Extraction Ship

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Repair Ship

Repair Ship

Classification: Civillian Ship
Classification: Ship
Repair Vessel
Slots: 2
Minimum Crew: 10
Maximum Crew: 25
Hull 50
Armor: 0
Shields 20
Deflector 30
EPS Limit 82
Reserve Batteries 411
Reactor Performance 58 {}
Core Capacity 2400
Flight Range 55
Flight Cost 1.5
Cargo Capacity 350
Beam Capacity 10
Phaser n/a
Disruptor n/a
Disruptor Heating n/a
Torpedos n/a
Torpedo Tubes n/a
Torpedo Dodge n/a
Replicator yes
Warp Drive n/a
Solar Cells n/a
Bussard Collectors None
LRS Range 2
Docking Spaces n/a
Tractor Beam Blocker n/a
Construction Costs
5 Ticks
68 Energy
154 Plasteel
162 Duranium
58 Deuterium
8 DilithiumMbr>14 Tritanium

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