Proximo Colonies/Stories/-116

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

Contents | STNE | Colonies | Buildings | Goods | Items | NPC | Ships | Stellar Cartography | Research | Trade | Combat | Settler | Alliances | Index

Home/Introduction | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-116 | 117+
Ships | Fleets | People | Items | Specific Regions

Important Note

The Proximo Colonies, up to and including 116 are creating the basic structure of a universe to obtain the necessary writing skills. They are considered background and training examples and can be used a s such, but its content is not a prerequisite for understanding the stories to follow 117+!

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