D'Deridex - Type D

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(Up-to-date statistics; don't change the stats, they are accurate.)

Latest revision as of 08:15, 30 April 2020

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Ship Comparison

D'Deridex Type D

D'Deridex Type D

Classification: Military Ship
Classification: Heavy Frigate
Slots: Two
Minimum Crew: 20
Maximum Crew: 30
Hull 120
Armor: 5
Shields 170
EPS Limit 205
Reserve Batteries 411 energy.
Reactor Performance 58 {}
Core Capacity 6000
Flight Range 55
Flight Cost 1.2 energy.
Cargo Capacity 150
Beam Capacity Ten
Phaser None
Disruptor 2x22
Torpedos All
Torpedo Tubes Two
Replicator Yes
Warp Drive Yes
Cloaking Device Always
LRS Range Two sectors.
Construction Costs
Can Only Be Built By
Romulans (NPC)

The D'Deridex Type D is a smaller, two-slot version of D'Deridex Type A. It is similarly represented in the Romulan fleets like her sister ship, however they have vastly different uses. The larger Type A is generally used in war fleets, or fleets designed to pack a large punch, whereas the Type D is usually assigned to less-important border surveillance missions. There are, of course, exceptions.

Also See:


The statistics listed on this page are the base values of the D'Deridex, Type D class Warbird, and will be superior on ships of the Romulans NPC, due to superior technology. The statistics of this ship class will also vary at auction.

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