Sovereign (21501)

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Please Note: This article references ships of this class sold in the 2016 Christmas Ship Auctions or later. Other Auction Versions and NPC versions may vary. STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Comparison

Other ship versions
NPCPost 2016
Type: Military Ship
Category: Christmas Ship
Class: Heavy Battleship
General data
Slots: 15
Crew (Min/Max): 125/160
Reputation change if destroyed: -2000
Required Hangar Slots: 15
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 3450
Main Energy: 6900
Reactor yield: 925
Solar panels: Yes (+2)
Warp Core Capacity: 37500
Energy travel cost: 11
Flight range: 55
Logistical data
LRS range: 4
Cargo bay: 2500
Beam capacity: 20
Integrity/Tactical data
Hull strength: 1450
Armor strength: 6
Shield strength: 1500
Deflectors: 800 (45)
Evasion: -83%
Torpedo Capacity: 900
Weapons data

Phaser Type XIII: 11x 40|35|0 0% [1.36]
Phaser Type V: 17x 20|20|0 -40% [0.9]
Photon Torpedo Mk III: 17x 26|26|0 0% [0.9]
Quantum Torpedo Mk I: 9x 56|56|0 0% [1.5]
Tricobalt Torpedo: 6x 100|85|0 85% [1.8]

Special functions
System Blockade
1 Special Docking Space
Construction costs
3377 Plasteel
6628 Duranium
3620 Deuterium
1372 Antimatter
1561 Isolinear Chips
4410 Tritanium
1540 Sorium
1319 Plasma
150 Earl Grey
Construction time: 80 ticks
Value (EN1 previous sales data)

03.12.2021 - 52559 Credits
07.12.2022 - 222222 Plasma
08.12.2023 - 350000 Antimatter

Can only be purchased on the
Christmas Ship Auctions

(or possibly the Easter ones)

Note: This page contains the ship specifications of the sovereign with ID 21501. The sovereign with ID 21510 redirects here, the quantum torpedoes on the 21510 have 1.65 slot cost (rather than 1.5), in all other respects the ships are identical.

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