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Ship Comparison


Side View of Ship

Type: Military Ship
Category: Cardassian Ship
Class: Heavy Carrier
General data
Slots: 14
Crew (Min/Max): 75/125
Energy/Flight data
EPS storage: 1555
Reserve Energy: 7340
Reactor yield: 832
Solar panels: Yes (+4)
Core Capacity: 25875
Energy travel cost: 11.25
Flight range: 55
Logistical data
LRS range: 6
Cargo bay: 2000
Beam capacity: 20
Integrity data
Hull strength: 1000
Armor strength: 5
Shield strength: 1200
Deflectors: 280 (27)
Weapons/Tactical data
Phasers: 10x9
Disruptors: 8x22
Torpedo tubes: 6
Torpedo types: All
Torpedo capacity: 400
Torpedo evasion: 15%
Special function data
Bussard collectors/ efficiency: Yes
Bussard capacity: 195
System Blockade: Yes
Docking Ports: 24
Special Docking Ports: 2
Carrier Ship: Yes
Construction costs
Food: Unknown
Plasteel: Unknown
Iridium Ore: Unknown
Duranium: Unknown
Deuterium: Unknown
Antimatter: Unknown
Escape Pods: Unknown
Isolinear Chips: Unknown
Dilithium: Unknown
Tritanium: Unknown
Sorium: Unknown
Nitrium: Unknown
Plasma: Unknown
Construction time: Unknown
Can only be Built by Cardassians (NPC)

Vasad The Vasad class was initially an experimental exploration vessel, however over time, it was discovered that it made a far better carrier with it's exploration equipment removed.

Thanks to it's massive Warp core, Flight Range and Bussard collectors, the Vasad class is the perfect vessel for deep space tactical assignments, and with a full crew, a compliment of fighters and probes, -and it's fair share of Torpedoes- The Vasad can be one of the most feared vessels in the Cardassian arsenal.

However, the Vasad's biggest weakness is its manoeuvrability, making it an easy target for large flagships, such as Iowas or Sovereigns. The problem has been analysed by Cardassian scientists, but without adding a larger deflector dish the huge vessel cannot navigate normal space as easily as it's more agile fighters, the Hideki class.

Even so, the fabulous phaser system employed on board the carrier makes for a brilliant fighter deterrent, and the powerful disruptors keep away most squads of frigates. It's thick armour also protects most of the key systems from phaser damage, and small disruptor blasts.

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