Relay Station

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The relay station was available on talaxian ship auctions christmass 2011 and was auctioned for credits
The relay station was available on talaxian ship auctions christmass 2011 and was auctioned for credits
[[earl grey]]
[[Listening post]]
*[[Ship Comparison]]
*[[Ship Comparison]]
*[[earl grey]]
*[[Listening post]]
[[Category: Federation-Ships]]
[[Category: Federation-Ships]]

Revision as of 17:31, 29 November 2011

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index

Ship Comparison

Relay Station

Relay Station

Classification: Not Clearly Assigned
Classification: Subspace Post
Minimum Crew: 5
Maximum Crew: 5
Hull 100
Armor: 1
Shields 40
EPS Limit 180
Reserve Batteries 915
Reactor Performance 82 {}
Core Capacity 8625
Cargo Capacity 150
Beam Capacity 10
Phaser 4
Torpedos false
Torpedo Tubes false
Docking Ports 6
Replicator true
LRS Range 9
Construction Costs
Construction Period: UNKNOWN
Can Only Be Built By
Federation (NPC)

Relay Station

The relay station was available on talaxian ship auctions christmass 2011 and was auctioned for credits

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