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Ship Comparison


Side View of Ship

Type: Military Ship
Category: Settler Ship
Class: Heavy Frigate
General data
Slots: 2
Crew (Min/Max): 16/24
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 150
Main Energy: 300
Reactor yield: 43
Solar panels: No
Core Capacity: 2400
Energy travel cost: 1.2
Flight range: 40
Logistical data
LRS range: 2
Cargo bay: 120
Beam capacity: 10
Integrity data
Hull strength: 140
Armor strength: 5
Shield strength: 100
Deflectors: 80 (4)
Weapons/Tactical data
Phasers: None
Disruptors: 2x22
Torpedo tubes: 2
Torpedo types: All
Torpedo capacity: 50
Torpedo evasion: 0%
Construction costs
Food: 0
Plasteel: 236
Iridium Ore: 0
Duranium: 303
Deuterium: 133
Antimatter: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Isolinear Chips: 10
Dilithium: 9
Tritanium: 58
Sorium: 0
Nitrium: 0
Plasma: 21
Construction time: 6 ticks
Research data
Requirements: Adrec Construction
Iso-chips cost: 500 Isos (+1000 Isos)

The Adrec is a Heavy Frigate capable of being produced by settlers. For many years it served as the strongest ship above the Darinaya and Anachrom and the weakest below the Aither and Amaterasu. This large gap in power between escorts and capital ships led to the introduction of the Bandari - a heavy cruiser - and the Cloverfield - a destroyer specialised against destroyers. The Adrec is useful as an escort for larger ships and is also useful in small packs when targeting Syndicat LX710bs. The Adrec is sometimes preferable to the Bandari as it can launch two Quantum Torpedoes per battletick, which deal 28 hull or shield damage.

If used en masse in a fleet, the Adrec should never be left without some form of anti-fighter protection - such as that from corvettes - due to its vulnerability to fighter-bombers such as the Klaestron which can easily wipe out a frigate fleet.

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