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The Diplomacy Page, here external reputation can be viewed, treaties and relationships can be edited
Diplomacy is the practise of conducting interplanetary relations, as in negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements. Within STNE treaties such as Non-Aggression Pacts can be formed with other settlers or alliances, this can be done to maintain a state of peace with your neighbours, or to gain allies to help you in war against your enemies.

Diplomacy can be managed from the diplomacy overview which can be found through the communications tab. Here you can manage treaties, and relationships with other settlers (e.g. solidarity) as well as viewing your external reputation and your diplomatic influence. You can also see treaties your alliance has with other settlers, and search through all treaties in the game (with the exception of secret NAPs}

Types of Contracts

All of these 5 contracts create the status of 'friends' between the two parties, which means that ships or colonies set to red alert will act as if they are on yellow alert when a colonist who has a treaties with the owner initiates a battletick

Diplomatic Influence

Diplomatic influence is solely dependent on your external reputation divided by 1000, meaning that you can have a diplomatic influence no higher than 100 as the maximum amount of external reputation possible is 100000. This influence can be used to place solidarity, criticism, denunciation or condemnation of aggression, which affects their external reputation depending on the type of relationship this can be positive or negative,and the more diplomatic influence used the more of an effect the relationship has. In extreme cases if you do not feel that criticizing, denouncing or condemning a settler is effective t is also possible to issue a declaration of war against another settler, this action does not require diplomatic influence to be used.

Pages in category "Diplomacy"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.








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