Guide:Quick Start Guide

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Quick Start Guide
Advancing to Level 8

Getting Started
Colony Construction
Ship Overview
Preparing to Advance
Level 6 - Expansion
Level 8 - What Now?

Other Useful Guides

Understanding the Game Interface
Changing Your Player Name
Finding the Right Alliance
Starting Research
Combat Basics
Fueling Ships
Protecting your Assets
Trading on the GTN
Basic Fleet Management
Deuterium Collection
Ore Collection
Station/Gate Construction
Wreck Extraction/Repair

This Quick Start Guide tries to explain step by step how to play SpaceTrek: The New Empire walking you through gameplay from level 2 to when you reach level 8.

  • Getting Started
    This covers the basic colony interface, how to construct buildings and applying for a first step manager
  • Colony Construction
    This covers basic colony building, it shows you how to build up your first colony so you are producing a reasonable amount of Plasteel each tick and starts you producing Duranium.
  • Ship Overview
    This introduces ships, gives some basic information about different types of ships and looks at refueling ships with deuterium. It also looks at setting up a role play character and joining an alliance before leveling up and leaving the beginners zone.
  • Level 6 - Expansion
    This covers the remainder of the time before you reach level 8, helping you complete your small asteroid and moderate colonies, and colonizing another asteroid and planet.
  • Level 8 - What Now?
    This covers building a research center and getting started on research. It also suggests other guides and ideas to look at now you've reached level 8

Note for Editors: I've started this guide as an updated version of the Quick Start Guide in the STNE Manual, I'm also taking parts from other guides such as the Beginners Guide and the Starfleet Academy Training Channel. My intention is for this guide to just cover the basics up to level 8, but then to have other guides in this section of the wiki to cover more advanced topics. My hope is that in the longer term is that since it is part of the wiki, the STNE community can keep this guide up to date, as the guide in the manual is only updated by the Admins, which has resulted in it becoming extremely outdated. I also felt the wiki could provide an easier to access and navigate interface than Google Docs could with the Beginners Guide.

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