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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.
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+Hirogen+ (336) | ||
Date Founded | ||
March 11 2010 | ||
Status | ||
Merged into the The Brotherhood of NoD | ||
Government | ||
Method of Government: | Communal Council Leadership | |
Current Leader(s): | N/A | |
Former Leader(s): | *Trujén Alpha +Hirogen+ Guy Alpha .i.. +Hirogen+ LTR-*Dred Alpha +Hirogen+ | |
Significant Allies | ||
Unknown | ||
Conflicts/RPs | ||
Unknown | ||
Claimed Space | ||
Unknown | ||
Alliances Overview |
We are the survivors of Foreign Wars, refugees of fallen Empires, and Nomads of the Universe......... We will rise, we will conquer, we will Raid.
- - *Trujén Alpha +Hirogen+
The +Hirogen+ are a humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant. One hundred and ten thousand years ago they were assimilated by an early version of the Borg. They became a nomadic race of hunters, devoting their culture towards the theory of "a strong offense is the best defense".
We are +Hirogen+, you will lower your shields, and deactivate your weapons. You goods and supplies will be added to our Inventory, your bones will decorate the Halls of our Trophy Rooms. Resistance is welcome, We await the Hunt!
Contents |
+Hirgoen Raiding Laws+
"And the rules are, unless we have a treaty with you, you're fair game. We don't care if our members raid you. The only restrictions are......"
- 1) No bashing (Raiding multiple times in a short span)
- 2) No taking of resources vital to a colony's survival (Food and deut) unless supplies are so significant that taking of a portion would not result in the colony's demise within a reasonable amount of time.
- 3) No destruction of Colony HQs or buildings not related to defense or beam protection.
- 4) No destruction of non-combat ships UNLESS the ship was firing on a raider vessel.
+Hirogen Titles+
- Alpha:Leader, Head of Alliance
- Beta:Second, Trusted Right Hand of Alpha
- Marauder:Military Head, leader of Hunters and Pirates
- Pirate:Raider and Trader, a scourge of the Galaxy
- Hunter:Raider, Huntsmen; this is the primary title for any +Hirogen+
- Trader:+Hirogen+ Trading Official
- Diplomat:Diplomatic Officer of the Alliance
- Greenfoot:Hunter Apprentice, beginner member
+Hirogen Philosophy+
Philosophy and lifestyle is almost totally based around one major activity: hunting. The hunt is the most important part of Hirogen life, and absorbs most of Hirogen activity. Prey which put up a struggle before they are killed in the hunt are considered "worthy prey". The Hirogen think that these prey make better trophies. The weaker, less cunning prey are considered pathetic prey, and give no satisfaction or challenge to the hunt. To get food, it is speculated that the Hirogen eat their prey. It is also apparent that the Hirogen like to learn as much as possible about their prey if they are captured alive.
+The Beginning+
Trujen leaned over the railing with a ragged sigh, the heat from the molten rock below blasting any moisture on his brow into oblivion. His shoulders heaved, the unfamiliar metal armor clinking as joints slid and separated to match the subtle movements of his body. He couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship and technical genius behind the armor when he first donned it. The built-in cooling kept him comfortable despite the searing heat atop this hellish volcano, whereas his old Klingon uniform would have cooked him like a Terran turkey in fry oil. He knew Bijik had warned him of Mo'rogA's harsh temperatures, but he was still unprepared for the reality. "No...not Mo'rogA," Trujen said to himself. It was likely that all of the House's holdings would have to be renamed. A clean split. As the glassed soil crunched behind him, Trujen turned to see Guy approach him up the trail, wearing a similar metallic armor. "You picked a hell of a place for a ceremony." "Hey, you want someplace cool and comfortable? Go join the Federation." Trujen smirked a little as he shifted his gaze back to the bubbling cauldron. Guy leaned on the railing, turning to his longtime ally. " sure about this?" Trujen's face turned serious once again. "Yes...I am." "Hmm..." Neither one of them had to tell the other of the long simmering frustrations they had with the Empire. As the empire absorbed attack after attack from outside enemies, the Klingon Empire responded with words and plots. Emperor Caesar had become little more than a figurehead, leader in name only who was never there when his people needed him. A figurehead emperor, controlled behind the scenes by a human. "Trust me, old friend. This is the only answer." Trujen clamped his hand on Guy's shoulder, giving it a firm shake. Additional crunches announced the arrival of the other members of the House of Guy. Bijik, annoyed to be back here so soon after leaving this forsaken hellball, winced his nose at the smell of the sulfur. Slar followed behind. Her green scaly skin crackled in the heat, something she personally relished, although her expressionless face framed by her opaque eyes would never betray such an emotion. Behind her followed Dred. He was carrying a bag of sandwiches and seemed none too pleased about it. He announced his arrival to the summit by throwing them into the volcano, much to the disappointment of all present. All three were wearing the same armor. Trujen cleared his throat, his companions now assembled before him. "I do not like long speeches," he shouted over the wind. "so I will just say this. We will not be prey, who hide behind words and tricks." "We will be hunters!" With that, Trujen raised his dk'tagh, the ceremonial dagger of a Klingon warrior. To a Klingon, his dk'tagh was the very personification of his honor and loyalty to the Empire. With a loud roar, Trujen hurled his dk'tagh into the inferno, watching the worn steel melt into nothingness. Taking a moment to collect the impact of his decision, Trujen turned once again to the others. "If you wish to leave now, do so. I will not think ill of you for it." Almost as if on command, the others each threw their own dk'taghs into the volcano, one by one. The deed was done. The pact, complete. "Very well...Bijik, have the arrangements been made?" The junior captain nodded. "Yes, Alpha. The So'na's price was steep, but he is standing by to serve those who wish to have their appearance altered." Slar snorted her disgust at the idea. "Well, I suppose at least one of us won't make the full transfer. No matter." Trujen stood before his assembled comrades, his hunters as a pillar of flame erupted behind him. "We are hunters! We are the Hirogen!"
- *Trujén Alpha +Hirogen+ (11486)
- *Guy Marauder .i.. +Hirogen+ (13591)
- *Bijik Beta +Hirogen+ (24309)
- *Dred Diplomat +Hirogen+ (15088)
- *Katass"Gorn" Trader +Hirogen+ (17413)
- Wookinator Hunter +Hirogen+ (10072)
- *Zero Pirate +Hirogen+ (19086)
- Rick Greenfoot +Hirogen+Dred (37400)
- *Relinth Hunter +Hirogen+ (27979)
- Phantom Greenfoot +Hirogen+ (27981)
- Pablo Greenfoot +Hirogen+ (25128)
- Ki'Tal Male Nurse +Hirogen+ (38027)
- Tarnia Greenfoot +Hirogen+ (39711)
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