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STNE is a Strategy and Role Play Game. You can play here.

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Beaming (or transporting) describes the process of moving goods, crew, energy, or warp fuel from one ship to another, or from a colony to a ship (or vice versa) by a process of dematerialising the item from one location and then rematerialising it in another, for beaming energy is necessary, however if the ship is docked to the ship it is transporting from, or when transporting from a colony with a Space Elevator, transporting has no energy cost.

Beaming with Ships

You can beam goods from your ship to any other ships or planets if your ship meets the following criteria:

The number of goods you can transfer from or to the ship per unit of energy is dependant on the ships beam capacity. For example if 45 plasteel was being beamed by an AntaresB class ship (which has 30 beam capacity) it would cost 1.5 energy to do so, and would also deplete the EPS by 1.5. It is not possible to beam crew, escape pods or user bound items to foreign ships, regardless of whether they are in you alliance, have a trade agreement with you, or even if they have copilot of your ship. Torpedoes can also only be beamed by the owner, regardless of what treaties the other player has with you.

Ship to ship beaming

If you want to beam goods to another ship, you need to be in the same sector and orbit as the ship you want to beam to, with the main computer fully active (not offline or standby). On the SRS next to the ship you wish to beam goods to there should be two symbols, one to beam goods to the ship, and one to beam goods from the ship (it will tell you which is which when you hover your mouse over them).


Ship to Colony Beaming

When beaming to colonies the ship must be in orbit of the corresponding colony. The beam console is next to the planet view.


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