Internal Reputation

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Diplomacy Overview
Internal Reputation (called experience before level 8) is a kind of evaluation of your "reign" by the inhabitants of your colonies. The internal reputation has an impact on the influx of immigrants, the possibility of advancing to a higher colonisation level and the possibility to use the services of the Federation.

Reputation Growth

The reputation growth is the sum of the reputation changes on your colonies. For each colony the value is calculated as follows:

Reputation growth per tick
10 Satisfied Residents +1
Per Nature Park +1
Per Environmentalist +0.2
Per Polaron Power Plant -20
Per Soldier -2
Per Labour Camp -10

When calculating internal reputation a resident is only counted if they are voluntarily on the colony and the attractiveness of the planet is high enough. For example on a planet with 20+110 attractiveness, even with 200 inhabitants you could gain a maximum of 2 reputation, as the local attractiveness limits the residents counted to 20.

An overview of your internal reputation change per tick can be seen on the standard tab of the colonies screen.


Lets say you have a base camp (+10), 2 farms (+2x2), 2 towns (+2x2), 5 nature reserves (5x5) on your standard planet (+30). Firstly this results in an attractiveness of 30+10+4+4+25=73, furthermore the planet is populated by 69 people, 2 of whom work as environmentalists. There are no soldiers, labour camps or polaron power plants on the colony. The following picture emerges:

Reputation growth per tick
10 Satisfied residents +6
Nature Reserves +5
Environmentalists +0.4
Soldiers -0
Labour Camps -0
Polaron Power Plants -0

In this example increasing the population of the colony by one and assigning them as an environmentalist would increase reputation by a further 1.2 each tick with the same food consumption.

Further Effects on Internal Reputation

  • Certain Terraforming
  • Construction and Demolition of Nature Reserves
  • Construction/Demolition of all buildings prior to level 8
  • Use of federation services (requesting ships, requesting goods, recharging energy)
  • Delivery of escape pods to the federation
  • Killing crew and/or tribbles (self destruct, radiation nebula, subspace rift etc.)
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