Main Screen/News/Archive/2011/13.12.2011 - 14:38

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Another New One


As you surely may have noticed with some amazement, There is now a small settings flood.
What it means?

I will be a jack of all trades, and take on a small part of being a "Community Admin".

In decent english (German): I have set a goal which will fail one way or the other, To close the gaps between admins and the player community a little more.

All of this was also started by the forum post petition for Viper.
I will now try to reach this goal with the team of admins, since i already looked into it when i was a player.

Anyone who is willing to change, Must devote to it and be as productive as possible.
That SL is positive about this goal, can be seen on my surprised personal setting of my being.

To a good cooperation.

mfg, With Friendly Greetings,

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