Plasma Torpedoes

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8.gif Photon Torpedoes
19.gif Plasma Torpedoes
20.gif Quantum Torpedoes
32.gif Polaron Torpedoes
33.gif Nemesis Torpedoes
34.gif EMP Torpedoes

39.gif Denison
75.gif Chordat
902.gif Boreas

Goods Overview

Weapons Overview
19.gif Plasma Torpedoes
General data
Tradable via Ferengi Trade Exchange No
Produced By Torpedo Factory (2)
Production Costs
For One Torpedo 2 Tritanium
2 Plasma
For Two Torpedoes 4 Tritanium
4 Plasma
Other Requirements 4 Workers
6 Energy
Tactical Data
Hull Damage 24
Shield Damage 24
Energy to fire 3
Torpedoes Overview

Plasma torpedoes

The Plasma torpedo is a torpedo that causes moderate damage. These weapons will not passed on by Starfleet.

Plasma torpedoes need 3 energy to launch and cause 24 damage. The damage is not reduced by atmospheric density.

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