Indus Prototype

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Ship Comparison


Side view of ship

Indus Prototype
Type: Civilian ship
Category: Settler Ship
Class: Deuterium Tanker
General data
Slots: 7.5
Crew (Min/Max): 5/5
Energy/Flight data
EPS storage: 44
Reserve Battery: 225
Reactor yield: 32
Solar panels: No
Core Capacity: 1800
Energy travel cost: 1.125
Flight range: 40
Logistical data
LRS range: 2
Cargo bay: 800
Beam capacity: 10
Integrity data
Hull strength: 60
Armor strength: 0
Shield strength: 10
Deflectors: 30 (3)
Weapons/Tactical data
Phasers: None
Disruptors: None
Torpedo tubes: None
Torpedo types: None
Torpedo capacity: None
Torpedo evasion: None
Special function data
Bussard collectors/ efficiency: Yes (+1)
Bussard capacity: 150
Construction costs
Food: 0
Plasteel: 52
Iridium Ore: 0
Duranium: 42
Deuterium: 10
Antimatter: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Isolinear Chips: 0
Dilithium: 0
Tritanium: 0
Sorium: 0
Nitrium: 0
Plasma: 0
Construction time: 3 ticks
Research data
Requirements: none
Iso-chips cost: 0 Isos (+0 Isos)

Indus Prototype

Indus prototype is a Deuterium Tanker with a singular role and minimal defenses and no offensive weapons. These ships are very important to the survival of your colonies and to powering your ships. Deuterium is one of three essential resources needed to charge warp engines.

The Indus Prototype is cheaper to build, but has some disadvantages to the Indus:

Uses more ship slots Lower Beam Capacity

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