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m (moved Cardassian Fleet Base to Velor: Station class is now called Velor (Source:

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Ship Comparison

Cardassian Fleetbase

Cardassian Fleetbase

Classification: Military
Classification: Starbase
Slots: 35
Minimum Crew: 5
Maximum Crew: 100
Hull 7500
Armor: 12
Shields 200
EPS Limit 2624
Reserve Batteries 14437
Reactor Performance 1574 {}
Core Capacity 45000
Flight Cost 1,000,000
Cargo Capacity 5000
Beam Capacity 100
Phaser 35x15
Disruptor 35x22
Torpedos 800
Torpedo Tubes 25
Docking Ports 65
Solar Cells +11
LRS Range 9
Tractor Beam Blocker Yes
System Blockade No
Construction Costs
Construction Period: UNKNOWN
Can Only Be Built By
Cardassians (NPC)

The Cardassian Fleet Base, also known as the "Nor" class is the most powerful base belonging to the Cardassians. With its phenomenal armour, massive weaponry, and large arsenal of torpedoes, to stumble across one of these on red alert usually ends in disaster.

Deep Space Nine (Terok Nor) was probably the most well known station of this type. Although, Terok Nor was initially built for mining operations, as a processing plant for Ore, once the Federation and Bajoran Provisional Government took it over, it received many weapons upgrades to protect from the Cardassian threat, and later the Dominion threat.

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