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Ship Comparison

Type: Military Ship
Category: Settler Ship
Class: Flagship
General data
Slots: 25
Crew (Min/Max): 125/200
Reputation change if destroyed: Not available
Required Hangar Slots: 25
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 1050
Main Energy: Not available
Reactor yield: 584
Solar panels: Yes
Warp Core Capacity: 25500
Energy travel cost: 15
Flight range: 70
Logistical data
LRS range: 5
Cargo bay: 8500
Beam capacity: 30
Integrity data
Hull strength: 800
Armor strength: 5
Shield strength: 1200
Deflectors: 1750 (65)
Evasion: Not available
Torpedo Capacity: Not available
Weapons/Tactical Data

No Tactical Data Available

Special Functions
none known
Avatar/Item Data
Avatar Stations: Not available
Battle Stations: Not available
Item Slots: Not available
Construction costs
Food: 0
Plasteel: 8114
Iridium Ore: 0
Duranium: 12336
Deuterium: 4450
Antimatter: 366
Isolinear Chips: 1101
Dilithium: 0
Tritanium: 3208
Sorium: 450
Nitrium: 0
Plasma: 832
Construction time: 70 ticks
Research data
Requirements: Yes
Iso-chips cost: 1500 Isos (+4030 Isos)

The Elstar is a multi - tasker ship, in a different way to the Atria. This ships task, is to fly fast, while also being able to significantly deal damage to its opponents it meets on the way. naturally, it couldn't be fast, able to deal the same damage as the iowa, and have high hull/shields like the iowa, so they cut down the shields and hull.

It is viewed as weak by some, and is, generally in combat. However, again, remember, its a multi-tasking ship, and not quite as bad as the Atria :) The ship is good for raiding, with its some 8,000 Cargo, and 1,200 Shields, although admittedly,a Amaterasu is probably your better choice if you want a raiding ship - half the cargo, but much more hull, for half the slots - at the downside it has half the Flight range. Over all its your choice, but bear in mind the Amaterasu is also able to carry some 28 Klaestrons to do super damage if needed.

The Elstar is a good ship just to 'fly around with', simply because of its high FR. That brings me on to another thing - its a hard ship to track, because it can go faster then even Patrol ships themselves, and therefore works well for a nomad-type player.

it has some small additions like its bussard collectors (alike the Amaterasu's, not very good), station EPS charging, 6 Probe dock ports, and 2 normal docking ports.

In Overview:

  • Not very good in war, unless you are a expert in hit and run tactics, and/or have 3 of these in a fleet- that'd be deadly.
  • Otherwise a good multi-tasker, could work well as a raider, and fits into RP well. I wouldn't really build one, just because its not good enough in anything that I want a ship to be 'good enough' in - But, each to their own, its your choice.

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