Bussard Collectors

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A Bussard Collector is a basic ship component that allows the collection of Deuterium. The Bussard collector will has a capacity of using up a limited amount of energy, but under certain circumstances, the amount of Deuterium collected will be greater than the amount of energy used. In a Deuterium Nebula normal Bussard Collectors will absorb 3 units of Deuterium for each unit of energy spent. In a Dense Deuterium Nebula each unit of energy spent will collect 5 Deuterium. In normal space collectors without enhancement will not work. Enhanced collectors on certain ship have a (+/- X) (X being an integer). Indus class ships have (+1) enhancement, which means that for every unit of energy an additional unit of Deuterium will be absorbed. Some heavier ships, with proper defense and collectors, like Grodts have a reduced efficiency, the Grodt having an efficiency of (-1) and Amaterasu class carriers having an efficiency of (-2).

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