Vidiian Boxes

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List of Items

Goods.gif Vidiian Box/Container
General Data
Type: Vidiian
Item Type ID: 4001
Spawns a Ship/Item once opened and used

Vidiian Box/Container
A Vidiian Box can be found in the wreckage of a Vidiian Ship. These boxes/containers were looted from a ship of another nation by the Vidiians. Unfortunately, they could usually do anything with it, because the boxes/containers are usually protected by encryption. This makes the contents of the box all the more surprising.

Vidiian boxes and containers have a 15% probability of being found in the wreck of a vidiian ship. Each type of box has a different probability of containing each type of item. While this is not always the case, the table below shows what different types of boxes contain the majority of the time:

Box/Container Type Likely Content
Stabile Kiste Items with an expiration time

Buildable Military Ships (Medium Category)

Stabiler Container Buildable Ships

Credit Fighters

Tritanium Kiste Civilian Buildable Ships
Tritanium Container Credit Fighter

Credit Items

Romulanische Kiste Civilian Credit Ships

Buildable Military Ships (Large Category)

Romulanischer Container Buildable Military Ships (Small Category)

Special Items

Klingonen Kiste Buildable Military Ships (Large Category)

Credit Items
Medium NPC Ships

Klingonischer Container Credit Fighters
Ferengi Kiste Buildable Military Ships (Medium Category)
Ferengi Container Medium Credit Items

Civilian NPC Ships
Buildable Military Ships (Small Category)

Föderations Kiste Credit Fighter

Medium Credit Items

Föderations Container Mostly Buildable Military Ships (Large Category)

Sometimes credit fighters and purchase items.

Syndikats Kiste Predominately Purchase Items

Vessels of different origin.

Syndikats Container Larger Credit Items
Vadwaur Kiste Mostly Buildable Military Ships (Large Category)

Credit Items

Vadwaur Container Mostly smaller Credit and NPC Ships
Vidiianische Kiste Mainly Items

Sometimes buildable ships.

Vidiianischer Container NPC Scout Ships


Latinumverzierte Kiste Buildable Military Ships (Medium Category)

Sometimes Credit Fighters

Latinumverzierter Container Larger Credit Ships

Medium Buildable Military Ships

Personal tools