Alliance:Vulcan Science & Military Incorporated

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Vulcan Science and Military Incorporated (312)
Date Founded
Feb 2010
Method of Government: de facto military government
Current Leader(s): The Administrator

The Deputy Administrator

The Assistant Administrator

Other members of the Vulcan High Command

Former Leader(s): Sudak, Nano
Significant Allies
Commonwealth of Humanist Ideals (256)
Guardians of Khitomer (344)
None Known
Claimed Space
Alliances Overview

...::::|:: ALLIANCE DESCRIPTION ::|::::...

Vulcan Science and Military Incorporated (VSMI) is a well-established alliance whose strict adherence to logic and reason allow them to hold on to their remarkable stoicism no matter the circumstances. They seek economic prosperity and peaceful relations with all. Unparalleled in their capacity to work as a team, the helpful and friendly nature of VSMI is uniquely friendly in a hostile galaxy. They are exceptionally good at tutoring new colonists and curate an expansive database of colony plans, detailed maps and supplemental documentation of game mechanics. If you want to join, contact a member of the Vulcan High Command - they are always looking forward to getting to know new colonists and prospective alliance members. In game, visit the VSMI alliance overview in "Database" -> "Alliances" or "Communication" -> "Alliances".

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