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Ship Functions

A graphic of the secondary plasma system

The EPS (Electro-plasma system or more specifically the electro-plasma distribution network, as engineers like to call it) is the primary form of energy distribution on starships.

The technology is based on storing energy in a highly energetic plasma, "electro-plasma," and distributing it throughout the ship via plasma conduits, called EPS conduits. The system of conduits is also referred to as the plasma grid. EPS conduits usually start at a matter-antimatter reaction assembly, also called the warp core, where matter is converted to energy, and extend to all areas of a ship. Plasma conduit power levels are regulated by plasma coolant ducts, and monitored by plasma conversion sensors.

Very large conduits extend from the warp core, through the nacelle struts, and into the nacelles to facilitate the massive power transfer to the warp coils needed to create a warp field. A plasma stream is directed by plasma injectors at the warp coils.

In addition to distributing power to the warp nacelles, various EPS taps are placed on the conduits throughout the ship to enable other systems to access electro-plasma wherever it is needed. From the EPS taps, the energy is distributed through conventional electricity; however, this conversion often occurs deep inside the components of a subsystem. Some systems use plasma distribution manifolds (or plasma manifolds, for short) to manage the power conversion level.

Role of the EPS within STNE

EPS is used within STNE as a way to limit the abilities of a ship each tick, replacing weapons heating, set flight range limits, bussard and ore collector limits, the EPS heats up after an amount of usage, therefore meaning players can only do a limited amount per tick, for example if someone is in a battle situation firing weapons this will cause the EPS to 'heat up' reducing the distance the ship can fly after the battle.