Krayton (2010-2011 Observer-interceptor)

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Please Note: This article references ships of this class sold on the 2010 and 2011 Christmas Ship Auctions ONLY. Other versions of this ship may vary. Information included on this page is accurate as of when the ship was sold. It does NOT take into account game updates. STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Ship Comparison

Other Ship Versions
NPC2010-2011 (Combination Hunter)2010-2011 (Yacht)2010-2011 (Observer Interceptor)2010-2011 (Interceptor)2012-2015 Christmas Settler VersionPost 2016 Christmas Settler Version
Type: Military Ship
Category: Christmas Ship
Class: Observer Interceptor
General data
Slots: 0.5
Crew (Min/Max): 5/5
Energy/Flight data
EPS: 85
Reserve Energy: 0
Reactor yield: 20
Solar panels: No
Warp Core Capacity: 115
Energy travel cost: 1
Flight range: 3
Logistical data
LRS range: 5
Cargo bay: 50
Beam capacity: 5
Integrity data
Hull strength: 20
Armor strength: 1
Shield strength: 0
Deflectors: None
Weapons/Tactical data
Phasers: 1x7
Disruptors: 1x18
Torpedo tubes: 1
Torpedo types: Photon Torpedoes
Plasma Torpedoes
EMP Torpedoes
Torpedo capacity: 20
Torpedo evasion: 80%
Special Functions
Construction Costs
Construction Time: Unknown
Value (Previous Sales Data)

02.12.2010 - 6666 Nitrium
05.12.2011 - 1300 Credits
09.12.2011 - 1800 Credits

Can only be Purchased on the
2010 and 2011 Christmas Ship Auctions