Iowa Type O

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Ship Comparison

Iowa Type O
Type: Military Ship
Category: Settler Ship
Class: Flagship
General data
Slots: 25
Crew (Min/Max): 200/250
Reputation change if destroyed: 200
Required Hangar Slots: 25
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 1500
Main Energy: 3000
Reactor yield: 432
Solar panels: No
Warp Core Capacity: 25000
Energy travel cost: 9
Flight range: 55
Logistical data
LRS range: 7
Cargo bay: 2500
Beam capacity: 20
Integrity data
Hull strength: 1450
Armor strength: 9
Shield strength: 2450
Deflectors: 1000 (90)
Evasion: -76%
Torpedo Capacity: 1200
Weapons/Tactical Data

Antiproton Cannon: 2x 175|155 95% [5]
Heavy Disruptor Cannons: 16x 39|45 10% [1.5]
Disruptor Beam: 16x 14|14 -40% [1.5]
Plasma Torpedo Salvo: 4x 100|115 15% [3]
Quantum Torpedo Salvo: 4x 120|135 15% [3]

Special Functions
System Blockade
4 Docking Ports
2 Special Docking Spaces
0.5 Hangar Slots
Radiation Immunity
Avatar/Item Data
Avatar Stations: 12
Battle Stations: 8
Item Slots: 5
Construction costs
Food: 0
Plasteel: 3246
Iridium Ore: 0
Duranium: 6580
Deuterium: 1780
Antimatter: 496
Isolinear Chips: 2647
Dilithium: 0
Tritanium: 4720
Sorium: 918
Nitrium: 0
Plasma: 1198
Construction time: 15 ticks
Research data
Requirements: Heavy Flagship Plans OCTZ
Iso-chips cost: 4000 Isos (+12950 Isos)

The Operations Iowa is an upgraded version of the Iowa class, with increased flight range and lower flight cost. This Iowa variant is unique, with a flight range of 55 that lets it keep pace with faster fleets. It also has an area effect, reducing flight costs of all ships in the same sector by 20%.

In combat, the Type O possesses a robust shield grid that can endure multiple blasts, and its enhanced manoeuvrability increases its likelihood of evading shots from enemy antiproton cannons to approximately 25%. Yet, in order to achieve better manoeuvrability and range, the weight must be minimised, resulting in the lowest hull and armour integrity among all the Iowa variants. It also only has two antiproton cannons, reducing the potential damage it can do to enemy flagships. Nevertheless, it boasts a formidable arsenal, including torpedo salvos, powerful disruptor cannons, and disruptor beam weapons.

Other benefits of this variant are its high LRS range and its radiation immunity.

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