Dilithium Crystal - Red

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List of Items

Dilithium Crystal - Red

Dilithium Crystal - Red

When Used
Item cannot be used
On Installation
  • +Chance of ship damage or destruction
  • +20% Shields
  • +5 Disruptor Power
Construction Costs
Can be unlocked from a Vidiian Box

Dilithium Crystal - Red

An extremely rare red Dilithium crystal. Dilithium crystals in the shape and color are extremely rare to find. This type is especially popular when it comes to offensive and defensive modifications. However, there is always the risk that important systems are damaged, when using this crystal. Furthermore, this crystal is extremely unstable, which is why it disintegrates after about two weeks and is unusable.

Risk of ship damage or destruction. Only compatible on ships up to 10 slots.

Item Type ID: 4055

Note: There is a high risk of the ship being damaged or destroyed when using this item. Use at your own risk.

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