Player:Captain LT

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Captain LT


(Copied from in-game profile)

Captain LT is a neutral player. Not interested in any form of conflict.

- Do NOT enter orbit at any of our colonies without Captain LT's permission. We value our privacy.
- I'm currently not looking for an alliance, but invitations are always welcome.
- I will not knowingly trespass on your turf, but if I accidentally do, please hail me.
- Watch out! I'm a noob! Erratic behavior! Shields up! O_O' (Just kidding, stand down red alert, you dumbass...)
- I eat many things for breakfast: orphans, gods, cops, vegetarians, non-admins with a superiority complex, fat pizza,
certain alloys, Pittsburgh and most of all people who choose to feel insulted and people who can't stand a forking joke :)

Name: LT
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Date of birth: Stardate 34910.43 (April 21st 2357)
Place of birth: The Netherlands, Earth, Sol system

Rank: Captain
Alliance: (None)

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Wiki editor

Captain LT is also active as a STNE wiki editor. Translations from German to English, addition of new pages, maintaining pages and correction of typo's.