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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index

Cardassians | Ferengi | Federation | Dominion | Borg | Klingons | Rhulaner | Romulans | Orion Syndicate | Vidiians | Vadwaur
The Syndicat
Government Type: n/a
Date of Establishment: n/a
Membership: Independent
Homeworld: n/a
Race: n/a
Technology Level: 8
Player ID: 15
Server ID: 1
Played By: {{{Played By}}}

The Syndicate is an Organization mysterious in many ways. Mostly do to the lack of information. Not even their species nor the location of their home world has ever been revealed by anyone.

The only thing that is known, is the fact that they carry in their large ships vast quantities of mostly worthless junk. But, there are some reports about use full items found amongst the destroyed remainings of syndicat ships.

Role in STNE

The syndicate was introduced to STNE to provide collectors items among the players. With a little luck useful items can be found in the debris fields next to the ships and escape pods.

Also See:

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