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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index



The points are the high scores in the game. There are 4 categories: Science, society, economy and military where you collect points by certain factors (e.g. research, buildings, ships, quantity).

It is of course an award to get in the top ten.

The points are calculated immediately after each action but usually automatically 30 minutes after the start of ticks. Alternatively you can manually trigger the calculation of your own points.

Science Points

wissenschaft.gif To get science points, one must have already invested in research but also for existing ISOs and some ships and probes essentially for the Isolinear chips there.

Which the following table shows these please:

  Punkte-Distribution (Science)  
Label Quantity Points
* Iso-Chips  100 1
Oberth  1 1
Sensing-Ship  1 1
Hurricane  1 1
Mymidon  1 1
Venture  1 1
Research Center  1 1
Adv. Research Center  1 2
Jupiter-Station  1 1

 * The sum of ISO chips is from the already available ISO chips

Society Points

gesellschaft.gif The <b> Society Points</b > are calculated mainly from the people who plan to work, and the crew who serve on board vessels, but also from the "good things" such as the natural parks or internal reputation that make life better.

See what things are below:

  Points- Distribution (society)  
Label Quantity Points
Inhabitants  10 1
Crew  10 1
Internal Reputation  1000 1
Planetary Parks  2 1
Sydney  1 1
Flaxian  1 1
Jovis  1 1
Planets  1 1


wirtschaft.gif Die <b >Wirtschaftspunkte</b > spiegeln den Wohlstand einer Gesellschaft wieder. Hier hinein fallen einige Gebäude die Fähigkeit Schiffe zu bauen und vor allem Ressourcen.

Welche Dinge das genau sind, entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Tabelle:

  Punkte-Verteilung (Wirtschaft)  
Bezeichnung ben. Menge Punkte
Duranium 100 1
Dilithium 50 1
Mine 1 1
Duraniumanlage 1 1
Dilithium-Mine 1 1
Industrieller Replikator 1 1
Werft 1 2
Orbitalseil 1 2
Tritanium-Anlage 1 2
Nitrium-Mine 1 1
Tritanium 25 1
Antimaterie 75 1
Antares 1 1
Tug 1 1
Indus 1 1
Capo 1 1
Ortygia 1 1
Rigel 1 1
T'Shu 1 1
Talaxianischer Frachter 1 1
Calester 1 2
Helios 1 2
Moringi 1 2
Sunhawk 1 3
Latinum 10 1


militar.gif Die <b >Militärpunkte</b> spiegeln die Wehrhafigkeit einer Gesellschaft wieder. Es werden Kampfschiffe, Waffen und orbitale Verteidigungsanlagen gezählt.

Welche Dinge zählen, entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Tabelle:

  Punkte-Verteilung (Militär)  
Bezeichnung ben. Menge Punkte
Photonentorpedos  100 1
Plasmatorpedos  80 1
Quantentorpedos  60 1
Phaserbatterie  1 1
Torpedoplattform  1 1
Subraumteleskop  1 1
Torpedofabrik  1 2
Sorium-Förderanlage  1 1
Ju'day  1 1
Klaestron  1 1
Flugkörper Typ A  1 1
D7  1 2
Andromeda  1 1
Assertive  1 1
Batra K  1 1
Batra L  1 1
Boreas  1 1
Canoom  1 1
Erebos  1 1
Erinyes  1 1
Kaperschiff  1 1
Miranda  1 1
Pandorra  1 1
Psilar  1 1
Songu  1 1
Xemek  1 1
Ymir  1 1
Yzato  1 1
Rubicon  1 2
Atel  1 3
Scavenger  1 3
Sirius  1 3
Seth  1 4

Categorie: STNE

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