Flight Cost

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Ship Functions

Energy Travel Cost (sometimes called Flight Cost) refers to the amount of energy used to fly one sector in open space. Costs can sometimes vary greatly as some types of stellar fields have double, or even triple flight costs.

General Formula: Total Journey Cost = Number of Fields Travelled × Flight Cost

For example a DY-500 Class colonisation ship has a flight cost of 0.6. Therefore if it travelled through 10 sectors of open space the total journey cost would be 0.6x10 so 6 energy would be used. However if these 10 sectors contained 3 Sparse Deuterium Nebulas (which have double flight cost) and one Dense Deuterium Nebula (which have triple flight cost) the total journey cost would be:

(3 × 2 × 0.6) + (1 × 3 × 0.6) + (6 × 1 × 0.6) = 9

Entering or leaving orbit of a planet costs 1/10th of a ships flight cost


Main Article: Overdrive

Once ships go over their standard Flight Range and begin to use overdrive their flightcosts doubles and then increases exponentially for every sector travelled.

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