Guide:Quick Start Guide/Getting Started

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index

Quick Start Guide
Advancing to Level 8

Getting Started
Colony Construction
Ship Overview
Preparing to Advance
Level 6 - Expansion
Level 8 - What Now?

Other Useful Guides

Understanding the Game Interface
Changing Your Player Name
Finding the Right Alliance
Starting Research
Combat Basics
Fueling Ships
Protecting your Assets
Trading on the GTN
Basic Fleet Management
Deuterium Collection
Ore Collection
Station/Gate Construction
Wreck Extraction/Repair

This chapter of the Quick Start Guide will see you through your first steps in STNE. It will help you to reach level 3 (lvl3) by explaining, among various other things, how to construct new buildings and how to apply for a first step manager (FSM).

The Colony's Interface

<img src="{imagepath}1a.JPG"/>

In the main screen, click on your colony's image or select the text link "[Go to my colony]. You will then be presented the colony's interface.

The colony's interface will provide vital data on your colony, for example about how many people inhabit the colony as well as its current stock of goods. It even gives you a preview on how much energy and how many goods your factories will produce and consume each tick.

<img src="3.JPG"/>

The Surface of the planet that your colony is located on, is divided into various squares, so called fields. You can get information on a by simply placing your mouse pointer above it. This will bring on a context menu with all the important data. (as shown in the picture)

The Orbit section provides some information about what ships are currently stationed in your colony's orbit. In the picture above, it is the colony ship. You can use the pull-down menu to quickly change any of your own ships in orbit. However, you cannot quick-select a ship that is located somewhere far from your colony.

The small display at the top of your Colony's interface shows how many inhabitants live on your planet and how much energy is stored. This will be important later on, as you want to increase your colony's productivity. We will come back to that shortly.


<a name="buildings"></a>

How to Construct Buildings

The first "building" you should construct is an additional natural preserve. These preserves help to increase your internal reputation which in turn is needed to raise to a higher colonization level.
The following images should give you a general idea on how to build surface structures, taking a natural preserve as an example.

<align="left"> <img src="4.JPG" align="left"/> 1st step:
Click on any undeveloped field of woods (i.e. a field,
on which no natural preserve hasn't been built yet)
A context menu should pop up. Select Construct a building.

2nd step:
A new interface shows up, listing various buildings
that currently can be constructed on the selected field.
As you reach higher levels, you will be able to build
a whole lot more buildings than when you started.
Please, hover your mouse pointer above the question mark
next to the Build button. This will bring up
another context menu which shows details about the
natural preserve, like what materials are needed to
build it, its general effect and so forth.
Click on Build to start the construction.

3rd step:
At the top of your screen, a protocol will be displayed,
containing information on what goods and how much energy
were used. You should always check the protocol in order
to verify was done as you intended it; in case something goes
wrong, the protocol will give you a hint on what most likely
caused the problem.

In order to advance to level 3, build two more
natural preserves, please, and continue to section 3.



You should proceed to develop your colony. Additional information about this topic will be given in the next chapter, Further Instructions.

Apply for a First Step Manager

To become a first step manager, one has to have been playing STNE for some time so as to have gained a lot of experience plus one must have proven to be very reliable. Therefore, each new player should choose a FSM whom he can then ask about virtually anything related to STNE.

<img src="1fsm.JPG" />

In order to learn more about first step managers, click on the following button: {linkbutton | 159 | First-Step-Manager (FSM)}


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