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As far as the Cardassian government was cancelled, Legate Surjak was proclamed Gul-Tar and Emperor of Cardassia to reunite his people and bring glory again on Cardassia, The Cardassian Union had resurfaced stronger than ever.
As far as the Cardassian government was cancelled, Legate Surjak was proclamed Gul-Tar and Emperor of Cardassia to reunite his people and bring glory again on Cardassia, The Cardassian Union had resurfaced stronger than ever.
== Physiology ==
They preferred a darker, hotter, and more humid environment than [[Human]]s. ({{DS9|For the Cause}}) Like other humanoids, their evolution was influenced by the [[Ancient humanoid]]s (cf. {{TNG|The Chase}}).
Externally, Cardassians were easily recognizable by each having light-gray skin, two thick vertical neck ridges that receded back to the crown of their head and an inverted tear-shaped ridge in the center of the forehead. The ridge was thickest immediately above the [[eye]]s, protecting them and creating an especially deep-set appearance. There was also another inverted tear-shaped ridge feature in the center of the Cardassian chest.
On Cardassian females, the ridge in the center of the forehead had a blue coloration, as did the second or third rung down on their neck ridges. They had straight [[hair]] that varied in color from dark brown to the far more common jet black.
Males typically slicked their hair back, while the women had more varying hairstyles. As with Humans, their hair turned white with age. However some male Cardassians (like [[Enabran Tain]]) tended to dye their hair instead of letting it show white. Furthermore, a Cardassian's hearing was not as acute as a Human's. ({{TNG|The Wounded|The Chase}}; {{DS9|Profit and Loss|Cardassians|Distant Voices}})
Cardassian neck ridges were sensitive to touch and massaging them stimulated pleasure. ({{DS9|Profit and Loss}})
The Cardassians were known for their photographic memories, and some even had the ability to resist a [[Vulcan mind meld]]. Medical conditions to which Cardassians were susceptible included the [[Rudellian plague]], [[Coleibric hemorrhage]], [[Kalla-Nohra Syndrome]], [[Pottrik Syndrome]], and [[Yarim Fel Syndrome]]. ({{DS9|The Maquis, Part I}})
Chemically, Cardassians had a toxic reaction to [[cobalt diselenide]], but were immune to the toxic effects of [[trilithium resin]]. ({{DS9|Rules of Engagement|Duet|The Wire|For the Cause|Ties of Blood and Water|For the Uniform}})
{{bginfo|Since scale patterns on Cardassian necks have been shown to change from appearance to appearance (Garak, for example), makeup artist [[Michael Westmore]] theorized in a {{y|2005}} issue of ''Star Trek Insider'' that Cardassians continually shed and regrow scales. See [[Cardassian#Physical Appearance|below]] for more information on the evolution of the Cardassian "look".}}
Like many [[humanoid]] species, Cardassians were able to produce offspring with a variety of [[species]], including [[Bajoran]]s and [[Kazon]]. Dukat was known to have two [[Hybrid|half Bajoran]] children, including [[Tora Ziyal]] and another with [[Mika]]. Additionally, [[Seska]] had a son with the Kazon [[Culluh]] while stranded in the [[Delta Quadrant]].
It is also possible that Humans and Cardassians were able to cross-breed, as Seska nearly convinced [[Chakotay]] the child was his. Furthermore, [[Gilora Rejal]] was willing to bear [[Miles O'Brien]]'s children, convinced he wished to pursue a relationship with her.

Revision as of 03:35, 6 August 2010

Cardassian Union
Government Type: Representative Democracy (de jure)
Authoritarian Regime (de facto)
Date of Establishment: n/a
Membership: Independent
Homeworld: Cardassia Prime
Race: Cardassianer
Technology Level: 8
Player ID: 9
Server ID: 1
Played By: {{{Played By}}}

The Cardassians were a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. They were native to the planet Cardassia Prime, capital world of the Cardassian Union. Known throughout the Alpha Quadrant for their ruthlessness, the Cardassians became one of the greatest enemies of the United Federation of Planets and Klingon Empire when they joined the Dominion in 2373. Their xenophobic attitude towards other species was well established throughout the quadrant after the Setlik III massacre during the Cardassian War, as well as when their atrocities during the Occupation of Bajor were revealed after their withdrawal in 2369.

Early History:

A long time ago The Cardassian Union was formed under a treaty that established a power-sharing agreement between the Cardassian Central Command and the Obsidian Order. Friction always existed between the two organizations as the Central Command worked to expand the reaches of the Union and the Obsidian Order worked to suppress it.

The civilian Detapa Council was established to serve as the chief governing body between the two branches, however, in practice, the Council was virtually powerless.

Following the fall of the Obsidian Order, shortly before stardate 49011, the Council, along with the Cardassian dissident movement, overthrew the Central Command, and established control over the government.

Gul Dukat served as chief military advisor to the Council following the revolution. The Klingon Empire believed the coup to have been engineered by the Dominion, and used it as a reason to invade the Union in the Klingon-Cardassian War.

The Klingon-Cardassian War was a two-year conflict between the Klingon Empire and the Cardassian Union , that devastated the Cardassian state and paved the way for its absorption into the Dominion. The manipulation of the Klingons into launching their unprovoked attack on the Cardassians and its lasting consequences would prove to be one of the greatest coups of Changeling infiltration in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

The coup was in fact successful due to the collapse of the Obsidian Order after the Battle of the Omarion Nebula. This war devastated Cardassian infrastructure, with a great loss of life and territory.

In 2373, the Dominion suddenly invaded the Alpha Quadrant with dozens of ships coming through the Bajoran wormhole, there was when Gul Dukat secretly negotiated an alliance with The Dominion and made Cardassia an official member of The Dominion, there was only a few weeks prior the Dominion's entry of the Alpha Quadrant.

The Detapa Council became completely powerless with Cardassia formally annexed and Dukat as the designated leader of the Cardassians

With the Cardassian Union borders returned to their pre-war state, Dukat had successfully raised the Union to be a first-rate power in the Alpha Quadrant. However, Dukat's personal ambitions, combined with the Founders' desire to bring order to the galaxy, meant that an interstellar war was inevitable.

The escalation of hostilities was growing over the months, these events led to start a full-scale war against all major forces in the Alpha Quadrant, that war was known as the Dominion War..

The faith of Gul Dukat, the Dominion and Cardassia is well known across the galaxy, while initially the alliance with the Dominion seemed to be beneficial to Cardassia, in the long run it resulted in an exponential loss of life. Near the end of the Dominion War, Cardassia Prime was struck by Jem'Hadar raids and orbital bombardment from the Dominion and Breen forces in orbit of the planet, which attempted to wipe out the Cardassian species entirely for their betrayal.

By the end of the Dominion War, Cardassia Prime was devastated by orbital bombardment and Jem'Hadar raids by the Dominion, who wished to wipe out the Cardassian species for their betrayal. Over eight hundred million men, women and children were slaughtered in the planet-wide genocide.

The Reborn Of An Empire:

Following the Dominion War, the Cardassian Union was occupied by the Federation, as well as the Klingon and Romulan Empires.

Time has passed and wounds have healed, after the destruction of our world by Dominion and the humiliation of the occupation of our homeworld by Federation who positioned Legat Takud to control of the Government.

Legat Takud and some within the reconstructed Detapa Council in collaboration with part of the occupation forces leaders, had conspired to create a reign of terror in the galaxy.

They hoped to unleash their destructive power against civilizations by assassination and the destruction. But the aims of would-be tyrants were valiantly opposed by those without elitist.

In those dark times, a young idealist Cardassian, Surjak entered in the Cardassian Guard and become in a powerfull militar.

Once he was proclamed "Legate" and was on command of the Cardassian Militia 41, Legate Surjak work in the shadows to bring back The Obsidian Order and to overthrow Legat Takud to bring back Cardassians the glory of yesteryear.

This war crimes provoked by Legat Takud caused discontent among the Cardassian people, reached that point the situation was untenable.

Legate Surjak lead his loyal troops to Lakarian City where led the Cardassian people into a sucessfully revolt against the rotten government.

Once the troops entered on the government sector and captured Legat Takud and his collaborators, the reign of terror was terminated.

As far as the Cardassian government was cancelled, Legate Surjak was proclamed Gul-Tar and Emperor of Cardassia to reunite his people and bring glory again on Cardassia, The Cardassian Union had resurfaced stronger than ever.

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