Docking Ports

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Functions

Docking Ports are a component of stations, carriers and a small selection of other ships, such as the tug.

Docking Ports allow smaller ships to dock to the carrier/station - the number of docking ports specifies the maximum number of ships which can be docked.

Docking enables goods to be transported without using energy, when docked to a space station in orbit of a planet with an active Space Elevator goods can also be transported to and from the colony for no energy cost.

When a ship is docked to a carrier/station, if the shields of the carrier/station are raised, the docked ship will be protected by them - however it is also unable to undock until the shields of the carrier/station are lowered.

Players can only dock to the ship of another player if they have Docking Permission.

Note: While in the past docking ports have been used to carry fighters, this is no longer the case and ships cannot move when they have ships docked to them. Fighters are now carried in the hanger

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