht unter 3
''' [[Datenchip]]''': +5 Isochips
''' [[Defekte Antriebsspulen]]''': Neuer Gondelwert = Aktueller Gondelwert - maximaler Gondelwert
'''[[Defekte EPS-Leitung]]''': senkt die Reaktor/WK Leistung auf -4E
''' [[Defekte Borg-Drohne]]''': Assimilation eines Schiffes | Es wird dem Borg-Account übergeben
''' [[Defekter Energiedroide]]''': +100 Energie
''' [[Defekter Killerdroide]]''': Der Killerdroid läuft Amok und tötet 2 Besatzungsmitglieder
'''[[Disruptorgewehr-Kiste]]''': Ein 1*15 Dissi | -2% Hülle
''' [[Dom-Jot-Tisch]]''': +2% Torpedoausweichen, max. 74, +2 Basiscrew
''' [[Duotronischer Chip]]''': Konstruktionsschiff kann jetzt Sonden bauen
''' [[Enappes Saphir]]''': versteckt Schiff im [[LRS]]
'''[[Energiepeitsche]]''': 10 mal rund 10 Energie
''' [[Farbkristall - Violett]]''': +4 Disruptorstärke, max. 30, -40% Disruptorerhitzung
''' [[Farbkristall - Olivgrün]]''': +1 Phaserstärke, max. 15, -10% Phasererhitzung, +2 Disruptorstärke, max 30, -10% Disruptorerhitzung
'''[[Fehlgezündeter Torpedo]]''': 18 Hüllenschaden
''' [[Ferengi-Notration]]''': 5 Nahrung
''' [[Fusionsschneider]]''': 1 Hüllenschaden
''' [[Kaputter Polaronmodulator]]''': +20%, max. +150 Schildmaximalstärke für eine Stunde
''' [[Horga'hn]]''': Schiff wird komplett Handlungsunfähig für 24 Stunden
''' [[Hydrospanner]]''': 10 mal -25 Schilde +23 Energie
''' [[Kissen]]''': -1 Crew für 2h
''' [[Kiste voller Weltraumanzüge]]''': Strahlungsimun für 3 Stunden, danach 7 Tage nicht benutzbar
''' [[Kleiner Magnetfeldreaktor]]''': +1 Reaktor, -10 Lager
''' [[Knirps-Sonde]]''': Entpackt sich sofort zu einer normalen Sonde
'''[[Kokosdrink]]''': 2 Nahrung
''' [[Jumja-Stick]]''': 2 Nahrung
'''[[Larne-Fälschungen]]''': + Larne
''' [[Medizinischer Hilfsdroide]]''': -1 Basiscrew, nicht unter 3
''' [[Messer von Kirom]]''': +3 Phaserstärke max. 15, +6 Disruptorstärke max. 30, +1 Panzerung, +5% Torpedoausweichen max. 74%, für 10 Minuten danach handlungsunfähig für 30 Minuten
''' [[Moderner Werkzeugkoffer]]''': 100 mal 2 Hüllenreparatur für je 4 Energie
''' [[Phaser Typ I]]''': -1 Energie
''' [[Projektilwaffe]]''': 1 Crewman wird erschossen
''' [[Quadranten-Karte]]''': +2 Isochips
''' [[Raketen aus dem 20. Jahrhundert]]''': -1 Flugkosten, nicht unter 1, Brenndauer: 10 Minuten
''' [[Rostige Getränkedose]]''': +1 Gondeln
''' [[Seltsame Hardware]]''': Konstruktionsschiff kann EMP-Mine bauen.
''' [[Selbstdichtende Schaftbolzen]]''': +1 Dockplatz
''' [[Schrott]]''': 10 Duranium
'''[[Sensorarray]]''': +1 LRS-Größe (im SchiffsHUD)
''' [[Sondentrümmer]]''': +Dauerscan
''' [[Stimmenmodulator]]''': Damit können sie der Besatzung vorgaukeln, sie wären der Captain.
''' [[Suraks Lehren]]''': +5 Crew maximal, -200 Lager
''' [[Systemüberbrücker]]''': Schildionenlevel = 0, 0 Reaktor für 18 Stunden
''' [[Tongobrett]]''': +2% Torpedoausweichen, max. 74%, +3 Basiscrew
'''[[Touchscreen-Pinwand]]''': +1 LRS-Reichweite
''' [[Unbrauchbare Torpedos]]''': Schiff kann(ausschließlich) Quantentorpedos verschießen
''' [[Vadwaur EMP-Generator]]''': +80 EMP | -80 Lager (Besser nicht anfassen, daher ohne Garantie)
''' [[Vadwaur-Modell]]''': Schiffsbild einer Vadwaur-Sonde, 0 Gondeln, deaktivierbar
'''[[Verbrauchte Disruptorbatterie]]''': +1 Disruptor | -10% Disruptorerhitzung, Minimum 5
''' [[Virianischer Kristall]]''': +10% Reaktoroutput
''' [[Vidiianisches Klebeband]]''': 5 mal 5 Hüllenreparatur
''' [[Vidiianer Typ A - Modell]]''': Schiffsbild eines Vidiianer Typ A
''' [[Vidiianer Typ B - Modell]]''': Schiffsbild eines Vidiianer Typ B
''' [[Vidiianer Typ C - Modell]]''': Schiffsbild eines Vidiianer Typ C
''' [[Vulkanische Minze]]''': 1 Nahrung
'''[[Zentralcomputer]]''': 0 Basiscrew; alle Funktionen deaktiviert; Item deaktivierbar
''' [[Waffenexperten]]''': +2 Phaserstärke, max. 15, +3 Basiscrew
''' [[Wrackfetzen]]''': Schiffsbild eines Trümmerfeldes, -40 Lager, 0 Gondeln, deaktivierbar
''' [[Energiewaffe einer unbekannten Rasse]]''': Damit kann man ein Schiff mit einem Disruptor ausstatten, Disruptoranzahl = 1, Disruptorstärke = 10, Disruptorerhitzung = 20
''' [[Beschädigter Plasmainjektor]]''': +10% Gondeln für 2 Stunden
== Syndicat Items (No Effect) ==
- '''[[Old Bible]]''': No Effect
- '''[[Old satellite dish]]''': No Effect
- '''[[Old Andorian Computerpad]]''': No Effect
- '''[[Old Starfleet uniform]]''': No Effect
- '''[[Power unit of an old machine]]''': No Effect
'''[[Blood Wine Jug]]''': No Effect
- '''[[Cardassian MK-12 scanner]]''': No Effect
'''[[Fake Credit]]''': No Effect
- '''[[Corusca-stone]]''': No Effect
''' [[Defective Phasenauflöser]]''': No Effect
''' [[Defective Combustion Engine]]''': No Effect
''' [[Triple sealed letter]]''': No Effect
''' [[Dom-Jot Queue]]''': No Effect
''' [[Earl-Grey-Tee-Set]]''': No Effect
''' [[Energiespeicher einer uralten Maschine]]''': No Effect
''' [[Faltbares Stargate]]''': No Effect
''' [[Flammenedelsteine]]''': No Effect
''' [[Gehäuser einer uralten Maschine]]''': No Effect
''' [[Glaswürfel]]''': No Effect
''' [[Farbkristall - Gold]]''': No Effect
''' [[Haut-Transplantat]]''': No Effect
''' [[Janeways Spiegel]]''': No Effect
''' [[Januex]]''': No Effect
''' [[Kheh-Reste]]''': No Effect
''' [[Leeres Hypospray]]''': No Effect
''' [[Kampfmech TX Alpha]]''': No Effect
''' [[Kampfmech TX Gamma]]''': No Effect
''' [[Kortikalstimulatoren]]''': No Effect
''' [[Leere Blutwein-Flaschen]]''': No Effect
''' [[Materie-Antimaterie-Injektor]]''': No Effect
''' [[polipluieder Gefühlschip]]''': No Effect
''' [[Plasmainjektor]]''': No Effect
''' [[Plasmaleitung]]''': No Effect
''' [[Plasmaregler]]''': No Effect
'''[[Rassen Lexikon]]''': No Effect
'''[[Romulaner Foto]]''': No Effect
''' [[Rohrmaden-Edelbesteck]]''': No Effect
''' [[Rundes Ding]]''': No Effect
''' [[Taschentuch]]''': No Effect
''' [[Terranischer Teddy]]''': No Effect
''' [[Thermaldetonatoren]]''': No Effect
'''[[Ushaan-Tor]]''': No Effect
''' [[Verschmorte EPS-Leitung]]''': No Effect
'''[[Warp Plasma Tank]]''': No Effect
''' [[Bucket of Water]]''': No Effect
*[[List of Items]]

Latest revision as of 16:10, 9 May 2020

STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index
List of Items | NPC Items | Buildable Items | Credit Items | Vidiian Items | Syndicate Items | Easter Items | Halloween Items | Avatars

2.gif Food
3.gif Plasteel
4.gif Iridium Ore
5.gif Duranium
6.gif Deuterium
7.gif Antimatter
9.gif Isolinear Chips
11.gif Dilithium
13.gif Tritanium
14.gif Sorium
15.gif Nitrium
18.gif Plasma

8.gif Photon Torpedoes
19.gif Plasma Torpedoes
20.gif Quantum Torpedoes
32.gif Polaron Torpedoes
33.gif Nemesis Torpedoes
34.gif EMP Torpedoes
27.gif Tribbles

waren.gif Larne
16.gif Latinum

waren.gif Items
10.gif Escape Pods
26.gif Taspar Eggs
29.gif Contraband
22.gif Blood Wine
24.gif Tube Grubs
25.gif Vinculum
21.gif Ketracel White
28.gif Earl Grey
23.gif Romulan Ale

Items can be treated similar to goods and can be transported on to ships and colonies. Some items have certain effects on ships and buildings, or can be used once to full fill a function like recharging shields. Also there are items that are used for pure role playing purpose without any effects.

Depending on the item it can be installed onto a ship, manually activated/deactivated, or show its effects without any further interactions. Items once installed can not be removed after installation, the only way to do so is actually destroying the module itself.

Ships can only have a certain amount of items installed, depending on the size of the ship. Ships below 1 slot cannot mount any items. One additional item can be installed at the shipsize of 1; 2; 7,5; 15; 25 slots. So a ship with 15 slots can install 4 items. Some items do not count towards this item limit. Currently (01.01.2018) known to not count are the (Improved) Titanium-Kit and the NPC Settler Skins from the Talaxian Shop.

A distinction is made between the following items:

  • Items for Ships
    • Ship modules which can manipulate ship abilities
    • Items that modify ship values once
  • Items for buildings
  • RPG items, which can be created by settlers.

Some items are buildable with Modular Technologies Research in a shipyard. These modules are located under build ships in the shipyard. They will be built in a container (0.5 slots). The item must then be beamed from the container to the ship.

Also See:

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