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Romulan Star Empire
Government Type: Aristocratic, Parliamentary Democracy
Date of Establishment: Around 300 AD
Membership: Independent
Homeworld: Romulus
Race: Romulan
Technology Level: 8
Player ID: 6
Server ID: EN
Played By: {{{Played By}}}

The Romulans were a humanoid race from the planet Romulus in the Beta Quadrant. The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, as they were descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening. The Romulan Star Empire was the Romulan state and one of the major powers known in the galaxy.


The Romulan Star Empire, also known in some Romulan languages as the Rihannsu Star Empire and as the Latasam Stelai Rom'lnz which when translated meant Star Road of the People, is the primary Romulan state.

The Empire is located in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, the Romulan Star Empire was founded through the unification and conquest of the planet Romulus and of dozens of star systems over many sectors of space. Thousands of years later, the Empire became in bulwark of science and technologies, being the most advances races in the galaxy.

On stardate 64999, the Hobus star went supernova, devastating Romulus, this situation led the path to civil war and made the Empire fell in disarray, the Senate was destroyed and the leaders were lost. The leadership council of Rator III declared itself the new Senate, and Rator II the new capital, but was quickly challenged by similar claims from the leaders of Achenar Prime and Abraxas V.

In that moment, a unique leader, Admiral Taris, decided to concentrate her efforts on evaluating what remained of the Romulan military, and claimed all Romulan ships to Romulan space.

Some Romulans tried to seize the emperor's throne, more than two dozen people declared themselves Praetor, and at least a dozen more claimed the role of supreme commander of the Romulan fleet. Most of these erstwhile leaders fell prey to quick captures. A fortunate few were simply ignored.

Taris' victory in the Zeta Pictoris system rallies the Romulans, who had been desperately seeking a sign of their former glory. Rator III was the first to proclaim Taris as the leader of the Romulan Star Empire, quickly followed by Achenar Prime and more than a dozen other worlds.

In an address broadcast throughout the empire, Taris said "I am a military commander, and I would prefer to remain so. The seas of politics are rife with submerged hazards and hidden perils, and a wise person does well to avoid them. But my Empire calls and I cannot resist her plea."

Taris called on the leaders of the colony worlds to meet at Rator III to select representatives for a new Romulan Senate and made plans to organize a government and build a new capitol.

After stabilization of the Empire, Romulan forces under the command of Admiral Taris decided to expand the glory of the empire, colonizing new worlds to grow the empire and following the path to expand the Empire through the Delta Quadrant.

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