Jupiter Station

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Jupiter Station
Colonization level
Research required
Jupiter Station Construction
Construction Cost
80 Plasteel
40 Duranium
60 Deuterium
1 Isolinear Chip
(Can be increased up to 2 using Scientists)
Maintenance Cost
10 Workers
20 Energy
(Optional 10 Scientists)
General Effect
Construction Time
10 tick(s)

A Jupiter Station puts 10 research scientists into orbit where they produce 1 Iso-chip each tick.

It is possible to employ an additional 10 scientists in a Jupiter Station to manufacture an additional Iso-chip. Each scientist increases the station's productivity by 10%.

Although Jupiter Stations need more people and energy than conventional Research Centers, they have the distinct advantage of not requiring raw materials for their activities. They are therefore ideal for any planet with an energy surplus, which also possesses an activated WorkBee Spaceport.

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