Galaxy (Christmas Auction Version)

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Please Note: This article references ships of this class sold in the 2016 Christmas Ship Auctions or later. Other Auction Versions and NPC versions may vary. STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Comparison

Other ship versions
NPC20092010-20112012-2015Post 2016
Type: Military Ship
Category: Christmas Ship
Class: Carrier
General data
Slots: 14
Crew (Min/Max): 85/175
Reputation change if destroyed: -2000
Required Hangar Slots: 14
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 2567
Main Energy: 4625
Reactor yield: 635
Solar panels: No
Warp Core Capacity: 22350
Energy travel cost: 11
Flight range: 55
Logistical data
LRS range: 4
Cargo bay: 3750
Beam capacity: 20
Integrity/Tactical data
Hull strength: 1000
Armor strength: 5
Shield strength: 1500
Deflectors: 500 (25)
Evasion: -40%
Torpedo Capacity: 1250
Weapons data

Phaser Type IV: 8x 10|7 -80% [1.75]
Photon Torpedo Mk V: 4x 56|50 -10% [2]
Phaser Type X: 10x 35|30 25% [1.3]

Special functions
System Blockade
36 Docking Ports
4 Special Docking Spaces
4.5 Hangar Slots
Construction costs
2492 Plasteel
5069 Duranium
1480 Deuterium
193 Antimatter
381 Isolinear Chips
947 Tritanium
260 Sorium
466 Plasma
140 Earl Grey
Construction time: 62 ticks
Value (EN1 previous sales data)

23.12.2016 - 10000 Credits
27.12.2017 - 300000 Plasma
19.12.2018 - 80000 Isolinear Chips
10.01.2020 - 70000 Credits
05.01.2021 - 30000 Credits
22.11.2021 - 100000 Plasteel
12.12.2022 - 21000 Credits
23.12.2022 - 50000 Sorium

Can only be purchased on the
Christmas Ship Auctions

(or possibly the Easter ones)