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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Comparison

Type: Civilian Ship
Category: Talaxian Ship
Class: Scout Ship
General data
Slots: 1
Crew (Min/Max): 10/10
Reputation change if destroyed: {{{Reputation change}}}
Required Hangar Slots: Unknown
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 32
Main Energy: {{{Main Energy}}}
Reactor yield: 29
Solar panels: No
Warp Core Capacity: 1500
Energy travel cost: 0.375
Flight range: 90
Logistical data
LRS range: 5
Cargo bay: 100
Beam capacity: 10
Integrity/Tactical data
Hull strength: 50
Armor strength: 0
Shield strength: 60
Deflectors: 0 (10)
Evasion: Not available
Torpedo Capacity: Not available
Weapons Data

No Tactical Data Available

Special Functions
{{{Special Functions}}}
Construction costs
Construction time: 5 ticks
Can only be Purchased on the Talaxian Ship Auctions


The Hurricane is ideal because of its strong gondolas exploration ship. The LRS and the extended replicator, and the warp core to support this addition. The Hurricane was once the fastest ship in the Delta Quadrant settlers, meanwhile, it was overtaken by the Nova. Buildable on Server 3 does not ship as a credit. It's very rare!

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