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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Cardassians | Ferengi | Federation | Dominion | Borg | Klingons | Rhulaner | Romulans | Orion Syndicate | Vidiians | Vadwaur

STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index

Ship Comparison

STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index

Ship Comparison

Type: Militaty ship
Category: Flagship
Class: Flagship
General data
Slots: 25
Crew (Min/Max): 125/250
Reputation change if destroyed: Not available
Required Hangar Slots: Unknown
Energy/Flight data
EPS: {Classified}
Main Energy: Not available
Reactor yield: {Classified}
Solar panels: +9
Warp Core Capacity: {Classified}
Energy travel cost: {Classified}
Flight range: {Classified}
Logistical data
LRS range: 5
Cargo bay: 7000
Beam capacity: 60
Integrity data
Hull strength: 1800
Armor strength: 7
Shield strength: 2500
Deflectors: 2400 (45)
Evasion: Not available
Torpedo Capacity: Not available
Weapons/Tactical Data

No Tactical Data Available

Special Functions
none known
Avatar/Item Data
Avatar Stations: Not available
Battle Stations: Not available
Item Slots: Not available
Construction costs
Food: {Classified}
Plasteel: {Classified}
Iridium Ore: {Classified}
Duranium: {Classified}
Deuterium: {Classified}
Antimatter: {Classified}
Isolinear Chips: {Classified}
Dilithium: {Classified}
Tritanium: {Classified}
Sorium: {Classified}
Nitrium: {Classified}
Plasma: {Classified}
Construction time: {Classified} ticks
Research data
Requirements: No
Iso-chips cost: Isos (+ Isos)

The Galaxy-Class is currently the most commonly used vessel in the United Federation of Planets.

It is a balanced, multipurpose and sturdy cruiser which can be used for diplomatic functions, reconnaissance missions, space exploration and even limited combat roles. If you are contacted by the Federation, chances are they will send this ship. The Galaxy-Class is fitted with a large cargo space to hold an entire squadron of fighters and combat shuttles, making it an ideal vessel for carrying small fighters to combat.

The vessel has average shielding and average hull and can handle both offensive and defensive combat well. This vessel class is not designed for extensive, war zone combat like more powerful Sovereign or Prometheus Class vessels, but one Galaxy-Class vessel is enough to handle most situations that the crew may see themselves into.

Also See: