HTML Formatting

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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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HTML Formatting is used a lot within STNE - especially for players who like to RP - and even for those that don't its still needed to change the formatting of your player name. Obviously not all HTML tags are permitted within STNE, those which can be used are listed on this page.



Bold, Underlining and Italics

These are probably the simplest type of HTML formatting.

To make something bold include it in <b></b> tags. For example:

Code: <b>This text should be bold</b>
Result: This text should be bold

Both underlining and italics are very similar, to underline something it must be included in tags and to show text in italics it should be in tags. For example

Code: <u>This text should be underlined</u>
Result: This text should be underlined

Code: <i>This text should be in italics</i>
Result: This text should be in italics

Changing Text Colours

Indenting and Bullet Pointing


Other Formatting Tags

Flash (Video and Music)

Player, Alliance, Ship and Colony Names

Links to Chat