Legate (2009 Christmas Settler Version)

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Comparison

Type: Military Ship
Category: Talaxian Ship
Class: Corvette
General data
Slots: 1
Crew (Min/Max): 20/35
Reputation change if destroyed: Unknown
Required Hangar Slots: Unknown
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 220
Main Energy: 440
Reactor yield: 17
Solar panels: Yes (+3)
Warp Core Capacity: 10000
Energy travel cost: 1
Flight range: 55
Logistical data
LRS range: Unknown
Cargo bay: 150
Beam capacity: 10
Integrity/Tactical data
Hull strength: 120
Armor strength: 5
Shield strength: 30
Deflectors: Unknown
Evasion: 5%
Torpedo Capacity: 20
Weapons Data

Phaser: 2x 12|12|0 Unknown [0.5]
Torpedoes: 2x Varies|Varies|Varies Unknown [0.5]

Special Functions
Construction costs
Construction time: Unknown ticks
Can only be Purchased on the Talaxian Ship Auctions
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