Scripting:Duranium Extractor

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(Created page with "{{menu}} {{ScriptingMenu}} ==Duranium Extractor== On entering this portal, the hosting ship will attempt to tractor all debris fields in the sector and extract Duranium from the...")

Latest revision as of 21:51, 14 June 2012

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Duranium Extractor

On entering this portal, the hosting ship will attempt to tractor all debris fields in the sector and extract Duranium from them. Script created by Glest Durnham


#UseInterface Web, ShipPortal;

If(GuestUser.UserID = MyShip.UserID)
  Var curShip As CShip;
  Var dockedTo As Integer = - 1;
  Var oldQuantity As Integer = 0;
  Var oldTotalQuantity As Integer = MyShip.StockRoom.Amount(EGoodsType.Duranium);
  Var collected As Integer = 0;
  // Loop all ships in the sector
  For (Each curShip In MyShip.SRS)
    // Make sure it's a debris field.
    If (isDebris(curShip))
      // Activate SRS
      If ( NOT MyShip.SRSIsActive)
        log(MyShip.Name & " (NCC " & MyShip.ShipID & ") activated SRS.");
      // Undock
      If (MyShip.Docked)
        dockedTo = MyShip.DockedToShipID;
        If ( NOT MyShip.Docked)
          log(MyShip.Name & " (NCC " & MyShip.ShipID & ") undocked.");
          log(MyShip.Name & " (NCC " & MyShip.ShipID & ") failed to undock.");
      oldQuantity = MyShip.StockRoom.Amount(EGoodsType.Duranium); 
      // Perform the action
      // Calculate the result
      collected = MyShip.StockRoom.Amount(EGoodsType.Duranium) - oldQuantity;
      // Output result
      log("Collected " & collected & " Duranium from " & curShip.Name & " (NCC " & curShip.ShipID & ") .");
  // Calculate the result
  collected = MyShip.StockRoom.Amount(EGoodsType.Duranium) - oldTotalQuantity;
  log("Total: collected " & collected & " Duranium.");
  // Re-dock
  If (dockedTo > - 1)
    If (MyShip.Docked AND MyShip.DockedToShipID = dockedTo)
      log(MyShip.Name & " (NCC " & MyShip.ShipID & ") docked to " & MyShip.DockedTo.Name & " (NCC " & MyShip.DockedToShipID & ").");
      log(MyShip.Name & " (NCC " & MyShip.ShipID & ") failed to redock.");

Function isDebris(ship As CShip) As Boolean
  Return ship.Name.EndsWith(" (destroyed)") OR ship.Name.EndsWith(" (self destroyed)");

Function log(msg As String)
  Response.Add(New CHtmlBreak());
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