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Please Note: This article references ships of this class sold in the Christmas Ship Auctions between 2012 and 2015. Other Auction Versions and NPC versions may vary. STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Comparison

Standard View
With Siege Mode Active
Other Ship Versions
Not Applicable
Type: Military Ship
Category: 2013 Christmas Ship
Class: Siege Ship
General data
Slots: 15
Crew (Min/Max): 60/86
Required Hangar Slots: Unknown
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 3050
Main Energy: 6095
Reactor yield: 715
Solar panels: No
Warp Core Capacity: 37375
Energy travel cost: 9
Flight range: 57
Logistical data
LRS range: 6
Cargo bay: 1200
Beam capacity: 17
Integrity/Tactical data
Hull strength: 1150
Armor strength: 6
Shield strength: 1520
Deflectors: 520 (22)
Evasion: -80%
Torpedo Capacity: 600
Weapons Data

Disruptor Beams: 6x 6|6|0 -45% [Unknown]
Disruptor Beam Barrage: 8x 3|3|0 -95% [Unknown]
Polarised Ion Pulse: 3x 180|160|0 55% [Unknown]
Overloaded Ion Pulse: 1x 620|560|0 85% [Unknown]

Special Functions
2 Docking Ports
2 Hanger Slots
Value (Previous Sales Data)

No Known Sales

Can only be purchased on the
Christmas Ship Auctions

(or possibly the Easter ones)

The Liberator class is the Ore King ship for 2013, equipped with a variety of unique weapons the ship deviates from its predecessors in the fact it is not equipped with Ore Collectors.

The ship is classified as a Siege Ship and is a formidable opponent, while the ship itself has a powerful weapons array its main advantage comes from its Siege Mode module which offers a number of advantages such as a 35% increase in weapons strength and increased armour strength, however these upgrades come at the cost of loosing 100% of the ships flight range, making the ship stationary for the time that siege mode is active.

EN1 Winner: RAKSHA ((C KMD Empress of Ore (38894)

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