Subspace Portal Basics

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Subspace Portal Basics

Of course, first you must build 2 Subspace Portals, Use a tug to accomplish this.
Second, power them up, standard ship power up applies here.
Third, start charging your deflectors, this creates the worm hole.

Now you must build a transponder for each Portal, you do this in the portal itself. Take each transponder to the opposite gate and install it.

the gates are now operational.

You may also give transponders to allies to install on their gates.

Power: The gates require power equal to the power that it would take to move a given ship the same distance as the worm hole is going to cover. Example, if your ship requires 2 energy to move 1 segment of space and you are going to travel 100 spaces through subspace, the gates will need 200 energy.
70% of that energy is required at the source and 30% at the destination, using the example above the source would use 140 energy, the destination would use 60. The deflectors supply this energy.

Also See:

Subspace Portal Basics