Taspar Eggs

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2.gif Food
3.gif Plasteel
4.gif Iridium Ore
5.gif Duranium
6.gif Deuterium
7.gif Antimatter
9.gif Isolinear Chips
11.gif Dilithium
13.gif Tritanium
14.gif Sorium
15.gif Nitrium
18.gif Plasma

8.gif Photon Torpedoes
19.gif Plasma Torpedoes
20.gif Quantum Torpedoes
32.gif Polaron Torpedoes
33.gif Nemesis Torpedoes
34.gif EMP Torpedoes
27.gif Tribbles

waren.gif Larne
16.gif Latinum

waren.gif Items
10.gif Escape Pods
26.gif Taspar Eggs
29.gif Contraband
22.gif Blood Wine
24.gif Tube Grubs
25.gif Vinculum
21.gif Ketracel White
28.gif Earl Grey
23.gif Romulan Ale


Taspar Eggs are a well known delicacy on all Cardassian planets, and have a high reputation for it's love/hate taste. However, presently Taspar Eggs have formed quite a market, separate from others, forming its own "stock market" of sorts.

Completely useless for any practical use, the only known way to manage Taspar Eggs is to freeze them, eat them or sell them. However, be wary when selling them, as their prices change, and you may be in for a surprise when you go back to find out their price has doubled due to a drought on Celtris III...

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