STNE Story
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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.
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The New Beginning
Constructed by an unknown race, the solitary space station had been abandoned centuries before - the only evidence remaining to suggest the existence of a long-extinct culture. Ancient, corroded debris was scattered across the floor. Cables hung loose from the ceiling. It all seemed so very austere. Its lonely voyage towards nowhere had allowed it to drift through asteroid fields adding even more damage.
Thousands of light years away, a wormhole was artificially created through the experiments of diligent research scientists. Numerous previous attempts had failed, and many daring adventurers had died - but "giving up" was not an option. They had been determined to penetrate into another quadrant - cost what it would. Shock waves suddenly pounded through the Alpha Quadrant near the old "neutral zone." The hopes of humanity and its allies were finally realized. Arakis and his companions boldly made their way towards the wormhole - without even knowing where they would emerge. It would be a blind journey into the dark. They steered their small, but well-equipped vessel directly into the wormhole without hesitation. Turbulence shook their ship violently despite the effects of its inertial dampeners. Finally, they was seized by the wormhole itself, and thrust far into the Delta Quadrant. Their turbulent journey lasted only a few minutes.
"Evasive maneuvers!" ordered Arakis. His Conn Officer adeptly steered their ship around the old space station which had come into view at the other end of the wormhole. They had avoided the collision by a hair's breadth.
"For this new beginning, gather an away team!" cried-out Arakis to his First Officer. The away team quickly beamed over to the space station, and carefully examined it. The team leader declared, "It will take a lot of work, but it certainly will be worth it."
Since the station's stabilizers had failed long ago, these were first repaired - the endless drifting would be no more. Arakis then sent messengers back through the wormhole with a request that technicians be sent to whip the station back into shape.
The technicians arrived, and began the numerous repairs and improvements. The station received numerous docking stations and beam transporters. Its defensive installations were updated, and tested against asteroids. At long last, everything functioned perfectly. Several Exploration Ships made their way to the Delta Quadrant for exploration and cartography. Much of the work needed was left for the people who would come later - those who wanted new worlds and new communities. Bold adventurers, officers, and others who had just chosen to leave their home worlds behind would here have the chance to begin a new life.
The re-built space station was dedicated to serve as the main starbase, the starting point for the new colonists of this quadrant.
Colonists poured into the Delta Quadrant, and populated one planet after another. More people learned about the available new worlds, and also headed out. As the new empire steadily grew, the problems increased. The wormhole threatened to collapse. Scientists searched for new ways to keep it open. There were many small successes and celebrations as the wormhole would periodically stabilize. But as more colonists passed through it, the more unstable it became. There was simply not enough energy available to permanently stable the wormhole so that new settlers could continue to push forward into the Delta Quadrant.
"What can we do to collect this amount of energy?, asked the scientists and Arakis. "With only a few small contributions, we could permanently stabilized the wormhole."