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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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=Outcast= (122)
Date Founded
Method of Government: Democratic
Current Leader(s): Evil*SpaWn =Outcast=
Former Leader(s): Phiro Blacksheep=Outcast=
Significant Allies
Galactic Republic (Foundation)
None Known
Claimed Space
Alliances Overview


=Outcast= was considered one the most vicious alliances on the EN1 server, founded in the interest of blatant violence and piracy brought together some of biggest names to inhabit EN1 galaxy. The concept got popular across other worlds, so more and more species joined Outcast to organise their murder and misery on as many aliens as possible which sadly led to there demise.

As Outcast intends to take the needs of all members into account on a base of equal rights, the hierarchy strangely was extremely democratic very often waiting to here all ideas before executing any ideas ,attack|raids

The alliance is made up mostly of older players, many of whom come from significant positions in other alliances throughout STNE many of the older members originated from its sister alliance Choam but as the lust for blood grew ever stronger the two alliances drifted further apart'.

The alliance held significant strength, both militarily and economically and are strong allies with Galactic Republic, after merging with them for a brief time. Their own strength combined with that of Galactic Republic ensures they very rarely come under attack..