Proximo Colonies/Stories/117-120

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===Dark Times===
===Dark Times===
The night desends slowly on the barren desert planet Sanda. Cool winds from the polar regions announce the night and therefore a decrease in temperature of up to -30°C. Practically all the mine and factory workers have already withdrawn from hours in the false confort of their homes and spend the last of the evening hours trying to drown in self pity. Abandoned in the noise of the cool sand winds, two figures are sitting on a huge rock, watching the last of the sun's rays.
The night desends slowly on the barren desert planet Sanda. Cool winds from the polar regions announce the night and therefore a decrease in temperature of up to -30°C. Practically all the mine and factory workers have already withdrawn from hours in the false comfort of their homes and spend the last hours of the evening trying to drown in self pity. Abandoned in the noise of the cool sand winds, two figures are sitting on a huge rock, watching the last of the sun's rays.
One of them appears to be a little boy, swinging his legs, looking somewhat bored. Lost in thought, he looks ahead to the horizon and watches the last sunlight slowly give way to darkness.
One of them appears to be a little boy, swinging his legs, looking somewhat bored. Lost in thought, he looks ahead to the horizon and watches the last sunlight slowly give way to darkness.
"Dad?", asks the seemingly almost 8 year old child, "If I'm big as you, then do I get such a nice, thick furrr like you?"
"Dad?", asks the seemingly almost 8 year old child, "If I'm big as you, then do I get such nice, thick fur like you?"
"No, you will not get furrr like me.", Caitian answered the question without averting the gaze from the horizon.
"No, you will not get fur like me.", Caitian answered the question without averting the gaze from the horizon.
Astonished, the son thinks about his father's words and looks quizzically at his bare arms. A few hairs are clearly visible, but nevertheless these are nothing compared to the glory of his father's fur.
Astonished, the son thinks about his father's words and looks quizzically at his bare arms. A few hairs are clearly visible, but nevertheless these are nothing compared to the glory of his father's fur.
"Dad?", begins the boy again, "But I get just as Strrrong claws and teeth as you, rrright?"
"Dad?", begins the boy again, "But my teeth will be just as strong and my paws will be just as large as yours, right?"
Slowly turns around and looks at his offspring Tchark intently
Tchark slowly turns around and looks intently at his offspring
"No little one, your teeth have probably never been that strong and you'll never get paws as large as mine!"
"No little one, your teeth will probably never be that strong and you'll never get paws as large as mine!"
Sadly, considering the child's hands, which look very different from that of his father. Instead of burly paws with sharp claws several of his limbs looked like thin sausages, which were powerless and harmless. When the little boy regarded it like that, a tear rolled down his cheek and a suppressed sob penetrated to Tchark V `Chassal ear.
Sadly, looking at the child's hands, which looked very different from that of his father - instead of the burly paws with sharp claws several of his limbs looked like thin sausages which seemed powerless. When the little boy thought of it like that a tear rolled down his cheek and a suppressed sob penetrated to Tchark V`Chassal's ear.
"You need not be sad my son. Just because your mother was not Caitian means that you're less of a purebred Caitian!", The father tries to comfort his son, and places his paws on his shoulders gently."
"There is no need to be sad my son. Just because your mother was not Caitian does not make you any weaker than a pure-bred Catian!", The father tries to comfort his son, and places his paws on his shoulders gently."
"You have a beautiful long tail, excellent hearing, much better vision and reflexes as well as the strongest claws I have ever seen!"
"You have a beautiful long tail, excellent hearing, much better vision and reflexes as well as the strongest claws I have ever seen!"
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The 8-year-old wipes the tears from his eyes and looks at his father undecided.
The 8-year-old wipes the tears from his eyes and looks at his father undecided.
"Deine Pfote blutet aber wenigstens nicht jedes Mal nachdem du deine Krallen verwendet hast", argumentiert der Kleine dagegen, "außerdem sind meine Ohren nicht so beweglich wie deine!"
"But my paws bleed every time I use my claws", argued the child, "and my ears aren't as flexible as yours!"
"Nun ja, die Forrrm deinerrr Pfoten ist nicht fürrr Krrrallen gedacht, dafürrr sind sie viel beweglicherrr und du kannst viel besserrr kleine Sachen bedienen und rrreparieren."
"Well the shape of your feet is not intended for claws, but they are much more flexible allowing you to use, operate and repair small things."
Schweigend denkt der Sprössling über die Worte seines Vaters nach und bewegt misstrauisch seine Finger.
Silently thinking the child, suspicious of his fathers words, moved his fingers.
"Aber...", will der Kleine nun wieder beginnen, doch Tchark unterbricht ihn scharf.
"But...", said the boy wanting to start again, but Tchark interrupts him sharply.
"Nicht aberrr! Du wirrrst eines Tages dem Namen, den ich dirrr nach deinerrr Geburrrt gab, alle Ehrrre machen und ein mindestens so grrroßer Krrrieger und weiserrr Anführrrerrrr werden wie dein Namensfetterrr!"
"It is not so! You shall grow up to honour the name I gave you when you were born. Someday you shall become a great leader and warrior!"
Interessiert richtet der Junge seine Ohren nach vorne und wedelt aufgeregt mit der Schwanzspitze.
Interested, the boys ears pointed forwards and his tail wagged excitedly.
"Ich hab den Namen eines großen Kriegers?", löchert er seinen Vater.
"I have the name of a great warrior?", the boy asked, questioning his father.
"Ja", antwortet der angesprochene, "Eins starrrken, mutigen Krrriegers. Errr hat mein Leben gerrrettet und warrr der weiseste Anführrrer den ich je getrrroffen habe. Es war für mich eine Ehrrre ihn als Frrreund zu haben."
"Yes", answered the boys father, "A very strong, brave warrior, he saved my life and was the wisest leader I ever met. I was honoured to have him as a friend"
Mit funkelnden Augen schaut das Kind Tchark an und hofft darauf mehr zu erfahren, doch dieser verliert kein Wort mehr darüber.
With glittering eyes the child looked at Tchark in the hopes of learning more, but his father does not tell him any more about it.
"Geh jetzt rrrein und schlaf", sagt er nur noch, "du zitterrrst ja schon am ganzen Körrrper!"
"Go inside and go to sleep now", he says, "you're already trembling all over my body!"
Etwas enttäuscht und nachdenklich folgt der Junge der Aufforderung und geht in das kleine Lehmhaus, welches bis zum heutigen Tage seine Zuhause war. Doch was wird in der Zukunft mit ihm geschehen und was meinte sein Vater mit diesen Worten? Tief in Gedanken versunken schläft er ein während Tchark vor dem Eingang sitzen bleibt, in die Sterne schaut und auf fernen Tag der Entscheidung wartet....
Slightly disappointed and thoughtful the boy obeys his father and goes into the little mud house which was his home. But what would happen to him in the future? What did his father mean by those words? Deep in thought he falls asleep. Tchark remains sitting in front of the entrance of the house, looking at the stars, waiting for the distant day of judgement...
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===Victim of Genetics===
===Victim of Genetics===
Weitere 2 Jahre sind nun vergangen seit Tchark seinem Sohn nun einen Teil der Wahrheit erzählte. Inzwischen ist Proximo zu einem starken Jungen mit ganz besonderen Fähigkeiten herangewachsen welche er mit großer Freude einsetzt und trainiert, dennoch kommen ihm immer öfter Zweifel welche er nicht einfach abschütteln kann. Er spürt förmlich die Blicke seines Vaters und all der anderen Kinder welche ihn gefangen nehmen, sobald er seine Fertigkeiten nutzt. Auch wird ihm immer deutlicher klar wie außergewöhnlich die Veränderungen an seinem Körper sind und dass diese sogar Tchark in Unruhe versetzten. So trifft er die Entscheidung alles abzulegen was ihn von den anderen Kindern abhebt und nach einer Weile ist er nun sogar in der Lage das leuchtende Grün in seinen Augen zu unterdrücken, welches bisher besonders in Stresssituationen Besitz von diesen ergriffen hat.
Another 2 years have now passed since Tchark told his son part of the truth. In the meantime, Proximo has grown into a strong boy with very special abilities which he uses and trains with great enthusiasm, but he still has more and more doubts which he cannot simply shake off. He can literally feel the stares of his father and all the other children who are captivated by him as soon as he uses his abilities. He also realizes more and more clearly how extraordinary the changes to his body are and that they even upset Tchark. So he makes the decision to discard everything that sets him apart from the other children and after a while he is now even able to suppress the bright green in his eyes, which used to take hold of them especially in stressful situations.
Endlich scheint er von anderen, wenn auch wenigen, Caitianer-Kindern akzeptiert zu werden, auch wenn ihm einige Teile fehlen wie diese sagen. Schließlich scheint die Erklärung dass er Halb-Caitianer sei, trotz seines ausgeprägten Wissens über Genetik, so naheliegend dass sogar er selbst dieser, scheinbar offensichtlichen, Wahrheit Glauben schenkt.
At last he seems to be accepted by other, albeit few, Caitian children, even if he is missing some parts as they say. Finally, the explanation that he is half-Caitian seems so obvious, despite his strong knowledge of genetics, that even he himself believes this seemingly obvious truth.
Es wäre wohl auch dabei geblieben wenn sich Proximo nicht eines verhängnisvollen Tages eine harmlose Verletzung beim Raufen mit einem Caitianer zugezogen hätte. Die Spuren der Krallen sind deutlich zu erkennen und Blut fließt aus der Wunde. So wird er kurzer Hand von seiner Lehrerin zum Schularzt geschickt um dort die Verletzungen mittels Dermalregenerator behandeln zu lassen.
It would probably have stayed that way if Proximo had not suffered a harmless injury one fateful day while tussling with a Caitian. The marks of the claws are clearly visible and blood is flowing from the wound. His teacher quickly sends him to the school doctor to have the injuries treated with a dermal regenerator.
Der dort behandelnde Mediziner staunt nicht schlecht als ihm der Junge seinen Arm hinhält und die tiefen Einschnitte bereits anfangen zu verheilen.
The doctor is amazed when the boy holds out his arm and the deep cuts begin to heal.
"Bist du sicher dass du wegen diesen Verletzungen hier her geschickt wurdest?", befragt der Arzt den Jungen ungläubig.
“Are you sure you were sent here because of these injuries?” the doctor asks the boy incredulously.
"Ja!", antwortet der kleine Proximo unsicher, "Aber Entrak hat angefangen, an meinem Schwanz gezogen und gesagt dass der viel kürzer und schwächer wäre wie seiner!"
“Yes!” the little Proximo replies uncertainly, ”But Entrak started pulling on my tail and said that it was much shorter and weaker than his!
Ein wenig ärgerlich streicht er die Haare an seinem Bürzel glatt um zu demonstrieren dass er nicht schuld an diesem Streit war. Der Arzt dagegen interessiert sich weniger für Streit als für die Tatsache dass die Kratzwunde innerhalb weniger Minuten fast vollständig verheilt ist.
He strokes the hair on his rump a little angrily to demonstrate that he was not to blame for the argument. The doctor, on the other hand, is less interested in the argument than in the fact that the scratch has healed almost completely within a few minutes.
"Leg dich bitte da auf das Biobett, ich muss das etwas genauer untersuchen!", befiehlt der Schularzt und holt einen medizinischen Tricorder um den Jungen genauer zu untersuchen.
“Please lie down on the biobed, I need to take a closer look,” the school doctor orders and fetches a medical tricorder to examine the boy more closely.
Interessiert beobachtet dieser die Untersuchungsinstrumente als er plötzlich eine Veränderung spürt. Er kann sie nicht genau einordnen, dennoch beunruhigt ihn das Gefühl welches aus Richtung des Doktors zu kommen scheint und diesen erstarren lässt. Vorsichtig schnuppert Proximo und nimmt dabei einen ihm bekannten Duft war welchen er doch schon einmal gerochen hat. Wenn er sich doch nur an die dazu passende Situation erinnern könnte.
He observes the examination instruments with interest when he suddenly senses a change. He can't place it exactly, but the feeling that seems to come from the direction of the doctor makes him freeze. Proximo sniffs cautiously and notices a familiar scent that he has smelled before. If only he could remember the appropriate situation.
"Bleib hier!", unterbricht der Schularzt seine Gedanken und verlässt in eiligen Schritten den Raum während der Junge weiter über die letzten Geschehnisse nachdenkt...
“Stay here!” the school doctor interrupts his thoughts and hurries out of the room while the boy continues to think about the recent events...  
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===The Sleeping Beast===
===The Sleeping Beast===
Angestrengt denkt Proximo über den Geruch und den Zusammenhang mit zurückliegenden Erlebnissen nach. Einige Minuten fällt ihm eine Situation ein, in der er einige Meter von einem großen Felsen gestürzt war und dabei einen Feldarbeiter zu Boden riss. Im ersten Schrecken glühten wohl seine Augen auf und so rannte der Arbeiter in blanker Panik davon.
Proximo thinks hard about the smell and the connection with past experiences. A few minutes later, he remembers a situation in which he fell a few meters from a large rock and knocked a field worker to the ground. His eyes must have glowed in the initial fright and the worker ran off in sheer panic.
"Aber natürlich!", erinnert er sich freudig, "Das war der gleiche Geruch!"
“But of course!” he recalls happily, ”It was the same smell!
Im selben Moment läuft ein Schauer über seinen Rücken und die Haare auf seinem Schwanz stehen spontan zu Berge, so dass dieser noch buschiger aussieht wie gewöhnlich. Der Zusammenhang wird dem Jungen in dem Moment klar als Schritte von der anderen Seite der Türe zu vernehmen sind. Die Schiebetür gleitet zur Seite und 2 Männer mit schweren Phasergewehren betreten den Raum.
At the same moment, a shiver runs down his spine and the hair on his tail spontaneously stands on end, making it look even bushier than usual. The boy realizes the connection the moment he hears footsteps from the other side of the door. The sliding door slides aside and two men with heavy phaser rifles enter the room.
"Ganz ruhig!", schreit einer der beiden, "Wenn du dich bewegst werde ich dich auf der Stelle töten!"
“Take it easy!” shouts one of them, ”If you move, I'll kill you on the spot!
Wenn gleich die Entwicklung für Proximo unerwartet kommt, duckt er sich unwillkürlich und macht sich zum Sprung bereit. In seiner Todesangst erwachen lang verleugnete und unterdrückte Sinne welche wie ein Feuerwerk seinen Körper gefangen nehmen und alle anderen Gedanken zum schweigen bringen.
Although the development is unexpected for Proximo, he involuntarily ducks and prepares to jump. In his fear of death, long denied and suppressed senses awaken, capturing his body like fireworks and silencing all other thoughts.
"Denk gar nicht dran!", warnt der bewaffnete Eindringling erneut, doch er ist schlichtweg zu langsam um seine Drohung in die Tat umzusetzen.
“Don't even think about it!” warns the armed intruder again, but he is simply too slow to carry out his threat.
Wie eine Feder springt der Bedrohte nach vorne und verlässt mit einem einzigen Satz den Raum durch die immer noch geöffnete Türe. Ein Phaserschuss begleitet das Schauspiel, doch er verfehlt das Ziel völlig und verdampft einige Medikamente auf einem kleinen Beistelltisch.
Like a spring, the threatened man leaps forward and leaves the room in a single bound through the still open door. A phaser shot accompanies the spectacle, but it misses the target completely and vaporizes some drugs on a small side table.
"Tötet ihn! Im Namen Entars!", hört er noch eine Stimme brüllen bevor er seinen Gegner endlich hinter sich lässt.
“Kill him! In the name of Entar!” he hears another voice roar before he finally leaves his opponent behind.
"Halt!", hört Proximo einen weiteren bewaffneten Mann von der anderen Seite des Ganges rufen, doch diesmal ist reagiert er eine Spur zu langsam.
“Stop!Proximo hears another armed man shout from the other side of the corridor, but this time he reacts a little too slowly.
Ein Phaserstrahl erfasst seinen Körper und reißt ihn mit einer Gewalt zu Boden dass ihm sofort schwarz vor Augen wird. Er bekommt nicht mehr mit wie sich zwei Personen nähern und seine Gestalt mustern.
A phaser beam catches his body and pulls him to the ground with such force that he immediately blacks out. He no longer notices how two people approach and scrutinize his figure.
"Ist es tot?", fragt eine Männerstimme unsicher.
“Is he dead?” a man's voice asks uncertainly.
"Weiß nicht", ertönt es aus einer anderen Richtung, "gehen wir aber lieber auf Nummer sicher!"
“I don't know,” he hears from another direction, ”but let's play it safe!
Als das Bestätigungspiepsen eines Phasergewehrs, bei welchem man die wohl eben die Energiestärke verstellt hat, an Proximos Ohr dringt, wirkt es verzerrt und verworren, dennoch spürt der Junge die ihm drohende Gefahr. Im Schock fährt er herum, reißt seine Hand hoch und trifft dabei die Waffe, welche daraufhin die Hand des Angreifers verlässt und mit einem dumpfen Geräusch auf den Boden fällt.
When the confirmation beep of a phaser rifle, whose energy level has probably just been adjusted, reaches Proximo's ear, it seems distorted and confused, but the boy senses the imminent danger. In shock, he spins around, pulls up his hand and hits the weapon, which then leaves the attacker's hand and falls to the ground with a thud.
So überrascht der zweite Mann aber auch war, er fängt sich schnell und zielt mit militärischer Präzision auf den Kopf seines Opfers, um ihm den Gnadenschuss zu verpassen. In letzter Sekunde ergreift den Jungen sein Selbsterhaltungstrieb und ohne zu überlegen schnellt eine Hand, zur Faust geballt, nach vorne. Innerhalb eines Wimpernschlags bohren sich vier Krallen durch Proximos angespannte Faust und schließlich auch durch die Brust seines Gegners.
As surprised as the second man was, he quickly catches himself and aims with military precision at his victim's head to give him the coup de grace. At the last second, the boy's instinct for self-preservation takes hold of him and, without a second thought, a hand clenches into a fist and darts forward. In the blink of an eye, four claws pierce through Proximo's tense fist and finally through his opponent's chest.
Das Blut spritzt dabei nicht nur aus den Wunden des Getroffenen, sondern auch der Junge verliert durch die Verletzung seiner eigenen Hand eine Menge davon. Beide schreien vor Schmerz und Überraschung. Wie gelähmt steht der Dritte im Bunde einfach nur da und beobachtet das Schauspiel ohne einen Finger rühren zu können.
The blood not only spurts from the wounds of the victim, but the boy also loses a lot of it from the injury to his own hand. Both scream in pain and surprise. The third member of the group simply stands there, paralyzed, watching the spectacle without being able to lift a finger.
Einen Augenblick später lässt Proximo, völlig verwirrt, von seinem Opfer ab und rennt los. Sein einziges Ziel, diesen Ort zu verlassen und zwar so schnell wie nur irgend möglich...
A moment later, completely confused, Proximo lets go of his victim and runs off. His only goal is to leave this place as quickly as possible...  
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===Difficult Age===
===Difficult Age===
The front door to Tchark V'Chassal's house opens with a loud crash and closes just as quickly as it was opened. A small figure rushes in, covered in blood, and throws himself into his father's arms, crying.
Mit einem lauten Krachen öffnet sich die Eingangstüre zu Tchark V`Chassals Haus und schließt eben so schnell wie sie geöffnet wurde. Eine kleine Gestalt stürmt, völlig blutüberströmt, herein und stürzt sich weinend in die Arme seines Vaters.
“Dad! I... I've... I..., the boy begins a sentence, but the tears prevent him from completing it.
"Papa! Ich... ich hab... ich...", beginnt der Junge einen Satz, doch die Tränen verhindern dessen Vollendung.
Noch bevor Tchark genauer nachfragen kann, kracht die Türe abermals und drei Leute in Uniform stürmen herein.
Before Tchark can ask any further questions, the door bangs again and three people in uniform rush in.
"Halt!", ruft einer der Männer, "Händigen sie uns sofort das Kind aus und ihnen wird nichts geschehen!"
“Stop!” shouts one of the men, ”Hand over the child immediately and nothing will happen to you!
Angespannt mustert Tchark V`Chassal die Eindringlinge und schiebt den Jungen hinter sich, welcher dies zitternd über sich ergehen lässt. Anschließend beginnt Tchark sachlich zu sprechen.
Tense, Tchark V'Chassal looks at the intruders and pushes the boy behind him, who trembles as he endures this. Tchark then begins to speak matter-of-factly.
"Was genau hat mein Sohn getan? Ich werrrde ihn dafürrr harrtt bestrrrafen!"
“What exactly has my son done? I will punish him for it!
Mit einem bösen Grinsen nähert sich einer der uniformierten Gestalten und zielt dabei auf Proximo, welcher sich dadurch noch näher an seinen Vater drückt.
With an evil grin, one of the uniformed figures approaches and aims at Proximo, who presses himself even closer to his father.
"Ich glaub nicht dass der Mord an einem Geheimdienstmitarbeiter durch eine einfache Strafe gesühnt werden kann.", entgegnet die Gestalt, "Außerdem ist der Tod ihres Sohnes bereits beschlossene Sache. Befehl direkt von Entar persönlich. Weil sie der Vater sind gebe ich ihnen eine letzte Chance mir den Jungen auszuhändigen, bevor ich auch sie töte!"
“I don't believe that the murder of a secret service agent can be atoned for by a simple punishment,” the figure replies, ”Besides, the death of your son is already a done deal. Orders directly from Entar himself. Because you are the father, I am giving you one last chance to hand over the boy before I kill you too!
Unvermittelt zuckt Tchark bei diesen Worten zusammen, lässt sich durch die Anschuldigungen allerdings keineswegs einschüchtern.
Tchark suddenly flinches at these words, but is in no way intimidated by the accusations.
"Ihrrr Geheimdienst wirrrd nicht einmal mit 10-Jährrrigen Kinderrrn ferrrtig?"
“Your secret service can't even handle 10-year-old children?
Vor Entrüstung nach Luft schnappend tritt der Mann noch einen Schritt näher und steht nun direkt vor dem Caitianer.
Gasping with indignation, the man takes another step closer and now stands directly in front of the Caitian.
"Hüten sie ihre Zunge und rücken sie sofort das Kind raus sonst..."
“Watch your tongue and hand over the child immediately or else...
Weiter kommt er nicht, denn Tcharks Pfote ergreift das Gewehr welches auf ihn gerichtet war und nimmt den Eindringling damit in den Schwitzkasten. Fast gleichzeitig tritt er mit seiner rechten Pfote nach hinten und schleudert Proximo unsanft in einen Nebenraum, wo dieser regungslos liegenbleibt.
He doesn't get any further, because Tchark's paw grabs the rifle that was pointed at him and puts the intruder in a headlock. Almost simultaneously, he kicks Proximo backwards with his right paw and throws him roughly into an adjoining room, where he lies motionless.
"Hey!", hört Tchark V`Chassal einen der Männer brüllen, "Lassen sie ihn sofort los!"
“Hey!, Tchark V'Chassal hears one of the men yell, ”Let him go at once!
"Wenn sie darrrauf bestehen...", antwortet der Caitianer kurz, lässt das Gewehr auf einer Seite los und stößt sein Opfer mit aller Kraft in Richtung des Eindringlings, welcher die Freilassung gefordert hat.
“If you insist...” replies the Caitian briefly, letting go of the rifle on one side and pushing his victim with all his might towards the intruder, who has demanded to be released.
Zum Pech von Tcharks letztem Opfer, reagiert sein Kamerad falsch und feuert aus Schreck den Phaser ab. Der Caitianer aber springt mit einem Satz an die Wand, ergreift den dort befestigten Speer und schleudert diesen zielgenau in Richtung des dritten Angreifers, welcher daraufhin durchbohrt zu Boden geht. Völlig paralysiert muss der letzte Überlebende des Trupps zuschauen wie sich sein Gegner den Jungen schnappt und in schnellen Schritten das Haus verlässt...
Unfortunately for Tchark's last victim, his comrade reacts incorrectly and fires the phaser out of fright. The Caitian, however, leaps against the wall, grabs the spear attached to it and hurls it with pinpoint accuracy in the direction of the third attacker, who then falls to the ground, pierced through and through. Completely paralyzed, the last survivor of the squad has to watch as his opponent grabs the boy and leaves the house in quick strides...  

Latest revision as of 15:20, 24 November 2024

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Dark Times

The night desends slowly on the barren desert planet Sanda. Cool winds from the polar regions announce the night and therefore a decrease in temperature of up to -30°C. Practically all the mine and factory workers have already withdrawn from hours in the false comfort of their homes and spend the last hours of the evening trying to drown in self pity. Abandoned in the noise of the cool sand winds, two figures are sitting on a huge rock, watching the last of the sun's rays.

One of them appears to be a little boy, swinging his legs, looking somewhat bored. Lost in thought, he looks ahead to the horizon and watches the last sunlight slowly give way to darkness.

"Dad?", asks the seemingly almost 8 year old child, "If I'm big as you, then do I get such nice, thick fur like you?"

"No, you will not get fur like me.", Caitian answered the question without averting the gaze from the horizon.

Astonished, the son thinks about his father's words and looks quizzically at his bare arms. A few hairs are clearly visible, but nevertheless these are nothing compared to the glory of his father's fur.

"Dad?", begins the boy again, "But my teeth will be just as strong and my paws will be just as large as yours, right?"

Tchark slowly turns around and looks intently at his offspring

"No little one, your teeth will probably never be that strong and you'll never get paws as large as mine!"

Sadly, looking at the child's hands, which looked very different from that of his father - instead of the burly paws with sharp claws several of his limbs looked like thin sausages which seemed powerless. When the little boy thought of it like that a tear rolled down his cheek and a suppressed sob penetrated to Tchark V`Chassal's ear.

"There is no need to be sad my son. Just because your mother was not Caitian does not make you any weaker than a pure-bred Catian!", The father tries to comfort his son, and places his paws on his shoulders gently."

"You have a beautiful long tail, excellent hearing, much better vision and reflexes as well as the strongest claws I have ever seen!"

The 8-year-old wipes the tears from his eyes and looks at his father undecided.

"But my paws bleed every time I use my claws", argued the child, "and my ears aren't as flexible as yours!"

"Well the shape of your feet is not intended for claws, but they are much more flexible allowing you to use, operate and repair small things."

Silently thinking the child, suspicious of his fathers words, moved his fingers.

"But...", said the boy wanting to start again, but Tchark interrupts him sharply.

"It is not so! You shall grow up to honour the name I gave you when you were born. Someday you shall become a great leader and warrior!"

Interested, the boys ears pointed forwards and his tail wagged excitedly.

"I have the name of a great warrior?", the boy asked, questioning his father.

"Yes", answered the boys father, "A very strong, brave warrior, he saved my life and was the wisest leader I ever met. I was honoured to have him as a friend"

With glittering eyes the child looked at Tchark in the hopes of learning more, but his father does not tell him any more about it.

"Go inside and go to sleep now", he says, "you're already trembling all over my body!"

Slightly disappointed and thoughtful the boy obeys his father and goes into the little mud house which was his home. But what would happen to him in the future? What did his father mean by those words? Deep in thought he falls asleep. Tchark remains sitting in front of the entrance of the house, looking at the stars, waiting for the distant day of judgement...


Victim of Genetics

Another 2 years have now passed since Tchark told his son part of the truth. In the meantime, Proximo has grown into a strong boy with very special abilities which he uses and trains with great enthusiasm, but he still has more and more doubts which he cannot simply shake off. He can literally feel the stares of his father and all the other children who are captivated by him as soon as he uses his abilities. He also realizes more and more clearly how extraordinary the changes to his body are and that they even upset Tchark. So he makes the decision to discard everything that sets him apart from the other children and after a while he is now even able to suppress the bright green in his eyes, which used to take hold of them especially in stressful situations.

At last he seems to be accepted by other, albeit few, Caitian children, even if he is missing some parts as they say. Finally, the explanation that he is half-Caitian seems so obvious, despite his strong knowledge of genetics, that even he himself believes this seemingly obvious truth.

It would probably have stayed that way if Proximo had not suffered a harmless injury one fateful day while tussling with a Caitian. The marks of the claws are clearly visible and blood is flowing from the wound. His teacher quickly sends him to the school doctor to have the injuries treated with a dermal regenerator.

The doctor is amazed when the boy holds out his arm and the deep cuts begin to heal.

“Are you sure you were sent here because of these injuries?” the doctor asks the boy incredulously.

“Yes!” the little Proximo replies uncertainly, ”But Entrak started pulling on my tail and said that it was much shorter and weaker than his!”

He strokes the hair on his rump a little angrily to demonstrate that he was not to blame for the argument. The doctor, on the other hand, is less interested in the argument than in the fact that the scratch has healed almost completely within a few minutes.

“Please lie down on the biobed, I need to take a closer look,” the school doctor orders and fetches a medical tricorder to examine the boy more closely.

He observes the examination instruments with interest when he suddenly senses a change. He can't place it exactly, but the feeling that seems to come from the direction of the doctor makes him freeze. Proximo sniffs cautiously and notices a familiar scent that he has smelled before. If only he could remember the appropriate situation.

“Stay here!” the school doctor interrupts his thoughts and hurries out of the room while the boy continues to think about the recent events...


The Sleeping Beast

Proximo thinks hard about the smell and the connection with past experiences. A few minutes later, he remembers a situation in which he fell a few meters from a large rock and knocked a field worker to the ground. His eyes must have glowed in the initial fright and the worker ran off in sheer panic.

“But of course!” he recalls happily, ”It was the same smell!”

At the same moment, a shiver runs down his spine and the hair on his tail spontaneously stands on end, making it look even bushier than usual. The boy realizes the connection the moment he hears footsteps from the other side of the door. The sliding door slides aside and two men with heavy phaser rifles enter the room.

“Take it easy!” shouts one of them, ”If you move, I'll kill you on the spot!”

Although the development is unexpected for Proximo, he involuntarily ducks and prepares to jump. In his fear of death, long denied and suppressed senses awaken, capturing his body like fireworks and silencing all other thoughts.

“Don't even think about it!” warns the armed intruder again, but he is simply too slow to carry out his threat.

Like a spring, the threatened man leaps forward and leaves the room in a single bound through the still open door. A phaser shot accompanies the spectacle, but it misses the target completely and vaporizes some drugs on a small side table.

“Kill him! In the name of Entar!” he hears another voice roar before he finally leaves his opponent behind.

“Stop!” Proximo hears another armed man shout from the other side of the corridor, but this time he reacts a little too slowly.

A phaser beam catches his body and pulls him to the ground with such force that he immediately blacks out. He no longer notices how two people approach and scrutinize his figure.

“Is he dead?” a man's voice asks uncertainly.

“I don't know,” he hears from another direction, ”but let's play it safe!”

When the confirmation beep of a phaser rifle, whose energy level has probably just been adjusted, reaches Proximo's ear, it seems distorted and confused, but the boy senses the imminent danger. In shock, he spins around, pulls up his hand and hits the weapon, which then leaves the attacker's hand and falls to the ground with a thud.

As surprised as the second man was, he quickly catches himself and aims with military precision at his victim's head to give him the coup de grace. At the last second, the boy's instinct for self-preservation takes hold of him and, without a second thought, a hand clenches into a fist and darts forward. In the blink of an eye, four claws pierce through Proximo's tense fist and finally through his opponent's chest.

The blood not only spurts from the wounds of the victim, but the boy also loses a lot of it from the injury to his own hand. Both scream in pain and surprise. The third member of the group simply stands there, paralyzed, watching the spectacle without being able to lift a finger.

A moment later, completely confused, Proximo lets go of his victim and runs off. His only goal is to leave this place as quickly as possible...


Difficult Age

The front door to Tchark V'Chassal's house opens with a loud crash and closes just as quickly as it was opened. A small figure rushes in, covered in blood, and throws himself into his father's arms, crying.

“Dad! I... I've... I...”, the boy begins a sentence, but the tears prevent him from completing it.

Before Tchark can ask any further questions, the door bangs again and three people in uniform rush in.

“Stop!” shouts one of the men, ”Hand over the child immediately and nothing will happen to you!”

Tense, Tchark V'Chassal looks at the intruders and pushes the boy behind him, who trembles as he endures this. Tchark then begins to speak matter-of-factly.

“What exactly has my son done? I will punish him for it!”

With an evil grin, one of the uniformed figures approaches and aims at Proximo, who presses himself even closer to his father.

“I don't believe that the murder of a secret service agent can be atoned for by a simple punishment,” the figure replies, ”Besides, the death of your son is already a done deal. Orders directly from Entar himself. Because you are the father, I am giving you one last chance to hand over the boy before I kill you too!”

Tchark suddenly flinches at these words, but is in no way intimidated by the accusations.

“Your secret service can't even handle 10-year-old children?”

Gasping with indignation, the man takes another step closer and now stands directly in front of the Caitian.

“Watch your tongue and hand over the child immediately or else...”

He doesn't get any further, because Tchark's paw grabs the rifle that was pointed at him and puts the intruder in a headlock. Almost simultaneously, he kicks Proximo backwards with his right paw and throws him roughly into an adjoining room, where he lies motionless.

“Hey!”, Tchark V'Chassal hears one of the men yell, ”Let him go at once!”

“If you insist...” replies the Caitian briefly, letting go of the rifle on one side and pushing his victim with all his might towards the intruder, who has demanded to be released.

Unfortunately for Tchark's last victim, his comrade reacts incorrectly and fires the phaser out of fright. The Caitian, however, leaps against the wall, grabs the spear attached to it and hurls it with pinpoint accuracy in the direction of the third attacker, who then falls to the ground, pierced through and through. Completely paralyzed, the last survivor of the squad has to watch as his opponent grabs the boy and leaves the house in quick strides...

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