Raptor (Heavy Destroyer)

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Ship Comparison


Side View of Ship

Type: Military Ship
Category: Klingon Ship
Class: Heavy destroyer
General data
Slots: 8
Crew (Min/Max): 30/150
Energy/Flight data
EPS storage: 680
Reserve Battery: 3200
Reactor yield: 363
Solar panels: Yes (+4)
Core Capacity: 17250
Energy travel cost: 4.5
Flight range: 60
Logistical data
LRS range: 5
Cargo bay: 1500
Beam capacity: 50
Integrity data
Hull strength: 600
Armor strength: 5
Shield strength: 425
Deflectors: 150 (10)
Weapons/Tactical data
Phasers: 7x14
Disruptors: 7x20
Torpedo tubes: 6
Torpedo types: All
Torpedo capacity: 200
Torpedo evasion: None
Special function data
System Blockade: Yes
Construction costs
Food: Unknown
Plasteel: Unknown
Iridium Ore: Unknown
Duranium: Unknown
Deuterium: Unknown
Antimatter: Unknown
Escape Pods: Unknown
Isolinear Chips: Unknown
Dilithium: Unknown
Tritanium: Unknown
Sorium: Unknown
Nitrium: Unknown
Plasma: Unknown
Construction time: Unknown
Can only be built by Klingons (NPC)

This ship was sold on the 2011 ship auctions.

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