Neutral Zone

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Neutral Zone.png
The Neutral Zone
Controlled By: Neutral
(Romulan, Klingon and Federation
Outposts located in the region)
Quadrant: Beta Quadrant
Locations of Significance within this region

The Neutral Zone, also known as the Romulan Demilitarized Zone is an area of space covering 8828 sectors, which marks the Romulan-Federation and Romulan-Klingon borders. The zone was formed after the Earth-Romulan war which took place between the years 2156 and 2160, in which Earth, Vulcan, Tellar and the Andorian Empire fought against the Romulan Star Empire. The zone stayed in place after the founding of the United Federation of Planets and was extended to include the Romulan-Klingon Border at a later date.

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